Feb 3, 1896
Born in Denver
Colorado, USA
Nov 17, 1916
Entered Canada
from the USA at Newgate British Columbia and stated his occupation then was a Miner and
his last address was in North Dakota
May 14, 1917
Attested into
the 254th Battalion at Trenton Ontario
Ø Number 1093428
Ø Next of kin given as Mrs A Bieth, aunt, of 325 East 39th
St, New York, New York, USA
Ø Previous occupation given as Driver
Ø No previous military experience given
Ø Religion given as Roman Catholic
Jun 2, 1917
Embarked the RMS
Olympic at Halifax Nova Scotia

Jun 4, 1917
Sentenced to 24
hours detention for being absent from the 9 am parade
Jun 9, 1917
Disembarked at
Liverpool England and proceeded to Seaford
Jun 10, 1917
The Battalion
was absorbed into the 6th Reserve Battalion at Seaford
Nov 14, 1917
Transferred to
the 21st Battalion and arrived at the No 2 CIBD (Canadian Infantry Base Depot)
at Etaples France along with 11 other reinforcements from England. On arrival he was TOS (Taken On Strength) the 21st
Nov 17, 1917
Joined the CC
Rein C (Canadian Corps Reinforcement Camp) at Poperinghe Belgium
Nov 24, 1917
Joined the 21st
Battalion in the front lines and assigned to “A” Company
Aug 6, 1918
Pte Bieth was
killed when a German artillery shell landed in an ammunition dump at the same time that
his Company was moving forward to enter the front line.


British Cemetery
Somme France
Following the war the
British War Medal and Victory Medals were sent to Miss M Cronkright, a friend, at Box 306,
Trenton Ontario
The Plaque (Dead Man’s
Penny), Scroll and Memorial Cross were sent to his mother, Mrs A Bieth, at 325 E 39th
St, New York, NY, USA