Sep 13, 1893
Born at Macon
Georgia, USA
Feb 12, 1915
Attested into
the 39th Battalion at Belleville Ontario
Ø Number 412084
Ø Next of kin given as William Barran (brother) of 62 Symington Ave,
Toronto Ontario
o There is also a note in the file that in case of death to notify Miss
M. McCormick (fiancée) of General Delivery, Trenton Ontario
Ø Previous occupation given as Machinist
Ø No previous military experience given
Ø Religion given as Church of England
Ø Assigned to Headquarters Company as Orderly Room Clerk
Apr 22, 1915
Admitted to
Belleville Hospital with a diagnosis of S.M. Carrier.
(Somatomedin Carrier) which is a human growth hormone
There is no further explanation as
to symptoms or treatment
May 3, 1915
Discharged to
duty from hospital
Jun 24, 1915
Embarked the SS
Missanabie at Montreal Quebec

Jul 4, 1915
Disembarked at
Plymouth England and proceeded to Shorncliffe Camp
At some time after arrival in England the Battalion was designated as
the 39th Reserve Battalion.
Jul 29, 1915
Appointed to
rank of Lance Cpl
Aug 11, 1915
Appointed to
rank of Acting Cpl
Oct 6, 1915
Appointed to
rank of Lance Sgt
Nov 13, 1915
Will made out
leaving his estate to his fiancée, Miss M. McCormick, c/o General Delivery Trenton
Dec 4, 1915
Appointed to be
Orderly Room Sgt with rank of Acting Sgt
Dec 6, 1915
Admitted to
Moore Barracks Hospital, Shorncliffe, with Influenza
Dec 10, 1915
Discharged from
hospital to duty
Dec 31, 1915
Granted leave
until January 6, 1916
Jan 4, 1917
SOS (Struck Off
Strength) 39th Reserve Battalion on being posted to the 6th Reserve
The 39th Reserve Battalion was disbanded at this time with
the men being posted to the 6th Reserve Battalion at Seaford
Feb 24, 1917
Name Brought to
Notice of the Secretary of War for Valuable Services Rendered in connection with the war
as per WO (War Office) List 24217
Apr 17, 1917
Placed On
Command to the Overseas Conducting Party to escort troops to France
Apr 20, 1917
Returned to duty
from the Conducting Party
Jun 4, 1917
Ceases to draw
Clerk’s pay
Jun 19, 1917
Reverts to rank
of Pte at own request in order to proceed to France
Joined a
draft being sent to the 21st Battalion
Jun 20, 1917
Arrived at 2
CIBD (Canadian Infantry Base Depot) at Havre France
TOS (Taken On
Strength) the 21st Battalion
Jul 7, 1917
Left CIBD for 2nd
Entrenching Battalion
Jul 8, 1917
Joined the 2nd
Entrenching Battalion in the field
Aug 20, 1917
Joined the 21st
Battalion in the field
The Battalion was in billets at
Fosse 10, resting and re-equipping after the fighting at Hill 70, where they suffered 271
casualties from all ranks out of a total 557 all ranks who were involved, a 48% casualty
Nov 9, 1917
Admitted to No 6
CFA (Canadian Field Ambulance) with shrapnel wounds to right hip. He was transferred the same day to No 3 Australian
CCS (Casualty Clearing Station)
Pte Barran was part of a working party that suffered many casualties
when an artillery shell landed in their midst. The
same shell explosion killed Lt JF Maloney
Nov 12, 1917
Transferred via
No 21 AT (Ambulance Transport)
Nov 13, 1917
Admitted to No 1
South Africa General Hospital at Abbeville
Nov 25, 1917
Transferred to
No 5 Convalescent Depot at Cayeux
Dec 16. 1917
and posted to “A” Company for those convalescing from wounds
Dec 29, 1917
Arrived at CCRC
(Canadian Corps Reinforcement Camp)
Jan 21, 1918
Rejoined the 21st
Battalion from the CCRC
The Battalion was in the Support
Trenches at La Coulotte
Mar 3, 1918
Granted 14 days
Mar 19, 1918
Returned to duty
from leave
Apr 2, 1918
Admitted to No 6
CFA with a gun shot wound to head. Transferred
same day to the CCS. Due to severity of
wound, was transferred immediately to No 3 Canadian Stationary Hospital at Doullens.
This occurred
during fighting at Neuville Vitasse.
Reported by
the No 3 Canadian Stationary Hospital at Doullens to have died of his wounds

Doullens Communal Cemetery
Somme France
Dec 13, 1920
Plaque and
Scroll sent to his brother William Barran at Lambton Mills Ontario
There was no
Memorial Cross issued as his mother had predeceased him, and he was still single
Jan 10, 1923
British War
Medal and Victory Medal sent to his fiancée, Miss M. McCormick, c/o General Delivery
Trenton Ontario