Oct 24, 1894
Born at Redditch
Some documents read Redditch
Ontario, but I can find no community by that name. Most
documents in the service file indicate that he was born in England
Nov 10, 1914
Volunteered for
the CEF at the Lindsay Ontario Recruiting Office
Nov 16, 1914
Attested into
the 21st Battalion at Kingston Ontario
Ø Number 59172 (temporary number 708)
Ø Next of kin given as Leslie Clyde (brother) of Kirkfield Ontario
Ø Previous occupation given as Labourer
o Later recorded as Insurance Clerk
Ø No previous military experience given
Ø Religion given as Church of England
Ø Assigned to “F” Company
o Later reorganized into “C” Company
May 6, 1915
Embarked the RMS
Metagama at Montreal Quebec

May 15, 1915
Disembarked at
Devonport England and proceeded to the West Sandling Camp, near Hythe Kent
Sep 14, 1915
Embarked the St
Seiriol at Folkestone

Sep 15, 1915
Disembarked at
Boulogne France and proceeded to St Omer
Mar 18, 1916
Admitted to the
Divisional Rest Station at No 6 CFA (Canadian Field Ambulance) diagnosed with Influenza
Mar 26, 1916
Transferred to
No 1 Canadian General Hospital at Etaples, diagnosis now reads Deviation Septum Nasal
which is a displacement of the cartilage in the nose
Apr 4, 1916
Transferred to
No 20 General Hospital at Camiers, and Scabies is now added to the diagnosis
Apr 11, 1916
Discharged from
hospital to No 3 Base Depot
Apr 18, 1916
Left Base Depot
to join unit
Apr 20, 1916
Rejoined the 21st
Battalion in the field
Aug 15, 1916
While carrying a
tray of acid to wash his feet, he splashed some in his eyes. He was treated by the Battalion Medical Officer
but reported some loss of vision in left eye.
Sep 15, 1916
During the night
of September 15/16 Pte Clyde was buried twice by shells exploding close by. On the second occasion, he received severe
shrapnel wounds to his face and right eye. He
was treated at the CFA (Canadian Field Ambulance) near Albert.
Sep 16, 1916
Admitted to the
No 1 Australian Hospital where surgery was performed to remove his eye.
Sep 17, 1916
Invalided to
England aboard the Hospital Ship Maheno

Posted to
CCAC (Canadian Casualty Assembly Centre) while in hospital
Sep 18, 1916
Admitted to No 2
Southern General Hospital at Bristol
Sep 29, 1916
Transferred to
the Canadian Convalescent Hospital at Bearwood Park
Nov 7, 1916
Transferred to
the Canadian Westcliffe Eye, Nose and Ear Hospital at Folkestone
Four different surgeries were
performed here on his right eye socket to prepare for an artificial eye
He is also noted as suffering from Shell Shock
Jan 26, 1917
A glass eye was
fitted on this date
Feb 2, 1917
Discharged from
hospital and reported to the CCAC at Hastings for light duties
Feb 5, 1917
Placed On
Command to the Garrison Duty Depot at Hastings for light duties at the Prisoner of War
Mar 19, 1917
Posted to the
Depot Company at EORD (Eastern Ontario Regimental Depot) at Seaford where he was employed
in the Orderly Room
Apr 5, 1917
Awarded the Good
Conduct Badge
May 8, 1917
On Command to
CDD (Canadian Discharge Depot) at Buxton pending return to Canada
May 12, 1917
Embarked the SS
Olympic at Liverpool

May 21, 1917
Disembarked at
Halifax Nova Scotia and proceeded to Montreal Quebec
May 25, 1917
Medical Board at
Montreal notes that in addition to the loss of the right eye, he is suffering from Shell
Shock and diminished vision in left eye. He
suffers from headaches and dizzy spells. Board
recommends that he be admitted to a Convalescent Home for 3 months
May 31, 1917
Admitted to the
Spadina Military Hospital Toronto Ontario as an Outpatient
Jun 20, 1917
Admitted to the
Toronto General Hospital
Jun 22, 1917
surgery performed on the eye socket
Jul 6, 1917
Transferred to
Spadina Military Hospital Toronto
Jul 21, 1917
Discharged and
listed as an outpatient pending discharge from the CEF
Aug 31, 1917
Discharged from
the CEF at Toronto Ontario
Sep 1, 1917
Received his
first payment of a $192 per year pension
Oct 25, 1921
British War
Medal and Victory Medal sent to him at Hagersville Ontario
In March of 1931 he married and moved to the Gaspé
Peninsula, Quebec
Nov 3, 1961
Deceased and buried in the Field of Honour, Mount Royal Cemetery, Montreal, Quebec
