Walter John Baker

Aug 15, 1884

Born in Winchester, Ontario to John and Annabelle (nee Merkley) Baker


Oct 25, 1911

Married to Della Maud Dillabough in Williamsburg, Ontario


Mar 3, 1916

Officer’s Declaration on enlistment in the 154th Battalion at Chesterville, Ontario

Ø  Rank Lieutenant

Ø  Next of kin Della Maude Baker, wife, Chesterville, Ontario

Ø  Previous occupation given as Farmer

Ø  Previous military experience given as 59th Stormont and Glengarry Regiment since 1898

Ø  Religion given as Methodist

The battalion trained in the Barriefield Camp, Kingston, Ontario


Apr 24, 1916

Promoted to the rank of Captain


Aug 2, 1916

Proceeded to the School of Musketry in Ottawa


Aug 26, 1916

Rejoined the battalion from the School of Musketry


Oct 25, 1916

Embarked the SS Mauretania in Halifax, Nova Scotia



Oct 31, 1916

Disembarked in Liverpool, England and the battalion proceeded to Bramshott to continue training


Jan 31, 1917

Transferred to the newly formed 6th Reserve Battalion in East Sandling.


Mar 2, 1917

The 6th Reserve Battalion moved to Seaford to continue training reinforcements for the front


Jun 15, 1917

Reverted to the rank of Lieutenant


Jul 23, 1917

Attached to the OTB (Officer Training Battalion)


Aug 21, 1917

Rejoined the 6th Reserve Battalion from the Officer Training Battalion


Aug 24, 1917

Transferred to the 21st Battalion


Aug 26, 1917

Arrived at the No. 2 CIBD (Canadian Infantry Base Depot) in Etaples, France and Taken On Strength of the 21st Battalion


Aug 30, 1917

After leaving the base depot, Lieut Baker joined the 21st Battalion resting in Villers au Bois, France


Sep 27, 1917

Proceeded on course


Oct 27, 1917

Rejoined the battalion in Caestre, France


Nov 11, 1917

While on a work party just west of Passchendaele, Belgium, Lieut Baker received a through and through bullet wound to his left leg and he was evacuated to the No. 3 Australian Field Ambulance for first aid before being transported to the No. 10 CCS (Casualty Clearing Station)


Horizontal shadow in X-Ray shows the path of the bullet



Nov 14, 1917

Transferred to the No. 1 Canadian Red Cross Hospital (Duchess of Westminster Hospital) in Le Touquet, France


Nov 21, 1917

Invalided to England aboard the Hospital Ship Stad Antwerpen


On arrival in England, he was admitted to the Prince of Wales Hospital in Marylebone, London

Transferred to the EORD (Eastern Ontario Regimental Depot) for pay purposes while in hospital


Jan 12, 1918

Surgery performed to drain and clean infected tissue


Mar 25, 1918

Embarked the Hospital Ship Llandovery Castle in Liverpool



Apr 7, 1918

Disembarked in Halifax, Nova Scotia and proceeded to Kingston, Ontario and Taken On Strength of 1st Depot Battalion Eastern Ontario Regimental Depot


Dec 31, 1918

Discharged from the CEF in Kingston, Ontario

Ø  Rank on discharge Lieutenant

Ø  Entitled to War Service Badge Class “A”

Ø  Proposed residence on discharge Chesterville, Ontario

Following his discharge, the British War Medal and Victory Medals were sent to him at 65 Charles St., W., Toronto, Ontario


Jun 15, 1920

Promoted to the rank of Captain with the 59th Stormont Dundas and Glengarry Highlander Regiment


Jan 10, 1967

Walter John Baker died in Ottawa, Ontario and was buried in the Maple Ridge Cemetery, Maple Ridge, Ontario




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