Oct 1, 1891
Born at Leeds
Feb 16, 1916
Attested into
the 136th Battalion at Ottawa Ontario
Ø Number 805355
Ø Current address given as 249 Nepean St, Ottawa Ontario
Ø Next of kin given as Mrs Mary Dalton (mother) of Leeds, Yorkshire,
o This was later changed to read Mrs May Dickinson (sister) of 3 Osborne
View, St Johns Ave, Belle Vue Rd, Leeds, Yorkshire England
Ø Former occupation given as Teamster
Ø No military experience given
Ø Religion given as Roman Catholic
Mar 13, 1916
Sentenced to 120
hours (5 days) detention
Apr 11, 1916
Sentenced to 10
days detention
May 15, 1916
Sentenced to 28
days detention
Jul 15, 1916
Sentenced to 28
days detention
The above sentences were all for
being AWL (Absent Without Leave) for varying lengths of time
Aug 17, 1916
On the
Particulars of Family form that he filed, he stated that he did not know if his father was
alive or not
Sep 25, 1916
Embarked the RMS
Corsican at Halifax Nova Scotia
Oct 6, 1916
Disembarked at
Liverpool England and proceeded to the West Sandling Camp, near Hythe Kent
On arrival,
the Battalion was broken up and he was posted to the 39th Reserve Battalion
Oct 9, 1916
Admitted to the
Military Hospital at Shorncliffe with a diagnosis of VDG (Venereal Disease Gonorrhea)
Oct 10, 1916
Transferred to
the Canadian Hospital at Etchinghill, Lyminge. This
was a special hospital for the treatment of sexually transmitted diseases
Oct 11, 1916
Stated to his
doctor that his last sexual exposure was “one week ago”. Depending on his definition, it means that he had
a sexual encounter in the last day or 2 on board ship, or the first day or 2 in England.
Oct 28, 1916
Discharged from
hospital to unit
Nov 29, 1916
Admitted to the
Military Hospital at Shorncliffe with a diagnosis of VDS (Venereal Disease Syphilis)
same day to the Canadian Hospital at Etchinghill
Jan 4, 1917
Posted to, and
TOS the 6th Reserve Battalion while still in hospital
Jan 9, 1917
Discharged from
hospital and joined the 6th Reserve Battalion at Seaford
Apr 12, 1917
Pay Book Will
filled in leaving estate to be distributed equally between his 3 sisters.
Apr 21, 1917
Sentenced to 7
days FP #2 for being AWL
In lieu of
the punishment, he was posted to the 21st Battalion
Apr 22, 1917
Arrived at CBD
(Canadian Base Depot) at Havre France and TOS the 21st Battalion
Apr 24, 1917
Left CBD to join
May 21, 1917
Joined the 21st
Battalion in the field
There is no explanation in the file for the length of time taken to
join the battalion. I suspect that he
actually proceeded to the 2nd Entrenching Battalion for a few weeks of
indoctrination to trench life
The Battalion was in the Support Trench in the Willerval area. The war diary makes note of 149 troops joining the
Battalion as replacements
Jul 22, 1917
Attached to the
4th MGC (Canadian Machine Gun Company) for duty
Aug 29, 1917
Rejoined the 21st
Battalion from 4th MGC
Sep 13, 1917
Attached to the
4th CMGC for duty
Oct 13, 1917
Rejoined the 21st
Battalion from 4th MGC
Jan 9, 1918
Granted 14 days
Jan 23, 1918
Reported to be
AWL as he did not return from leave
Jan 30, 1918
Turned himself
in to authorities (location not noted)
Feb 2, 1918
Rejoined the 21st
Feb 4, 1918
Sentenced to 28
days FP #1 (Field Punishment) for being AWL for 8 days and forfeits 8 days pay
Mar 15, 1918
Reported to be
Mar 20, 1918
Arrested in
Paris and placed in confinement as a Deserter
Apr 24, 1918
Tried by FGCM
(Field General Court Martial) under charge of Desertion.
Found Not
Guilty of Desertion, but Guilty of being Absent Without Leave, and sentenced to 6 Months
Detention IHL (In Hard Labour). Also ordered
to forfeit 6 days pay for the period that he was AWL
May 19, 1918
Released from
Detention under the “Suspension of Sentences Act” and returned to the 21st
Aug 12, 1918
Sentence of 6
months IHL was remitted by the GOC (General Officer Commanding) 4th CIB
(Canadian Infantry Brigade)
Aug 16, 1918
Was wounded by
the explosion of a gas shell and admitted to the CFA (Canadian Field Ambulance)
Aug 18, 1918
Transferred to
No 6 General Hospital at Rouen
Aug 20, 1918
Invalided to
England aboard the Hospital Ship Gloucester Castle

Posted to
EORD (Eastern Ontario Regiment Depot) while in hospital
Aug 21, 1918
Admitted to #2
Western General Hospital at Manchester
Aug 26, 1918
Transferred to
Convalescent Hospital at Bank Meadow
Aug 30, 1918
Transferred to
the Military Convalescent Hospital at Epsom
Sep 4, 1918
medals were announced in the Battalion’s War Diary, among them, the announcement of
the Military Medal for Pte Dalton. Below
is from the war diary

Sep 8, 1918
Reported to be
AWL from 9.30 pm
Sep 12, 1918
Returned to
hospital from being AWL
Sep 13, 1918
Sentenced to 4
days detention for being AWL
Sep 20, 1918
Discharged from
MCH Epsom and On Command to No 3 Canadian Convalescent Depot
Sep 30, 1918
Reported to be
AWL at 7 pm
Oct 2, 1918
Arrested for
being AWL
Oct 4, 1918
Sentenced to 3
days FP #2 and forfeits 4 days pay for being AWL
Oct 8, 1918
Admitted to the
Canadian Special Hospital at Etchinghill with a relapse of his previous Syphilis infection
Placed on Restricted Pay for 2
months because of the infection
Nov 8, 1918
Discharged from
Nov 9, 1918
Attached to 1st
CCD (Canadian Convalescent Depot) for PT (Physical Training)
Nov 13, 1918
Sentenced to 5
days FP#2 for Being AWL
Nov 17, 1918
Reported to be
AWL at 9 pm
Nov 21, 1918
Returned from
being AWL and sentenced to 6 days FP #2
from 3rd CCD and returned to EORD
Dec 10, 1918
TOS 6th
Reserve Battalion at Seaford
Jan 21, 1919
The Military
Medal was announced in the London Gazette #31142

On Command to
MD #3 at Kimmel Park pending return to Canada
Feb 22, 1919
Embarked the SS
It is not stated in the file the
port that he embarked at. The ship originated
the trip February 6, 1919 from Glasgow Scotland and made several stops before proceeding
to Canada
Mar 6, 1919
Disembarked at
Saint John New Brunswick and proceeded to Ottawa Ontario
Mar 8, 1919
TOS MD #3 at
Ottawa Ontario
Mar 26, 1919
Discharged from
the CEF at Ottawa Ontario
Ø Discharged by reason of Demobilization
Ø War Service Badge Class “A” issued, number 158151
Ø Intended residence on discharge – Ottawa Ontario
Jun 2, 1921
British War
Medal and Victory Medal sent to General Delivery, Ottawa Ontario
Although not recorded, it appears
that the medals were returned as there is a later entry of him receiving them by “hand”
Sep 20, 1922
Note in file
indicates that “By hand, received GW & V Medals”
Sep 9, 1959
Replacement War
Service Badge Class “A” issued, #171122, and delivered to 118-15 Ave, SE
Calgary, Alberta
By my
calculation, he was sentenced to 49 days Field punishment and served 134 days in detention,
virtually all for being AWL.