Sep 22, 1895
Born in Tottenham, ON to John and
Annie (nee English) Anderson
March 10, 1916
Attested in 157th
Battalion CEF (Simcoe Foresters) in Tottenham, ON
Number 643691
Next of kin given as his mother Mrs.
John Anderson of Tottenham, ON
Previous occupation given as a Clerk
in a dry good store
States no previous military experience
but is in an active militia at present
Religion given as Methodist
Jul 18, 1916
Forfeits 1 day pay for being A.W.L.
(Absent without leave)
Sep 20, 1916
Forfeits 4 days pay for being A.W.L.
from Sep 20,1916 to Sep 23, 1916
Oct 17, 1916
Embarked the S.S. Cameronia in
Halifax, N.S.
Oct 28, 1916
Arrived and disembarked in Liverpool,
Dec 8, 1916
Transferred and T.O.S. (taken on
strength) to the 125th Battalion in Witley
Jan 2, 1917
Private Anderson is diagnosed in
Bramshott, England, with flat feet and given medical category
“B” meaning not fit for general service but fit for
certain classes of service overseas or in the British Isles. S.O.S.
(struck off strength) from the 125th battalion
and T.O.S. to the CCAC (Canadian Casualty Assembly Centre) and attached
to the 125th Battalion for D.D.P. (Discipline,
Duty and Pay)
Mar 20, 1917
Posted to the 2nd
C.O.R.D. (Central Ontario Regimental Depot)
Mar 22, 1917
T.O.S. and detailed to Depot Company
in East Sandling
Apr 28, 1917
Transferred to the 2nd
Reserve Battalion in East Sandling
Jun 4, 1917
S.O.S., transferred and T.O.S. to the 164th
Battalion in East Sandling
Mar 8, 1918
Attached to the 119th
Battalion in Witley
Mar 28, 1918
Private Anderson ceases to be attached
to the 125th on transfer to the 21st
Mar 30, 1918
Arrived at the No. 2 CIBD (Canadian
Infantry Reserve Battalion) in Etaples, France and is T.O.S. to the 21st
Mar 31, 1918
Left for and arrives at Canadian Corps
Rein Camp in Aubin St. Vaast, France
Apr 1, 1918
S.O.S. from the 21st
Battalion on transfer to the C.M.G. (Canadian Machine Gun Corps)
reinforcement pool while still at the reinforcement camp and before he
could join the 21st Battalion at the front
Apr 2, 1918
T.O.S. to the C.M.G.R. Pool
Apr 11, 1918
Transferred to the 3rd
Battalion C.M.G.C.
Apr 12, 1918
T.O.S. 3rd
Battalion Canadian Machine Gun Corps west of Lens, France from the
M.G.R. Pool
Jul 20, 1918
Admitted to the 10th
C.F.A. (Canadian Field Ambulance) for P.U.O. (Pyrexia or fever of
unknown origin) aka Trench Fever
Jul 23, 1918
Transferred to the 6th
Stationary Hospital, Frevent, France
Jul 25, 1918
Transferred via the No. 5 A.T.
(Ambulance Train) and admitted to the No. 8 General Hospital in Rouen,
Aug 1, 1918
Transferred to the 73rd
General Hospital, Trouville, France
Aug 13, 1918
Transferred to the 14th
Convalescent Depot, Trouville, France
Sep 2, 1918
Discharged to Base Details, Etaples,
Sep 4, 1918
Joined the base details from
Convalescent Depot
Sep 11, 1918
Joined CCRC (Canadian Corps
Reinforcement Camp) in Aubin St. Vaast, France from Base
Sep 24, 1918
Left for and rejoined the 3rd
Battalion Canadian Machine Gun Corps near Warlus, France
Nov 18, 1918
Admitted to 57th
C.C.S. (casualty clearing station) via the 8th
C.F.A. for I.C.T.
(Inflammation of the connective tissue) of the Right Thumb
Nov 21, 1918
Transferred via 16 A.T. to the 22nd
General Hospital, Camiers, France
Nov 23, 1918
Admitted to the 22nd
General Hospital
Dec 7, 1918
Transferred to the 6th
C.D. (Convalescent Depot) Etaples, France
Dec 9, 1918
Transferred to the 10th
Convalescent Depot
Dec 12, 1918
Discharged from hospital and reported
to the Canadian Infantry Base Depot in Etaples
Dec 29, 1918
Transferred to England and S.O.S. to
the C.M.G. Pool in Seaford
Jan 1, 1919
On Command to the 3rd
CCD (Canadian Command Depot) in Seaford
Jan 27, 1919
Sentenced to 5 days CB (Confined to
Barracks) and forfeits 5 days pay for being A.W.L. from Jan 21 to Jan
Feb 4, 1919
Restricted pay for 3 months
Feb 11, 1919
Ceases to be attached to the 3rd
CCD and is S.O.S. to no. 2 “M
Wing”, Kinmel Park, Wales
Feb 22, 1919
Struck off Strength on return Canada
at Rhyl
Feb 23, 1919
Embarked the S.S. Belgic in Liverpool,
England for Canada
Mar 2, 1919
Disembarked in Halifax, Nova Scotia
and proceeded to Toronto, Ontario
Mar 6, 1919
Private Anderson is granted leave from
March 6 to March 20th
Mar 27, 1919
Discharged in Toronto, ON, No.2
Military District Depot
Rank on discharge Private
War Service Class Badge issued number
Proposed residence on discharge
Tottenham, Ontario
Following his
discharge, the British War and Victory Medals were sent to him at 104
Grace Street, Toronto, Ontario
Jun 9, 1921
Married Martha Pearl Peaker in
Toronto, Ontario. His
occupation was listed as Clerk and her occupation was a bookkeeper
Sept 10, 1987
Wilfred died on this day in Toronto
and is buried, along with his wife, at the Schomberg Union Cemetery,
ON, Canada
