Aug 31, 1881
Born in East Dulwich, Surrey, England to Walter
and Catherine (nee Brister) Bullock
Apr 14, 1911
Embarked the SS Victorian in Liverpool
Apr 22, 1911
Disembarked in Saint John, New Brunswick and proceeded to
Battleford, Saskatchewan
Oct 26, 1912
Married to Gertrude Beatrice De Wind in Edmonton,
May 19, 1915
Attested into the 51st Battalion CEF
in Edmonton, Alberta
Ø Rank Lieutenant
Ø Next of kin given as Gertrude
Beatrix Bullock, wife, Bush Hall, Billericay, Essex, England
Ø Previous occupation given as
Ø Previous military experience
given as 13 ½ years in the 19th Hussars, Imperial Army in England
Ø Religion given as Church of
May 20, 1915
Appointed to a Commission with the rank of
Lieutenant in the 101st City of Edmonton Fusiliers
Jun 26, 1915
Appointed to the position of Assistant Adjutant
Sep 29, 1915
Medical Exam declares him fit at the Sarcee Camp,
Oct 31, 1915
Officer’s Declaration in the 51st
Battalion at the Sarcee Camp, Alberta
Ø Rank Lieutenant
Ø Next of kin given as Gertrude
Beatrix Bullock, wife, Bush Hall, Billericay, Essex, England
Ø Previous occupation given as
Ø Previous military experience
given as 13 ½ years in the 19th Hussars, Imperial Army in
England. Currently a member of the 101st
City of Edmonton Fusiliers
Ø Religion given as Church of
Jan 4, 1916
Admitted to the Royal Alexandria Hospital in
Edmonton with a diagnosis that reads Influenza
Jan 10, 1916
Discharged to duty from hospital
Apr 18, 1916
Embarked the SS Olympic in Halifax, Nova Scotia
Apr 28, 1916
Disembarked in Liverpool, England
Jul 5, 1916
Appointed to the position of Adjutant of the 51st
Sep 28, 1916
Appointed to the position of Assistant Adjutant
to perform the duties of the Adjutant
Oct 5, 1916
Transferred to the 49th Battalion
Oct 6, 1916
Arrived at the CBD (Canadian Base Depot) in the
Rouelles Camp, Havre, France and Taken On Strength of the 49th
On arrival, the transfer to the 49th
Battalion was cancelled and transferred to the 21st Battalion
while still at the base depot
Nov 3, 1916
While training at Pernes, France, he accidentally
fell and twisted his knee.
Admitted to the West Riding CCS (Casualty
Clearing Station) with a diagnosis that reads Traumatic Arthritis in his
right knee
Nov 4, 1916
Transferred via the No. 6 AT (Ambulance Train)
and admitted to the No. 7 Stationary Hospital in Boulogne, France with a
diagnosis that reads Arthritis in his right knee
Nov 14, 1916
Invalided to England aboard the Hospital Ship St.
On arrival in England, he was admitted to the 4th
London General Hospital, Denmark Hill, London
Transferred to the General List of Officers for
pay purposes while in hospital
Dec 19, 1916
Discharged from hospital and granted sick leave
Jan 9, 1917
Attached to the CCD (Canadian Command Depot) in
Granted sick leave
Feb 20, 1917
Transferred to the 1st Canadian
Command Depot in Seaford
Mar 9, 1917
Struck off the establishment of the 21st
May 21, 1917
Transferred to the EORD (Eastern Ontario
Regimental Depot) and attached to the 3rd Canadian Command Depot
for duty in Seaford
Oct 26, 1918
Ceased to be attached and reported to the HQOMFC
(Headquarters Overseas Military Force of Canada) in Seaford for duty as Base
Inspector of Catering
Oct 27, 1918
Ceased to be attached to the command depot and
proceeded to Kinmel Park, Rhyl pending return to Canada
Feb 8, 1919
Embarked the SS Metagama in Liverpool with his
wife Gertrude (she had followed him to England)
Feb 17, 1919
Disembarked in Saint John, New Brunswick and
proceeded to Edmonton, Alberta with his wife
Mar 31, 1919
Discharged from the CEF in Edmonton, Alberta
Ø Rank on discharge Lieutenant
Ø Entitled to War Service Badge
Class “A”
Following his discharge, the British War Medal
and Victory Medals were sent to him at 11239 – 72nd St., Edmonton,
Reginald continued his music career as Bandmaster
of the 101st Fusiliers Band.
He was the Conductor of the Edmonton Newsboys Band for the trip to
Wembley, England in 1924. He served in
the Alberta Government’s Telephone Staff until his retirement.
Jan 19, 1952
Reginald Alfred Bullock died of Pneumonia while a
patient of the Victoria Veterans’ Hospital, Victoria, British Columbia and
was buried in the God’s Acre Cemetery in Victoria
