Feb 29, 1891
Born at London Ontario
Dec 26, 1914
Attestation form filled in at Brandon Manitoba
on joining the 45th Battalion
Ø Number 424103
Ø Next of Kin given as Mr William Balsdon (father) of Lavenham Manitoba
Ø Previous occupation given as “Farm Labourer”
Ø No previous military experience given
Ø Religion given as Church of England
o It should be noted that there were no entries on the medical portion
for height, hair or eye colour, girth or expansion
Also of note is that the date on the medical
portion is February 24, 1916, 14 months after the front of the form was dated and 1 month
after joining the 21st Battalion in the field
It should also be noted that the Oath section,
along with the 2 spots for the Officer Commanding to sign were left blank, no signatures,
front or back.
Strangely, Leslie Balsdon signed in the
appropriate places and his signature is witnessed by GW Trollope, who was the Orderly Room
Clerk with the 21st Battalion in Kingston in December 1914, and
I suspect one of two things has happened
here, either there were no Attestation papers filled in when he presented himself for
service, or if they were filled in, they were lost. In
either of those cases, replacement papers were filled in later in 1916 when he joined the
21st Battalion in the field for records purposes.
Jun 1, 1915
Embarked the SS Grampian at Montreal for
England with a draft from the 44th Battalion

Jun 9, 1915
Disembarked at Devonport England
Jun 10, 1915
Transferred to the 9th Reserve
Battalion at Shornecliffe
Jan 19, 1916
Sent in a draft from the 9th
Reserve Battalion to the 21st Battalion
Jan 20, 1916
TOS (Taken On Strength) the 21st
Battalion at CCRD (Canadian Corps Reinforcement Camp) France
Feb 2, 1916
Left CCRC to join unit
Feb 3, 1916
Joined the 21st Battalion in the
Apr 2, 1916
Killed in Action. He is commemorated on the Memorial at the Menin
Gate in Ypres Belgium, Panel 10 - 26 - 28
From the Casualty form in his file
“Killed in action while on a bombing attack, body not yet recovered from
Jun 1, 1920
Memorial Cross sent to his mother at Lavenham
Dec 13, 1920
Scroll sent to his father at Lavenham Manitoba
Nov 29, 1921
Death Plaque, along with the British War Medal
and Victory Medal were sent to his father at Lavenham Manitoba