Ernest Cockburn


Jul 8, 1892

Born at Kingston Ontario to John and Winifred Elvena (nee Hall) Cockburn

On Attestation in 1919 he claimed his birth year was 1893, but his birth registration shows his birth year as 1892


Dec 18, 1914

Attested into the 21st Battalion at Kingston Ontario

Ø  Number 59176 (temporary number 1187)

Ø  Next of kin given as Mrs J Cockburn, mother, of 32 York St, Kingston Ontario

Ø  Previous occupation given as Shipper

Ø  Previous military experience given as 6 years in the 14th Princess of Wales’ Own Rifles

Ø  Religion given as Church of England

Ø  Posted to the Depot Company


May 6, 1915

Embarked the RMS Metagama at Montreal Quebec



May 15, 1915

Disembarked at Devonport England and proceeded to West Sandling Camp near Hythe Kent


Aug 28, 1915

Posted to “A” Company


Sep 14, 1915

Embarked the St Seiriol at Folkestone



Sep 15, 1915

Disembarked in Boulogne France and proceeded to St Omer


Feb 7, 1916

Admitted to the No. 5 CFA (Canadian Field Ambulance) with a diagnosis that reads sprained right shoulder.  This was later recorded as a fractured clavicle


Feb 8, 1916

Transferred to the Division Rest Station to recuperate


Feb 17, 1916

Discharged to duty from the rest station and rejoined the 21st Battalion


Apr 8, 1916

Admitted to the No. 6 Canadian Field Ambulance with a diagnosis that reads Influenza


Apr 10, 1916

Transferred to the No. 4 Canadian Field Ambulance


Apr 15, 1916

Discharged to duty


Sep 21, 1916

Ernest’s brother Robert John Cockburn was killed in action while serving with the 10th Battery, Canadian Field Artillery


Nov 8, 1916

Granted 10 days leave


Nov 14, 1916

Promoted to the rank of Corporal to replace Cpl TH King who had been promoted


Nov 21, 1916

Rejoined the battalion from leave


Nov 20, 1917

Granted 14 days leave


Dec 6, 1917

Rejoined the battalion from leave


Jul 19, 1918

Transferred to the Canadian Army Pay Corps and remained attached to the 21st Battalion


Jul 20, 1918

Promoted to rank of Sgt

A first hand account states that he stayed with the 21st Battalion as the Pay Sgt


Nov 12, 1918

Granted 14 days leave


Dec 23, 1918

Arrived at the Canadian Corps Reinforcement Camp in Aubin St. Vaast, France


Dec 26, 1918

After leaving the reinforcement camp, Ernie Cockburn joined the 21st Battalion in billets in Seigburg, Germany


Mar 27, 1919

Proceeded to England and transferred to the Canadian General Depot in Witley pending return to Canada on Compassionate Grounds


Apr 4, 1919

Attached to the Canadian Discharge Depot in Buxton pending return to Canada


May 10, 1919

Embarked the SS Olympic in Southampton


May 16, 1919

Disembarked in Halifax, Nova Scotia and proceeded to Kingston, Ontario


May 19, 1919

Discharged from the CEF in Kingston, Ontario

Ø  Rank on discharge Sergeant

Ø  War Service Badge Class “A” issued number 279538

Ø  Proposed residence on discharge 32 York St, Kingston Ontario


Jul 11, 1919

Mentioned in Despatches per London Gazette # 31448



Oct 6, 1919

Attested into MD #3 District Depot at Kingston Ontario

Ø  Attested with rank of Sgt, Number 59176

Ø  Next of kin given as Mrs. Elvena Cockburn, mother, of 32 York St, Kingston Ontario

Ø  Previous occupation given as Labourer

Ø  Previous military experience given as 6 years in 14th Princess of Wales’ Own Rifles and 4 years 6 months in 21st Battalion CEF

Ø  Religion given as Church of England

Ø  Posted to the Casualty Company and attached to 14th Regiment Princess of Wales’ Own Rifles, Kingston




Jun 29, 1920

Medical Board in Kingston notes

Ø  Patient suffers from DAH (Disordered Activity of the Heart)

Ø  Poorly nourished, underweight and anaemic

Ø  Flat chested

Ø  Suffers from Tachycardia

Ø  Has a systolic heart murmur

Ø  Feels weak and trembles


Jun 30, 1920

Discharged from His Majesty’s Service in Kingston, Ontario as being Medically Unfit for General Service

Ø  Rank on discharge Orderly Room Sergeant

Ø  Proposed residence on discharge 32 York St., Kingston, Ontario

Following his discharge, the 1914-15 Star, British War Medal and Victory Medals were sent to him at 32 York St., Kingston, Ontario


Jul 29, 1920

Medical Board in Kingston notes

Ø  Patient complains of nervousness and weakness

Ø  Has tremors

Ø  Poorly nourished and anemic

Ø  Patient is under weight

Ø  Patient is unable to do heavy work

Ø  Disability is determined to be 15%


May 31, 1921

Graduated from the Commercial Course at Kingston Business College


Jul 15, 1922

Married to Emily Elizabeth Billing in the St. Thomas Church, Belleville, Ontario


Sep 1, 1923

TOS (Taken On Strength) Princess of Wales’ Own Regiment (MG) with rank of Lieutenant


Feb 3, 1930

Promoted to rank of Captain


Jun 1, 1937

Appointed to be Staff Captain for the 9th Infantry Brigade


Mar 31, 1938

Ceases to be Staff Captain on returning to PWOR

Promoted to rank of Major


Jun 20, 1940

TOS SD&G (Stormont Dundas & Glengarry) Highlanders Auxiliary, Canadian Army

Placed in Command of “A” Company


Jun 18, 1941

Proceeded to England


Aug 1, 1941

TOS SD&G (Stormont Dundas & Glengarry) Highlanders (CA) with position of 2 i/c (Second in Command)


Mar 5, 1942

Ceases to be 2 i/c SD&G


Mar 26, 1942

Returned to Canada and posted to No 3 DD (District Depot) at Kingston and detached for temporary duty to Training Command


Jun 23, 1942

Ceases to be on temporary duty


Jun 24, 1942

Promoted to Lieutenant Colonel and appointed to Command the PWOR (MG)


Oct 15, 1943

Ceases to Command PWOR (MG)


Oct 16, 1943

Posted to #3 District Depot at Kingston


Nov 10, 1943

Attached to the Adjutant General’s Office at NDHQ (National Defence Headquarters) Ottawa as Infantry Representative


Dec 17, 1943

TOS DD #3 at Kingston


May 21, 1944

Appointed to Temporary Command of No 2 Infantry Training Battalion


Jun 12, 1944

Ernest Cockburn’s son, Captain Ernest Ennis Cockburn, was killed in action while serving with the South Wales Borders as a CANLOAN Officer and is commemorated on the Bayeux Memorial, Calvados, France for those killed during the battle of Normandy and have no known grave


Nov 13, 1944

Appointed as Permanent Commanding Officer of No 2 Inf Trg Battalion


Jul 23, 1946

SOS (Struck Off Strength) and placed on Reserve of Officers List


Jan 1, 1947

TOS PWOR (MG) with former rank of L/Col

Appointed to position of Commanding Officer PWOR (MG)


Aug 31, 1948

Ceases to be Commanding Officer PWOR (MG) on retirement


Aug 1, 1975

Ernest Cockburn died while a patient in the Kingston General Hospital and was buried in the Christ Church Anglican Cemetery in Kingston, Ontario



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