Jan 16, 1882
Born in Kenley, Surrey, England to James William
and Louisa Amilia (nee Ward) Blann
Nov 20, 1914
Attested into the 21st Battalion in
Kingston, Ontario under the name of Arthur Reid
Ø Number 59827 (temporary number 1071)
Ø Next of kin given as James Reid, brother, 24 Glenfarg Road, Catford,
Kent, England
Ø Previous occupation given as Labourer
o This was later noted as Electrician
Ø Previous military experience given as Royal West Kent Regiment in
England for 7 ½ years
Ø Religion given as Church of England
Ø Assigned to the Signals Section
The 21st Battalion carried out
training exercises in the Kingston area
May 6, 1915
Embarked the RMS Metagama in Montreal, Quebec

May 15, 1915
Disembarked in Devonport, England and the
battalion proceeded to the West Sandling Camp, near Hythe, Kent to continue training
Jun 17, 1915
Signed a declaration stating that his real name
is George Bertram Blann and that he attested under the false name of Arthur Reid.
Sep 9, 1915
Appointed to the rank of Lance Corporal to
replace L/Cpl CS Manners 59632
Sep 14, 1915
Embarked the St. Seiriol in Folkestone

Sep 15, 1915
Disembarked in Boulogne, France and the
battalion proceeded to St. Omer
Feb 9, 1916
Reported sick to the battalion’s Medical
Officer with diarrhea and was treated by him
Mar 20, 1916
Admitted to the No. 5 CFA (Canadian Field
Ambulance) with a diagnosis that reads Diarrhea. He
was transferred the same day to the Divisional Rest Station in the No. 6 CFA
Mar 22, 1916
Discharged to duty
Mar 23, 1916
Reported sick to the battalion’s Medical
Officer again and was admitted to No 4 CFA then transferred the same day to No 13
Stationary Hospital, Boulogne with a diagnosis that reads NYD (Not Yet Determined)
Mar 25, 1916
Transferred to the Divisional Rest Station at
Mar 28, 1916
Discharged to duty but was readmitted to the No.
4 CFA diagnosed with Enteritis, then transferred to the No. 8 CCS (Casualty Clearing
Station) at Bailleul
Mar 29, 1916
Transferred via the No. 5 AT (Ambulance Train)
and admitted to the No. 13 Stationary Hospital with a diagnosis that reads NYD (Not Yet
Apr 8, 1916
Discharged to the #1 Convalescent Depot in
Boulogne and the diagnosis was changed to read Enteritis
Apr 12, 1916
Discharged to the Base Details, Boulogne, for
light duties
Jun 12, 1916
Left Base Details in Boulogne for the CBD
(Canadian Base Depot)
Jun 14, 1916
TOS the CBD in the Rouelles Camp, Havre, and
classified as TB (Temporary Base) meaning he is temporarily unfit for front line duty
Jun 16, 1916
Admitted to the No. 2 General Hospital, Havre,
with a diagnosis that reads Dysentery and placed in isolation
Aug 4, 1916
Invalided to England aboard the Hospital Ship
Maheno from the Isolation Hospital in Havre

Posted to the CCAC (Canadian Casualty Assembly
Centre) while in hospital
Aug 6, 1916
Admitted to the Duchess of Connaught Canadian
Red Cross Hospital, Taplow
Aug 8, 1916
On giving his medical history, he stated the
Ø In 1898 he suffered from Pleurisy and spent 2 months in hospital
Ø In 1904, while serving with the Royal West Kent Regiment in Ceylon, he
suffered from Dysentery and spent a total of 87 days in hospital
Ø In 1905 he suffered a relapse of the Dysentery and spent 21 days in
Ø In 1906 hospitalized twice
Ø In 1907 spent 21 days in hospital in Singapore
Ø In 1908 hospitalized in Singapore again for 63 days and invalided back
to England and discharged from the army as Medically Unfit.
All of the above periods of hospitalization from 1906 to 1908 were for relapses of
Aug 26, 1916
Transferred to the Hillingdon House Convalescent
Hospital, Uxbridge
Sep 15, 1916
Discharged from hospital and reported to the
Sep 17, 1916
Admitted to the Moore Barracks Hospital bleeding
from his bowels
Oct 10, 1916
Transferred to the Military Hospital in
Oct 23, 1916
Discharged from hospital and reported to the
Oct 30, 1916
On Command to the Convalescent Depot at Shoreham
for 6 weeks of Physical Therapy and exercise
Mar 10, 1917
Posted to the EORD while convalescing
Mar 13, 1917
Appointed to the rank of Acting Corporal while
employed as a Physical Training instructor
Mar 17, 1917
TOS EORD (Eastern Ontario Regimental Depot) and
shown On Command to 3rd CCD for recuperation
Apr 1, 1917
On Command to #1 CCD Headquarters and employed
at St. Leonard’s Hospital as a PT instructor
May 9, 1917
Attached to the 2nd CCD but stayed at
St. Leonard’s Hospital
May 10, 1917
Discharged from St. Leonard’s Hospital and
posted to the 6th Reserve Battalion, Seaford and reverted to the rank to
Jun 23, 1917
Transferred to the CETD (Canadian Engineers
Training Depot) in Crowboro for duty
Jul 27, 1917
Appointed to the rank of Acting Corporal with
pay while employed as an instructor at the CSS (Canadian School of Signals) at Seaford
Nov 30, 1917
TOS permanent staff of the CSS as an instructor
Jan 15, 1918
Appointed to the rank of Acting Sergeant with
pay while employed as an instructor at the CSS
Apr 1, 1918
Absent for 1 day and forfeited 1 day’s pay
Apr 3, 1918
Reverted to the rank of Sapper (the engineering
equivalent of Private) as punishment for his absence
Apr 30, 1918
Transferred to the Signal Company of the CETD at
May 2, 1918
Posted to the 1st CERB (Canadian
Engineers Reserve Battalion)
Nov 1, 1918
Transferred to the 2nd CERB
Dec 7, 1918
Attached to the CMP (Canadian Military Police)
for temporary duty
Dec 16, 1918
On Command to Kinmel Park, Rhyl, pending return
to Canada
Dec 28, 1918
Reported to be AWL (Absent Without Leave)
Dec 30, 1918
Reported for duty from being AWL and sentenced
to 4 days Field Punishment #2 and forfeited a total of 7 day’s pay
Jan 9, 1919
SOS (Struck Off Strength) on being posted to
Military District #3 in Canada
Jan 11, 1919
Embarked the RMS Olympic in Southampton

Jan 17, 1919
Disembarked in Halifax, Nova Scotia and
proceeded to Kingston, Ontario
Jan 20, 1919
TOS #3 District Depot Casualty Company, Kingston
Jan 21, 1919
Granted leave with subsistence until February 3,
Feb 17, 1919
Discharged from the CEF in Kingston
Ø Rank on discharge Private
Ø War Service Badge Class “A” issued number 90159
Ø Proposed residence on discharge Salvation Army Hostel, Kingston
Following the war the 1914-15 Star, British War
Medal and Victory Medals were sent to him at 59 Colborne St., Kingston, Ontario
Jul 5, 1919
Married to Hessie May Day in Kingston, Ontario
Apr 30, 1957
The Canadian Voter’s list shows him as
being a patient in the Rideaucrest Nursing Home, Rideau Street, Kingston
Sep 9, 1959
Died in the Veteran’s Pavilion of the Hotel
Dieu Hospital, Kingston
Shown below are his
1914-15 Star and British War Medal

Interestingly, the 1914-15 Star shows his rank as
Private, while the British War Medal shows his rank as Acting Sergeant.
The Victory Medal is missing. If you know
of it's location, please contact the webmaster.