Mar 14, 1888
Born at
Middlesbrough, Yorkshire England
Jul 1, 1915
Shown on the
payroll for the 45th Victoria Regiment at Lindsay Ontario
Aug 3, 1915
Attested into
the 59th Battalion at Lindsay Ontario
Ø Number 455250
Ø Next of kin given as John William Codd, father, of Coningsby
Lincolnshire England
o This was later changed to read 59 Bankwell Rd, Milnsbridge,
Huddersrsfield England. This was changed when
he later married
Ø Previous occupation given as Fireman
Ø Religion given as Church of England
Ø Assigned to “B” Company
o This was later changed to read “A” Company
Aug 10, 1915
The 45th
Regiment’s payroll shows him transferred to the 59th Battalion
Apr 1, 1916
Embarked the RMS
Olympic at Halifax Nova Scotia

On this date,
a payroll deduction came into effect to Mr John Scott at Lodge 136, Canadian Brotherhood
of Locomotive Firemen and Engineers, Lindsay Ontario in the amount of $1.70 per month
Apr 11, 1916
Disembarked at
Liverpool England
Jun 11, 1916
Married and next
of kin changed to read Mrs Mabel Helen Codd, wife, of 23 Midland Crescent, Meadows,
Nottingham, England
Jul 6, 1916
The 59th
Battalion was absorbed by the 39th Reserve Battalion at West Sandling
Aug 10, 1916
Posted to the 21st
Aug 12, 1916
Arrived at the
CBD (Canadian Base Depot) at Havre France and TOS (Taken On Strength) the 21st
Sep 12, 1916
Left the CBD and
joined the 2nd Entrenching Battalion at Albert
Sep 16, 1916
Joined the 21st
Battalion. The Battalion was involved in
heavy fighting at Courcelette so it is most likely that he joined the Transport and
Headquarters Section that would have been held back well behind the fighting and would
have joined the Battalion proper when they came out of the line.
Dec 26, 1916
Proceeded on the
Lewis Gun Course
Jan 1, 1917
Rejoined the
Battalion from course and assigned to the Lewis Machine Gun Section
Apr 9, 1917
During the
advance at Vimy Ridge, Pte Codd was initially reported missing, then reported as killed. His remains were first buried near the trenches,
but later exhumed and buried in a permanent cemetery

Military Cemetery
Thelus France
Post war, his widow Mrs Mabel Codd, was sent the following at 23
Midland Crescent, Meadows, Nottingham, England:
British War Medal
Victory Medal
Memorial Cross
Plaque (Dead Man’s Penny) and Scroll