Feb 19, 1891
Born in
Paddington, London, England
Nov 2, 1914
Shown on the
payroll of the 57th Regiment, Peterborough
Nov 4, 1914
Attested into the
21st Battalion in Kingston, Ontario
Number 59238
(temporary number 512)
Next of kin given
as Mrs. H.M. Smith, 247 Westcott St., Peterborough, Ontario
occupation given as Machinist
No previous
military experience given
Religion given as
Church of England
Posted to
“E” Company
Later posted to
the Signal Section
21st Battalion trained in the Kingston, Ontario
area through the winter of 1914-15.
May 6, 1915
Embarked the RMS
Metagama in Montreal, Quebec
May 15, 1915
Disembarked in
Devonport, England and the battalion proceeded to the West Sandling
Camp, near Hythe, Kent to continue training
Sep 14, 1915
Embarked the St.
Seiriol in Folkestone

Sep 15, 1915
Disembarked in
Boulogne, France and the battalion proceeded to St. Omer
Jun 20, 1916
Appointed to the
rank of Lance Corporal with pay to replace L/Cpl Drake who had been
Jul 23, 1916
Proceeded on the
Signalling Course at the 2nd Army School of
Signalling at Zuytpeene, France
Nov 4, 1916
Awarded the Good
Conduct Badge
Nov 25, 1916
Granted 10 days
Dec 4, 1916
Rejoined the
battalion from leave
Dec 13, 1916
Admitted to the
No. 5 CFA (Canadian Field Ambulance) with a diagnosis that reads
Dec 14, 1916
Transferred to the
No. 23 CCS (Casualty Clearing Station)
Dec 21, 1916
Transferred via
the No. 31 AT (Ambulance Train) and admitted to the No. 1 Convalescent
Depot in Boulogne
Dec 24, 1916
Transferred to the
No. 25, General Hospital in Hardelot
Feb 12, 1917
Transferred to the
No. 7 Convalescent Depot in Boulogne
Feb 28, 1917
Transferred to the
No. 3 Large Rest Camp in Boulogne
Mar 4, 1917
Reported to the
CBD (Canadian Base Depot) in the Rouelles Camp, Havre
Mar 12, 1917
After leaving the
base depot, Frank Davey joined the 2nd Canadian
Entrenching Battalion in Hersin
Apr 16, 1917
After leaving the
entrenching battalion, Frank Davey rejoined the 21st
Battalion in billets in Bois des Alleux
Nov 1, 1917
Promoted to the
rank of Corporal to replace Cpl Manners who
had been promoted
Nov 25, 1917
Granted 14 days
leave to England
Dec 13, 1917
Rejoined the
battalion in the Cellars Camp near Neuville St. Vaast from leave
May 23, 1918
Admitted to the
No. 6 Canadian Field Ambulance with a diagnosis that reads Tonsillitis
and was transferred the same day to the No. 5 Canadian Field Ambulance
later claimed to have been gassed and that had caused his throat
May 31, 1918
Discharged to duty
from the field ambulance
Jun 2, 1918
Admitted to the
No. 9 General Hospital with a diagnosis that reads PUO (Pyrexia of
Unknown Origin), a fever with no known cause.
More commonly called Trench Fever
Jun 4, 1918
Invalided to
England aboard the Hospital Ship Essequibo

arrival in England he was admitted to the No. 4 Canadian General
Hospital in Basingstoke and the diagnosis was changed to read Trench
to the EORD (Eastern Ontario Regimental Depot) for pay purposes while
in hospital
Jul 30, 1918
Transferred to the
Princess Patricia Canadian Red Cross Hospital in the Cooden Camp,
Sep 24, 1918
Transferred to the
3rd Canadian Command Depot in Seaford
Oct 2, 1918
Ceased to be
attached on admission to the Grove Military Hospital in Tooting Grove,
London with a diagnosis that reads Ecthyma, a skin infection, and had
several boils
Oct 23, 1918
Transferred to the
Paddington Military Hospital
Oct 31, 1918
Transferred to the
Eastern Ontario Regimental Depot for pay purposes while in hospital
Nov 19, 1918
Transferred to the
Canadian Convalescent Hospital in Bearwood Park, Wokingham
Dec 6, 1918
Discharged from
hospital and transferred to the 6th Reserve
Battalion in Seaford
Dec 27, 1918
Attached to the
Military District #3 in Kinmel Park, Rhyl pending return to Canada
Jan 11, 1919
Embarked the SS
Olympic in Southampton
Jan 17, 1919
Disembarked in
Halifax, Nova Scotia and proceeded to Kingston, Ontario
Jan 20, 1919
Taken On Strength
the Military District #3 Casualty Company in Kingston
Jan 21, 1919
Granted leave
until February 3, 1919
Feb 11, 1919
Discharged from
the CEF in Kingston, Ontario
Rank on discharge
Proposed residence
on discharge 247 Westcott St., Peterborough, Ontario
his discharge, the 1914-15 Star, British War Medal and Victory Medals
were sent to him at 97 Gladstone St., Peterborough, Ontario
May 19, 1920
Married to Violet
Clara Hutchinson in Peterborough, Ontario
and Violet moved to Oshawa where he remained involved with the 21st
Battalion Association until his death in 1989
Frank Davey is honoured on a plaque in the Park
St. Baptist Church in Peterborough, Ontario

He is also honoured on the Peterborough Wall of
