Harry Joseph Brister



Nov 29, 1892

Born at Manchester England


Jan 1, 1916

Attested into the 70th Battalion at London Ontario 

Ø      Number 124603

Ø      Next of kin given as Henry James Brister (father) of Urmston, Manchester England

Ø      Previous occupation given as Clerk

Ø      No previous military experience given

Ø      Religion given as Methodist

Ø      Assigned to “B” Company


Apr 24, 1916

Embarked the SS Lapland at Halifax Nova Scotia



May 5, 1916

Disembarked at Liverpool England


May 12, 1916

On Command to the CMS (Canadian Musketry School) at Shorncliffe in order to take the Armourer’s Course


Jun 1, 1916

Appointed as the Armourer Corporal


Jun 16, 1916

Appointed to rank of Provisional Corporal 

This appointment was later cancelled, with no reason entered


Jun 17, 1916

Rejoined the 70th Battalion from the CMS then attached to the COC (Canadian Ordnance Corps) at Ashford


Jul 6, 1916

The 70th Battalion was absorbed by the 39th Reserve Battalion and he was TOS (Taken On Strength) the 39th Battalion on this date at the West Sandling Camp but remained attached to the COC


Aug 9, 1916

Attached to the Canadian Arms Inspection and Repair Depot at Greenwich


Oct 24, 1916

Transferred to the COC Regimental Depot


Mar 3, 1917

Transferred to the 6th Reserve Battalion at Seaford


May 2, 1917

Reverted to rank of Private in order to proceed to France


May 3, 1917

Posted to the 21st Battalion


May 4, 1917

Arrived at CBD (Canadian Base Depot) at Havre France and TOS the 21st Battalion


May 7, 1917

Joined the 21st Battalion in the field 

The 21st Battalion was in the 3rd Line (Railway Embankment) near the Thelus Cave and were heavily shelled by German Gas shells. 


Jan 31, 1918

Granted 14 days leave


Feb 14, 1918

Rejoined the Battalion from leave


Feb 22, 1918

SOS (Struck Off Strength) the 21st Battalion on transfer to the CCRC (Canadian Corps Reinforcement Camp)


Feb 23, 1918

Graded as 1st Class Clerk and to draw pay at rate of $1.50 per diem plus 20¢ per diem Field Allowance


Oct 30, 1918

Granted 14 days leave to England


Nov 7, 1918

Married to Edna May Meadowcroft 

Note that the approval for this marriage wasn’t given until May 12, 1919


Nov 15, 1918

Rejoined the CCRC from leave


Dec 5, 1918

Admitted to the No 10 CFA (Canadian Field Ambulance) diagnosed with Gonorrhea 

Transferred the same day to No 4 CCS (Casualty Clearing Station)


Dec 6, 1918

Transferred to the No 32 CCS


Dec 8, 1918

Discharged to duty


Jan 8, 1919

Transferred to the Embarkation Camp at Havre


Jan 9, 1919

Promoted to rank of Sergeant and graded for pay as Sgt Clerk


Mar 27, 1919

Granted 14 days leave


May 16, 1919

Proceeded to England and posted to “O” Wing at CCC (Canadian Concentration Camp) Witley pending return to Canada


Jun 11, 1919

Transferred to “H” Wing at Witley


Jun 23, 1919

Posted the CMP (Canadian Military Police) and attached to the APM (Assistant Provost Marshall) in London


Jul 23, 1919

Rejoined “H” Wing at Witley from London


Aug 13, 1919

TOS the CDD (Canadian Discharge Depot) at Buxton pending return to Canada


Sep 8, 1919

Embarked the SS Scandinavian at Liverpool with his wife



Sep 9, 1919

TOS the Quebec Discharge Depot


Sep 17, 1919

Disembarked at Montreal Quebec


Sep 18, 1919

Discharged from the CEF at Montreal Quebec 

Ø      War Service Badge Class “A” issued number 131566

Ø      Rank on discharge Sgt

Ø      Proposed residence on discharge Harrow, Essex County, Ontario 

There is no Medals card in the file, but he would have received the British War Medal and the Victory Medal likely within 2 years of his discharge


May 16, 1957

Deceased at Windsor Ontario


Below is a 1934 photo of the Windsor Chapter of the 21st Battalion Association.  Harry Brister is standing 7th from the left.  If you have a photo of Sgt Brister that you would like to include on this page, please contact the webmaster

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