Nov 21, 1889
Born in Cobourg, Ontario
Nov 5, 1914
Attested into the 21st
Battalion in Kingston, Ontario
Ø Number 59245 (temporary
number 253)
Ø Attested with the rank of Colour Sergeant
Ø Next of kin given as Mrs. Catherine Dawe, wife,
Spring St., Cobourg, Ontario
o Address was later changed to 189 Johnson St.,
Kingston, Ontario
Ø Previous occupation given as Labourer
Ø Previous military experience given as Canadian
Field Artillery and the Canadian Light Infantry
Ø Religion given as Church of England
Ø Posted to “C” Company
o This was later reorganized into “B” Company
The 21st Battalion trained
in the Kingston, Ontario area through the winter of 1914-15.
Jan 30, 1915
Reduced in rank to Private
May 6, 1915
Embarked the RMS Metagama in
Montreal, Quebec
May 15, 1915
Disembarked in Devonport,
England and the battalion proceeded to the West Sandling Camp, near Hythe,
Kent to continue training
Sep 5, 1915
Forfeited 1 day’s pay for
being absent
Sep 14, 1915
Embarked the St. Seiriol in
Sep 15, 1915
Disembarked in Boulogne,
France and the battalion proceeded to St. Omer
Sep 25, 1915
Attached to the 2nd
Division Mining Section for duty
Nov 1, 1915
Admitted to the Division Rest
Station at Locre, Belgium with a diagnosis that reads Myalgia
Nov 7, 1915
Transferred to the No. 6
Canadian Field Ambulance Rest Station
Nov 13, 1915
Discharged to duty
Nov 24, 1915
Rejoined the 21st
Battalion from duty with the mining section
Feb 3, 1916
Transferred to the 3rd
Canadian Tunneling Company
Apr 25, 1916
Forfeited 5 day’s pay for
being absent
Sep 14, 1916
Admitted to the No. 88 Field
Ambulance with a diagnosis that reads Accidental Contused Perineum
An accident report was filed and
it was determined the injury was not sustained while performing his military
Sep 15, 1916
Discharged to duty
Dec 9, 1916
Granted 10 days leave
Dec 22, 1916
Rejoined unit from leave
May 23, 1917
Sentenced to 3 days Field
Punishment No.1 for being absent
Jul 18, 1917
Forfeited 5 day’s pay for
having a light on after Lights Out and Gambling
Sep 19, 1917
At about 8 pm Private Dawe
suffered the effects of Gas Poisoning from an enemy gas shell. The symptoms seemed minor and he was
treated by the Company’s Medical Officer
Sep 21, 1917
Admitted to the 133rd
Field Ambulance with the effects of Gas Poisoning and transferred the same
day to the No. 1 Australian Casualty Clearing Station
Sep 22, 1917
Transferred via the Ambulance
Train and admitted to the No. 2 Stationary Hospital in Abbeville
Oct 3, 1917
Invalided to England aboard
the Hospital Ship Princess Elizabeth

On arrival in England he was
admitted to the Ontario Military Hospital in Orpington. On admission he was complaining of sore
throat, hoarse voice, coughing and soreness in his chest
Transferred to the CERD
(Canadian Engineer Reinforcement Depot) for pay purposes while in hospital
Nov 6, 1917
Discharged from hospital and
transferred to the CETD (Canadian Engineer Training Depot) in Seaford
Nov 21, 1917
Admitted to the Connaught
Hospital in Aldershot with a diagnosis that reads VDG (Venereal Disease
Dec 15, 1917
Discharged to duty from
May 21, 1918
Transferred to the CERB
(Canadian Engineer Reserve Battalion)
Jun 6, 1918
Transferred to the No. 1
Tunneling Company
Jul 11, 1918
Transferred to the 7th
Battalion Canadian Engineers
Dec 20, 1918
Reported to be AWL (Absent
Without Leave)
Dec 23, 1918
Reported for duty and
sentenced to 14 days Field Punishment No. 1 and forfeiture of 4 day’s pay for
his absence
Jan 6, 1919
Rejoined the battalion from
Jan 10, 1919
Forfeited 2 day’s pay for
neglecting to feed the teams and clean a harness
Feb 15, 1919
Proceeded to England
Mar 19, 1919
Embarked the SS Cedric in
Mar 27, 1919
Disembarked in Halifax, Nova
Scotia and proceeded to Montreal, Quebec
Mar 29, 1919
Discharged from the CEF in
Montreal, Quebec
Ø Rank on discharge
Ø War Service Badge
Class “A” issued number 92883
Ø Proposed residence
on discharge 21 Ellis St., Kingston, Ontario
Following his discharge, the
1914-15 Star, British War Medal and Victory Medals were sent to him at
University Ave., Cobourg, Ontario
Nov 7, 1931
Albert Dawe died and was
buried in the Union Cemetery, Cobourg, Ontario
