Aug 14, 1892
Born at Beith, Ayrshire, Scotland
May 12, 1917
Attested into the 4th Divisional
Signal Company, Canadian Engineers, at Calgary Alberta
Ø Number 2265961
Ø Current address given as 107-4th Ave. E., Calgary Alberta
Ø Next of kin given as RSM Frank Coles (father) of 30th
Cavalry Reserve, Colchester England
Ø Previous occupation given as Stenographer (graduate of Garbutt
Business College with Honours)
Ø Previous military experience given as 2 years 7 months with Lord
Strathcona’s Horse, Winnipeg, and currently a member of the 4th Field
Troop, Canadian Engineers, Calgary Alberta
Ø Stated to be single
Ø Religion given as Salvationist
Mother, Mrs Ellen Coles, was stated
to be living in Salmon Arm, British Columbia
Aug 31, 1917
Will made out at Signal Training Depot,
Ottawa, leaving estate to Miss Belle Watson (fiancé) of 2119, 5th Street,
Suite 1, Calgary Alberta
Nov 24, 1917
Embarked the SS Megantic at Halifax Nova

Dec 7, 1917
Disembarked at Liverpool England
Dec 8, 1917
TOS (Taken On Strength) the CETD (Canadian
Engineers Training Depot) at Seaford
Dec 19, 1917
TOS the 7th Reserve Battalion at
Feb 15, 1918
TOS 6th Reserve Battalion at
Apr 11, 1918
Proceeded to France with a draft for the PPCLI
(Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry)
Apr 12, 1918
Arrived at 3rd CBD (Canadian Base
Depot) and TOS the PPCLI
Apr 15, 1918
Arrived at CCRC (Canadian Corps Reinforcement
May 6, 1918
Address for father changed to Sgt Major, 5th
Cavalry Reserve Regiment, Aliwal Barracks, Tidworth, Wiltshire, England
Jun 5, 1918
SOS (Struck Off Strength) to the 21st
Jun 6, 1918
TOS 21st Battalion
Jun 8, 1918
Joined the 21st Battalion in the
The following is
from the 21st Battalion War Diary:
draft of twenty Other Ranks arrived from the 3rd Divisional Wing, CCRC. These Other Ranks had been despatched from England
as reinforcements for Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry.”
Aug 8, 1918
Wounded with 2 gun shot wounds to right arm
and admitted to No 1 CFA (Canadian Field Ambulance) then transferred to the CCS (Casualty
Clearing Station)
Aug 9, 1918
Transferred to the No 11 Stationary Hospital
Aug 10, 1918
Invalided to England aboard the Hospital Ship
Guildford Castle
Posted to the EORD (Eastern Ontario
Regimental Depot)
Aug 12, 1918
Admitted to Graylingwell Hospital, Chichester
Aug 19, 1918
Transferred to No 11 Canadian General
Hospital, Moore Barracks with Mania Depression and insanity associated with injury
Ø Confused and maniacal on admission
Ø Along with gun shot wounds to arm, he suffered a concussion from an
exploding shell
Ø He thought “the Matron was the Queen and that he had won the
Victoria Cross”
Ø He also thinks he is “Jesus Christ” and studying Pelmanism
Ø Constantly claps his hands
Ø Verbigeration (obsessive repetition of meaningless words and
phrases) is present that lasts for a couple of hours at a time and is a discomfort to
other patients
Sep 19, 1918
Transferred to Notts County War Hospital,
Radcliffe on Trent
Ø Patient is noisy, sleepless and incoherent
Ø He is easily excited and violent and must be sedated
Oct 17, 1918
Transferred to Lord Derby War Hospital,
Warrington for mental observation
Ø Patient is sleepless and suffers from headaches
Ø Claims he fell off a horse in 1912 and was dazed
Ø Knows that he is not well mentally
Ø Has a sexual complex about his condition
Ø No signs of organic nervous disease
Nov 26, 1918
Invalided to Canada aboard the Hospital Ship
Dec 4, 1918
Received a slight scalp wound from another
patient. A report of the incident recorded
the following:
Ø “Pte Coles is a mental case.
He is very noisy and talkative and annoys the other patients. Pte Nicholls who is also a mental patient and is
excitable. He admits striking Pte Coles on
the head with a spittoon cover causing a superficial scalp wound.”
Ø This wound required one suture
Ø The report is signed by the Officer Commanding the troops aboard the
Hospital Ship Araguaya
Dec 7, 1918
Disembarked at Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
Dec 9, 1918
Address for father changed to Salmon Arm,
British Columbia Canada
Admitted to Military Hospital at Cobourg
Ontario with Dementia
Ø Dec 18, 1918 – patient shows less maniacal symptoms
Ø Jan 3, 1919 – patient is not so maniacal and not so resistful to
Ø He denies any of his relatives were insane, but there is a report that
great aunt and great uncle were insane
Ø Jan 6, 1919 – Boarded for discharge to custody of SCR
(Soldier’s Civil Re-Establishment)
Jan 6, 1919
Medical Board at Cobourg Ontario notes:
Ø Disability noted as Dementia
Ø Gun shot wounds are healed with no disability
Ø Suffers from hallucinations
Ø Talks continuously with extreme incoherence
Ø Not oriented as to time and place
Ø Has shown some improvement since admission at Cobourg Hospital
Ø Condition is considered permanent and progressive
Ø To be treated with Hydrotherapy, medication, rest and extra
Ø Recommended discharge as Medically Unfit and be passed on to SCR for
custodial care
Ø Soldier could not sign the report due to mental condition
Jan 21, 1919
Discharged from the CEF at Kingston Ontario as
Medically Unfit
Ø Discharged as Medically Unfit and in order that further treatment may
be carried on by the SCR
Ø War Service Badge Class “A” issued, number 316806 as well as
a Class “B”, number c68989
Ø Proposed address on discharge – Ontario Military Hospital,
Cobourg Ontario
Jun 26, 1919
Discharged from hospital to SCR for
confinement and custodial care
Oct 17, 1919
SOS the SCR and applied for War Service
Nov 14, 1919
War Service Gratuity of $350.00 approved.
Dec 15, 1922
British War Medal and Victory Medal sent to
Ontario Military Hospital at Cobourg Ontario
Nov 16, 1929
Replacement medals sent to RR #2 Salmon Arm,
British Columbia
Dec 5, 1956