Apr 1, 1898
Born to
Frederick Augustus and Annie Maria (nee Wilcox) Barrow at Swansea Wales
Jul 16, 1910
Embarked the SS
Dominion at Liverpool England with his parents and siblings

Jul 25, 1910
Disembarked at
Montreal Quebec and proceeded to Ingersoll Ontario
Jan 30, 1916
Attested into
the 168th Battalion at Ingersoll Ontario
Ø Number 675421
Ø Next of kin given as Annie Barrow, mother, of Ingersoll Ontario
Ø Previous occupation given as Labourer
Ø No previous military experience given
Ø Religion given as Church of England
The Ingersoll
Company initially was in barracks and trained in Ingersoll
Jun 1, 1916
The 168th
Battalion moved to London Ontario for further training.
From here, they proceeded to Camp Borden for more training.
Jun 9, 1916
Reported to be
AWL (Absent Without Leave) at 10 pm
Jun 14, 1916
Reported for
duty at 10 pm
Jun 16, 1916
Sentenced to 10
days detention for his absence
Jun 28, 1916
Admitted to a
London Hospital diagnosed with Tonsillitis
Jul 6, 1916
Discharged to
duty from hospital
Oct 30, 1916
Embarked the SS
Lapland at Halifax Nova Scotia

Nov 11, 1916
Disembarked at
Liverpool England and proceeded to the West Sandling Camp, near Hythe Kent
Dec 5, 1916
The 168th
Battalion was absorbed into the 39th Reserve Battalion at West Sandling Camp
Jan 4, 1917
The 39th
Reserve Battalion was absorbed into the newly formed 6th Reserve Battalion at
Feb 1, 1917
Posted to the 21st
Feb 2, 1917
Arrived at the
CBD (Canadian Base Depot) at the Rouelles Camp at Havre France and was TOS (Taken On
Strength) the 21st Battalion
Feb 24, 1917
Left the CBD and
joined the 2nd Entrenching Battalion at Hersin as part of a draft of 68 Other
Ranks destined for the 21st Battalion
Mar 3, 1917
Left the 2nd
Entrenching Battalion as part of a draft of 20 Other Ranks to join the 21st
Mar 6, 1917
Joined the 21st
Battalion in Divisional Reserve at Bois des Alleux
Apr 21, 1917
Admitted to No 4
CFA (Canadian Field Ambulance) with a diagnosis that reads PUO (Pyrexia of Unknown Origin)
which is a fever without a known cause
Apr 22, 1917
Transferred to
the No 22 CCS (Casualty Clearing Station)
Apr 23, 1917
Transferred via
the No 29 AT (Ambulance Train)
Apr 24, 1917
Admitted to the
No 10 Stationary Hospital at St Omer
Apr 28, 1917
Transferred to the No
7 Convalescent Depot at Boulogne
May 3, 1917
Transferred to
the No 3 Large Rest Camp to recuperate
May 7, 1917
Transferred to
the No 7 Convalescent Depot
May 10, 1917
Discharged to
duty and left to join the Battalion
May 14, 1917
Rejoined the 21st
Battalion in billets at Aux Rietz
Oct 24, 1917
The Battalion
was directed to board a train at Ligny St Flochel and proceed to Godewaersvelde in
preparation for the attack at Passchendaele.
While loading
a transport wagon onto a railcar, the wagon accidentally rolled over Pte Barrow’s
right foot causing severe pain and a contusion. He
was admitted to the No 4 CFA and was then
transferred the same day to the No 12 Stationary Hospital at St Pol
Oct 30, 1917
L/Col Elmer W
Jones, indicating that the injury was accidental and not Pte Barrow’s fault, filed an
accident report. There were 3 statements
included by witnesses to the accidental injury
Nov 14, 1917
Discharged to
duty from hospital
Nov 18, 1917
He rejoined the
21st Battalion in billets at Camblain L’Abbe
Dec 29, 1917
Granted 14 days
Jan 12, 1918
He failed to
report back from leave and was declared to be AWL
Jan 21, 1918
Pte Barrow was
taken into custody by Military Police in London England
Jan 22, 1918
Transferred from
the London jail to the guard house at the 6th Reserve Battalion at Seaford
Jan 27, 1918
Arrived at the
No 2 CIBD (Canadian Infantry Base Depot) at Etaples France under escort
Jan 29, 1918
Left the CIBD
under escort
Jan 31, 1918
Rejoined the 21st
Feb 4, 1918
Sentenced to 28
days Field Punishment No 1 for overstaying his leave and forfeited 9 day’s pay under
a Royal Warrant
Sep 25, 1918
During the
fighting at Canal du Nord, Pte Barrow was severely wounded by shrapnel in the back, arms
and hip. He was taken to a Field Ambulance
for first aid, then transferred to the No 32 Stationary Hospital at Wimereux
Sep 27, 1918
Pte Barrow died
of his wounds at the No 32 Stationary Hospital

Terlingthun British Cemetery
Wimille France
Following the war the British War Medal (shown below),
Victory Medal and the Memorial Cross were sent to his mother, Mrs Annie Barrow, at
93 Wellington St, Ingersoll Ontario

The Plaque (Dead Man’s Penny) and
Scroll were sent to his father, Fred Barrow, at Carnegie St, Ingersoll Ontario
If you know the location of the missing medals, please Contact. the webmaster