Jan 29, 1898
Born at
Edinburgh, Scotland
Mar 30, 1912
Embarked the SS
Scotian at Glasgow Scotland as a Home Child with the Quarrier’s Orphanage

Apr 8, 1912
Disembarked at
Halifax Nova Scotia and proceeded to the Fairknowe Home for orphaned children, Box 437,
Brockville, Ontario, initially opened by Mr William Quarrier from Scotland. This home was eventually operated by the Quarrier’s
He stayed
here until taken into the Claude Winters family home near Selby Ontario as a ward, and
employed on the family farm.
Below are 2 photos of the Fairknowe Home, on the left as it was in
1911 and on the right as it stood in 2011

Apr 17, 1917
Attested into
the 1st Reinforcing Draft of the 156th Battalion at Brockville
Ø Number 2255358
Ø Next of kin given as Claude A Winters, Guardian, of Fairknowe,
Brockville Ontario
Ø Previous occupation given as Farm Worker
Ø No previous military experience given
Ø Religion given as Methodist
May 25, 1917
Pte Ballantyne made
out a will leaving his estate to the Quarrier’s Orphans Home, at Bridge-of-Weir, Scotland
May 26, 1917
Transferred to
the 254th Battalion
Jun 2, 1917
Embarked the RMS
Olympic at Halifax Nova Scotia

Jun 9, 1917
Disembarked at
Liverpool England and proceeded to the Seaford Camp
Jun 10, 1917
The Battalion
was absorbed into the 6th Reserve Battalion at Seaford
Apr 11, 1918
Transferred to
the 21st Battalion and arrived at the No 2 CIBD (Canadian Infantry Base Depot)
at Etaples France.
TOS (Taken On
Strength) the 21st Battalion
Apr 14, 1918
Left No 2 CIBD
to for the reinforcement camp
Apr 16, 1918
Arrived at the
CC Rein C (Canadian Corps Reinforcement Camp) at Calonne Ricouart with 8 other
reinforcements for the 21st Battalion
Apr 21, 1918
Joined the 21st
Battalion in the support trenches at Neuville Vitasse and was assigned to “D”
Aug 8, 1918
During the
attack at Marcelcave, east of Amiens, Pte Ballantyne was first reported to be Missing in
Action, then was later found to have been Killed in Action

Corner Cemetery
Villers-Bretonneux France
Following the war the British War Medal
and Victory Medals were sent to Miss Quarrier, c/o Quarrier Orphan Homes, Bridge-of-Weir,
No Plaque,
Scroll or Memorial Cross were issued as he had no known relatives
During the Remembrance Day ceremonies in 2008, Veteran's Affairs Canada conducted a vigil
each night for the week leading up to November 11. This vigil consisted of
projecting the names of every Canadian soldier who is listed with the Commonwealth War
Graves Commission on various buildings and monuments across Canada, and in London
England. The photo below shows Pte Robert Ballantyne's name being projected on the
outside wall of Canada House in London England.
