Mar 30, 1894
Born at
Brockville Ontario
Shown on both the 1901 and 1911
Census with first name spelled Allan
Feb 27, 1915
Attested into
the 21st Battalion at Kingston Ontario
Ø Number 59267 (temporary number 1252)
Ø Next of kin given as Allan Samuel Donaldson (father) of Brockville
Ø Previous occupation given as Brakeman
o Later recorded as Surveyor
Ø Previous military experience given as 5 years with the 41st
Brockville Rifles in the Bugle Band
Ø Religion given as Presbyterian
Ø Assigned to the Base Unit for duty with the Bugle Band
May 6, 1915
Embarked the RMS
Metagama at Montreal Quebec

May 15, 1915
Disembarked at
Devonport England and proceeded to West Sandling Camp, near Hythe, Kent, where he trained
as a Machine Gunner, and was posted to the Machine Gun Section
Jul 25, 1915
Reported to be
AWL (Absent Without Leave) and forfeits 1 days pay in addition to his pay being restricted
by ½ for 1 month
Sep 7, 1915
Reported to be
Sep 8, 1915
Reported for
duty from being AWL
Sep 9, 1915
Sentenced to 10
days detention for being AWL. This was
remitted on September 14th in order to proceed to France
Sep 14, 1915
Embarked the St
Seiriol at Folkestone

Sep 15, 1915
Disembarked at
Boulogne France and proceeded to St Omer

Aug 17, 1916
Posted to the
CTD (Canadian Training Depot) at Shorncliffe and attached to the 39th Reserve
Battalion pending OTC (Officer Training Course)

Nov 21, 1916
To be Temp Lieut
and posted to the General List
Attached to
the CMS (Canadian Musketry School)
Dec 2, 1916
Posted to the 18th
Dec 3, 1916
Arrived at CBD
(Canadian Base Depot) Havre France and TOS the 18th Battalion
Dec 7, 1916
Joined the 18th
Battalion in the field
Sep 12, 1917
Granted 10 days
leave to England
Oct 2, 1917
Admitted to No
10 CFA (Canadian Field Ambulance) diagnosed with ICT (Inter Connective Tissue) infection
of right leg
Oct 12, 1917
Transferred to
No 20 General Hospital at Camiers
Oct 22, 1917
Discharged to
Base Details from hospital
Nov 24, 1917
Arrived at CCRC
(Canadian Corps Reinforcement Centre) and same day left to rejoin the 18th
Jan 16, 1918
Granted 14 days
leave to Paris
Mar 30, 1918
Note in pay file
indicates that he is under arrest. There
is no indication as to when he was released, or what the charges were
Aug 28, 1918
Wounded in hip
and abdomen by machine gun bullets and admitted to CFA (Canadian Field Ambulance)
Aug 30, 1918
Transferred to
the No 8 British Red Cross Hospital at Boulogne and listed as being dangerously ill with a
GSW (Gun Shot Wound) to his abdomen
Sep 4, 1918
Removed from
dangerously ill list and now listed as seriously ill
Sep 10, 1918
Invalided to
England aboard the Hospital Ship Pieter de Conninck

Posted to the
WORD (Western Ontario Regimental Depot) while in hospital
Sep 11, 1918
Admitted to No 2
Western General Hospital at Manchester
Oct 10, 1918
Transferred to
Canadian Officer’s Convalescent Hospital at Matlock, Bath
Oct 23, 1918
Discharged from
hospital and attached to the Officer’s Casualty Company at Bexhill
Nov 18, 1918
Attached to the
4th Reserve Battalion at Witley
Dec 20, 1918
SOS the
establishment of the 18th Battalion
Feb 6, 1919
Tried by General
Court Martial at Witley for
Ø Conduct to the prejudice of good order and military discipline
Ø Behaving in a scandalous manner unbecoming the character of an officer
and a gentleman
Found guilty
and received a Severe Reprimand from the GOC in C Aldershot Command
Feb 11, 1919
Ceases to be
attached to the 4th Reserve Battalion and returned to the WORD and attached to
the Depot Coy at Witley
Mar 31, 1919
Attached to the
Canadian General Depot for duty at Seaford
Apr 14, 1919
Note in pay file
indicates that £5-0-0 per month to cover a dishonoured cheque of £20-0-0
May 22, 1919
Posted to
“O” Wing at CCC (Canadian Concentration Camp) at Witley pending return to Canada
May 27, 1919
Admitted to No
12 Canadian General Hospital at Bramshott diagnosed with Hemorrhoids
Jun 15, 1919
Admitted to No
12 Canadian General Hospital with a diagnosis of VDS (Syphilis)
Claimed to
have been exposed on May 15, 1919 at Windsor England
Jun 19, 1919
Transferred to
VD ward
Jul 10, 1919
Transferred to
No 16 Canadian General Hospital at Orpington and posted to the WORD
Aug 13, 1919
Discharged from
Aug 18, 1919
Discharged from
Hospital and posted to “M” Wing at Witley pending return to Canada
Aug 25, 1919
Medical Board at
Witley Camp
Ø Patient complains of pain in right buttock and abdomen when walking or
Ø Board makes note of machine gun bullet wounds
Ø Estimate of 6 months disability
Ø Recommends that he receive additional hospital treatment
Ø Also recommend that he be dealt with re the VDS on arrival in Canada
Ø Recommend that he be returned to Canada for further treatment
Aug 26, 1919
Discharged from
Sep 6, 1919
Embarked the SS
Minnekahda at London
Sep 14, 1919
Disembarked at
Halifax Nova Scotia
May 16, 1922
British War
Medal and Victory Medal sent to 131 Pearl St Brockville Ontario
Mar 26, 1967
Deceased at
Brockville Ontario