Jan 14, 1860
Born in the Township of York Ontario
Nov 1, 1914
Transferred from Divisional Staff and Attested
into the 21st Battalion at Kingston Ontario
Ø Given rank of Major
Ø Next of Kin given as Mrs Ethel May Bennett (wife) c/o Royal Bank of
Canada, Kingston Ontario
Ø Occupation given as “Soldier”
Ø Previous military experience given “as per Militia List,
Ø Religion given as “Church of England”
Ø Both the Oath and Certificate of Commanding Officer were signed on
this date, the medical portion is not dated until April 20, 1915
Ø Assigned to Headquarters Company
May 6, 1915
Embarked the SS Metagama at Montreal for

Aug 31, 1915
To be Lieut Colonel with the Permanent
Canadian Militia, as per Canada Gazette September 9, 1915
Sep 14, 1915
Embarked for France
Sep 15, 1915
Disembarked at Havre
Oct 20, 1915
Admitted to Officer’s Divisional Rest
Station at Mount Noir with Sciatica caused from exposure and cold
Oct 23, 1915
Suffered a contused leg from an accidental
Nov 12, 1915
Discharged and rejoined the 21st
Nov 13, 1915
Sent to No 5 Field Ambulance then transferred
to Officer’s Rest Station with a bruised leg
Dec 1, 1915
Discharged to duty and attached to the 4th
Canadian Infantry Brigade Headquarters
Dec 31, 1915
Appointed to Staff Training Center at
Jan 4, 1916
Transferred to Headquarters Staff at Bramshott
and assumes duties of A/DAAQMG (Acting Deputy Assistant Adjutant Quartermaster General)
Jun 27, 1916
SOS GOC Staff on transfer to Shorncliffe
Aug 16, 1916
Transferred to 4th Battalion
Aug 18, 1916
TOS 4th Battalion as a
Aug 21, 1916
Left for Entrenching Battalion
Aug 22, 1916
Arrived at Entrenching Battalion and reverts
to rank of Major at own request but with seniority from August 31, 1915
Oct 8, 1916
Ceases to be carried as
“Supernumerary” on being absorbed into the 4th Battalion
Nov 29, 1916
Granted 10 days leave, which was later
extended to December 13, 1916
Dec 14, 1916
Returned from leave
Jan 12, 1917
Attached to 1st Division
Headquarters as Claims Officer
Feb 3, 1917
To be DAAG 1st Canadian Division
Mar 11, 1917
Returned from leave of absence
Apr 9, 1917
Mentioned in Sir Douglas Haig GCB Despatch
with unit stated as “Canadian Local Forces” and authorized in London Gazette
#30107 dated June 1, 1917
May 31, 1917
Granted 10 days leave
Jul 10, 1917
Returned from leave and transferred from 4th
Battalion (Deputy Adjutant General 1st Division) to 1st Canadian
Division in France to be Deputy Adjutant General, Quarter Master General (DAGQM), to
replace Capt PE Coleman MC, authorized by London Gazette #30247, dated August 23, 1917
Aug 13, 1917
Brought on establishment of 21st
Battalion from 4th Battalion and remains Seconded while holding appointment of
DAAG 1st Division
Sep 19, 1917
Tripped on barbed wire at Hersin Coupigny,
near Lens France, while inspecting the front lines for the GOC (General Officer
Commanding) and broke his arm in 2 places.
Ø Admitted to No 6 CCS (Casualty Clearing Station) then transferred to
No 22 CCS.
Sep 22, 1917
Admitted Duchess of Westminster Hospital Le
Sep 23, 1917
Invalided to England aboard the Hospital Ship
Pieter de Coninck.

Admitted to 3rd London General
Hospital, Wandsworth Common. Detached to EORD
(Eastern Ontario Regimental Depot) on being accidentally injured and being evacuated.
Oct 2, 1917
Relinquishes appointment of DAQMG as per
London Gazette 30411
Oct 3, 1917
Relinquishes appointment to DA QMG 1st
Canadian Division on being evacuated to England
Oct 29, 1917
Medical board report at 13 Berners St, London,
Ø Patient recovering from fracture of left Radius and Ulna
Ø Board recommends leave on condition that he report to hospital as an
outpatient under their instructions
Ø Declared unfit for duty for 5 weeks
These recommendations were
cancelled December 18, 1917
Dec 27, 1917
Medical board report at 13 Berners St, London,
Ø Patient recovering from fracture of left Radius and Ulna
Ø Board recommends that patient is not fit for any service for six weeks
o Another report of the same date indicates that he would not be fit for
service for 5 months.
Ø Patient to proceed to Canadian Red Cross Convalescent Hospital for
Officers at Sidmouth, Devon
Ø Massage therapy recommended
Discharged from hospital and granted 6
week’s leave
Dec 28, 1917
Mentioned in Despatches authorized by London
Gazette #30448
Jan 1, 1918
Awarded the Distinguished Service Order as per
London Gazette #30450

Feb 8, 1918
Medical board report at 13 Berners St, London,
Ø Patient has completed 6 weeks as an outpatient receiving massage and
passive movement treatment
Ø There is some improvement but still suffers pain and limited movement
Ø Board recommends an additional 6 weeks leave while reporting for
treatment at Great Portland St., Institution, London
Ø Treatment to be massage, active and passive movements, and electricity
Granted extension of leave for additional 6
Apr 8, 1918
Ceases to be shown on leave and is SOS on
posting to 21st Battalion.
TOS 21st Battalion as a
reinforcement from England and arrived as “Supernumerary”
Apr 10, 1918
Attached to Canadian Corps Headquarters for
May 16, 1918
SOS 21st Battalion establishment
and ceases to be attached to Canadian Corps Headquarters on proceeding to England with
view to be returned to Canada
Jun 1, 1918 |

Jun 22, 1918
SOS on return to Canada for disposal by AG
(Adjutant General) Ottawa.
Embarked the Empress of Britain for Canada
Jul 3, 1918
TOS #3 District Depot Kingston Ontario and
posted to the Casualty Company
Sep 20, 1918
SOS on transfer to No 2 District Depot Toronto
and posted to the Casualty Company then detailed for Temporary Duty as AAG I/C
Jan 15, 1919
Ceases to be AAG MD No 2 on being detailed to
MD #13 Calgary Alberta
Feb 4, 1919
Appointed AAG MD No 13
Aug 10, 1919
To Command MD 13 (Temp) during absence of Brig
Gen HF McDonald
Sep 9, 1919
TOS Military District No 11 and assumed duties
as AAG (Assistant Adjutant General) I/C Administration at Victoria British Columbia
Sep 25, 1919
Ceases to be AAG MD 13 and detailed to MD 11
as AAG
Oct 1, 1919
SOS the CEF on appointment as AA & QMG
(Assistant Adjutant and Quarter Master General) for MD No 11 at Victoria British Columbia
Nov 21, 1919
Medical exam at Esquimalt British Columbia
Ø Rank Lieut Col
Ø Stated to be with the Permanent Staff
Ø Has some deformity of left arm from fractures suffered in 1917
Jun 2, 1921
British War Medal and Victory Medal sent to
149 College St., Toronto Ontario
May 13, 1944