Feb 15, 1895
Born in Milton,
Ontario to Benjamin and Susie Campbell.
Jan 4, 1916
Attested into
the 168th Battalion in Tillsonburg, Ontario
Ø Number 675004
Ø Next of kin given as Benjamin Campbell, father, Courtland, Ontario
Ø Previous occupation given as Labourer
Ø No previous military experience given
Ø Religion given as Methodist
Oct 30, 1916
Embarked the RMS
Lapland in Halifax, Nova Scotia

Nov 11, 1916
Disembarked in
Liverpool, England.
Dec 6, 1916
Transferred to
the 39th Reserve Battalion in West Sandling for additional training.
Jan 4, 1917
Transferred to
the newly formed 6th Reserve Battalion in West Sandling.
Feb 1, 1917
Transferred to
the 21st Battalion.
Feb 2, 1917
Arrived at the
CBD (Canadian Base Depot) in the Rouelles Camp, Havre, France as part of a draft of 20
reinforcements for the front, and TOS (Taken On Strength) the 21st Battalion.
Feb 21, 1917
Left the CBD to
join the 2nd Entrenching Battalion.
Feb 24, 1917
Joined the 2nd
Entrenching Battalion in Hersin as part of a draft of 68 reinforcements for the 21st
Mar 3, 1917
Left the 2nd
Entrenching Battalion to join his own battalion.
Mar 6, 1917
Joined the 21st
Battalion in billets in Bois des Alleux as part of a draft of 20 reinforcements.
Dec 17, 1917
Granted 14 days
leave to England.
Jan 2, 1918
Rejoined the
battalion from leave.
Jan 4, 1918
Awarded the Good
Conduct Badge.
Jan 5, 1918
Admitted to the
No. 5 CFA (Canadian Field Ambulance) diagnosed with VDG (Venereal Disease Gonorrhea)
Jan 6, 1918
Transferred to
the No. 10 CFA.
Jan 21, 1918
Transferred to
the No. 3 CFA.
Feb 1, 1918
Discharged to
duty from the CFA.
Aug 27, 1918
While attacking
the German lines south-east of Vis-en-Artois, Private Campbell was killed in action. His remains were never recovered from the
battlefield and has no known grave. As such,
he is commemorated on the Canadian National Vimy Memorial, Vimy Ridge, France.

Following the
war the British War Medal, Victory Medal and Memorial Cross were sent to his mother, Mrs.
Susan Campbell, RR #1 Courtland, Ontario.
The Plaque
(Dead Man’s Penny) and Scroll were sent to his father, Benjamin Campbell, at the same