Apr 23, 1890
Born at Gaspé Quebec
Nov 5, 1917
Examination held under the MSA (Military Service Act) of 1917 at Hull Quebec. He was classified A1, meaning that he was fit for
Jan 8, 1918
under the MSA of 1917 at Ottawa Ontario into the 2nd Depot Battalion, EOR
(Eastern Ontario Regiment)
Ø Number 3320017
Ø Next of kin given as Francois Beaudin, father, of Gaspé
Ø Previous occupation given as Papermaker
Ø No previous military experience given
Ø Religion given as Roman Catholic
Ø Assigned to the 1st Draft
It would
appear that he could neither read nor write as he signed his papers with an “X”
and had it witnessed
Feb 12, 1918
Embarked the SS
Lapland at Halifax Nova Scotia as part of the 1st Draft from the 2nd
Depot Battalion EOR

Feb 24, 1918
Disembarked at
Glasgow Scotland and proceeded to Seaford England
Feb 25, 1918
TOS (Taken On
Strength) the 6th Reserve Battalion at Seaford
Jun 10, 1918
Transferred to
the 21st Battalion
Jun 11, 1918
Arrived at the
CIBD (Canadian Infantry Base Depot) at Etaples and TOS the 21st Battalion
Jun 17, 1918
Joined the CC
Rein C (Canadian Corps Reinforcement Camp) at Aubin St Vaast
Jun 22, 1918
Left the CC Rein
C to join the Battalion
Jun 23, 1918
Joined the 21st
Battalion with 19 other reinforcements, in Divisional Reserve at Bretencourt France and
assigned to “D” Company
Aug 26, 1918
Killed in action
during an attack north of the Cojeul River on the Tilloy and Hun Trenches held by the
enemy near Monchy-le-Preux

British Cemetery
Tilloy-Les-Mofflaines France
Following the war the British War Medal,
Victory Medal, Plaque (Dead Man’s Penny) and Scroll were sent to his father, Francois
Beaudin, at Petite-Riviere Quest, Gaspé, Quebec
There was no Memorial Cross issued