Mar 28, 1876
Born at Carlisle England
The Attestation Papers show his birth
year as 1871, but that is in error.
Nov 6, 1914
Attested into the 21st
Battalion at Kingston Ontario
60108 (temporary number 713)
to rank of Sgt on enlistment
of kin given as Mrs Wm (Francis) Carruthers (wife) of Hunt St
Bowmanville Ontario
occupation given as Laborer
noted as being employed by the Goodyear Tire Company, Bowmanville
military experience given as 12 years with the RGA (Royal Garrison
given as Church of England
to “G” Company
was later re-organized into “D” Company
William's brother Thomas
Carruthers attested into the battalion the same day
Jan 14, 1915
Reported to be AWL (Absent Without
Reduced in rank to Pte
His AWL status was later changed to
read “Deserter”
Feb 15, 1915
Discharged as a Deserter
Feb 27, 1915

Mar 2, 1915

May 6, 1915
The 21st
Battalion sailed for England without Pte Carruthers
Jun 5, 1915
Assistant Provost Marshal’s War Diary at Folkestone

Jun 14, 1915
Arrested and placed in confinement
pending DCM (District Court Martial)
TOS (Taken On Strength) 21st
Jun 30, 1915
Found guilty of Desertion by DCM and
sentenced to 156 days detention and ordered to pay £6-5-8 ($20.45) for kit deficiency in
that he is missing his Great Coat and uniform
Aug 28, 1915
From the 21st Battalion
Part II Orders

Sep 3, 1915
Released from detention and joined the
Assigned to No 13 Platoon,
“D” Company
Sep 14, 1915
Embarked the St Seiriol at Folkestone

Sep 15, 1915
Disembarked at Boulogne France and
proceeded to St Omer
Oct 11, 1915
Involved in a motor car accident and
received slight injuries to head and hand.
Admitted to Divisional Rest Station at Locre
Belgium (current name Loker)
Oct 12, 1915
Discharged to duty
Nov 30, 1915
Sentenced to 14 days FP #2 (Field
Punishment No 2) plus 15 hours extra fatigues for leaving ranks without
permission on November 26 while marching to trenches and remaining
absent until apprehended drunk at Dickebush (proper name Dikkebus
May 15, 1916
Granted 10 days leave
Jun 3, 1916
Admitted to No 2 Canadian Stationary
Hospital with a gunshot wound to right chest.
Surgery performed to remove bullet
Jun 5, 1916
Invalided to England aboard the
Hospital Ship Jan Breydel
Posted to CCAC (Canadian Casualty
Assembly Centre) while in hospital
Admitted to the Graylingwell War
Hospital at Chichester
Jun 22, 1916
Transferred to Canadian Convalescent
Hospital at Epsom
Jul 17, 1916
Discharged from hospital and reported
Jul 18, 1916
Posted to 39th
Reserve Battalion at West Sandling Camp
Sep 26, 1916
Promoted to rank of Cpl
Oct 4, 1916
Posted to 21st
Oct 5, 1916
Arrived at CBD (Canadian Base Depot)
at Havre France and TOS 21st Battalion and
reverts to rank of Pte on arrival
Oct 14, 1916
Left CBD to join unit
Oct 16, 1916
Joined the 21st
Battalion in the field
Nov 3, 1916
Appointed to rank of Acting Lance Sgt
with pay
Apr 9, 1917
Admitted to CFA (Canadian Field
Ambulance) with severe machine gun bullet wound to left knee
Apr 10, 1917
Transferred to CCS (Casualty Clearing
Station) where left leg was amputated at the upper third of the thigh
due to gas gangrene
Apr 14, 1917
Admitted to No 13, General Hospital at
Apr 18, 1917
Invalided to England aboard the
Hospital Ship St Patrick

Posted to EORD (Eastern Ontario
Regimental Depot) while in hospital
Admitted to City of London Military
Hospital at Lower Clapton
Jun 7, 1917
Additional surgery performed to remove
several more inches of the thigh, leaving a stump of only 5 inches
Jul 9, 1917
Awarded the Military Medal per London
Gazette #30172

This was awarded for his actions
during the attack at Vimy Ridge, April 9, 1917
The Citation reads
East of Neuville-St-Vaast.
April 9, 1917. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty
in action. After his Company had been partially disorganized
he personally collected remnants of them and placed them at the
disposal of the nearest Officer. Later while out on patrol,
he was wounded but refused to go back until he had completed his
AFW 3121 15-4-17
Sep 13, 1917
Transferred to No 4 Canadian Military
Hospital at Basingstoke
Oct 22, 1917
Transferred to No 5 Canadian General
Hospital at Kirkdale
Dec 16, 1917
Invalided to Canada aboard the
Hospital Ship Braemar Castle, embarking at Liverpool

Dec 28, 1917
Disembarked at Saint John New
Brunswick and proceeded to Toronto Ontario where he was admitted to the
Military Orthopedic Hospital
Jan 2, 1918
TOS No District Depot Toronto Ontario
and posted to “D” Unit
Jan 17, 1918
Measured for artificial leg
Medical leave granted until January
29, 1918
Jan 29, 1918
Granted additional leave until
February 9, 1918
Feb 9, 1918
Granted additional leave until
February 21, 1918
Feb 26, 1918
Fitted with an artificial leg
Mar 13, 1918
Artificial leg is not satisfactory and
returned for adjustments.
Granted leave until April 18
Apr 18, 1918
Artificial leg refitted, but still
needs further adjustment
Jul 17, 1918
Reports great difficulty in walking
Over the next several months there
were many visits to hospital clinic to have artificial limb adjusted.
Sep 18, 1918
Measured to have a new artificial limb
Sep 25, 1918
New limb fitted, but still not
satisfactory and returned
Several visits to clinic are recorded
to make adjustments to new leg. It
had to be returned to factory for repairs and adjustments several times
Dec 4, 1918
Attending walking exercise program on
a daily routine. Reported
to be “doing fairly well”
Jan 21, 1919
Discharged from the CEF at Toronto
residence on discharge – Mimico Ontario
shown on discharge – Sgt
to wear 2 Gold Stripes
Sep 6, 1922
British War Medal and Victory Medal
sent to Drummond Ave (GPO) Mimico Ontario
Oct 28, 1935
Deceased at the Christie Street
Military Orthopedic Hospital, Toronto Ontario

Prospect Cemetery
Toronto ON