Aug 24, 1896
Born in Millbridge, Tudor Township, Ontario to
James and Sarah Matilda (nee Gunter) Donaldson
Dec 30, 1915
Attested into the 155th Battalion in
Madoc, Ontario
Ø Number 636140
Ø Next of kin given as Matilda Donaldson, mother, Lake Geneva, Alberta
Ø Previous occupation given as Telegraph Operator
Ø No previous military experience given
Ø Religion given as Church of England
On attesting he gave his birth year as
The battalion trained in the Kingston, Ontario
Mar 29, 1916
Promoted to the provisional rank of Sergeant
Jun 8, 1916
Reverted to the rank of Private
Jun 16, 1916
Appointed to the rank of Acting Corporal
Oct 17, 1916
Embarked the SS Northland in Halifax, Nova

The Embarkation Roll shows his rank as Private
Oct 28, 1916
Disembarked in Liverpool, England and the
battalion proceeded to Bramshott
Nov 11, 1916
Appointed to the rank of Acting Sergeant without
Nov 15, 1916
Attached to the CAPC (Canadian Army Pay Corps),
Liphook Detachment for duty
Nov 24, 1916
Transferred to the CAPC in London
Dec 8, 1916
Transferred to the 154th Battalion in
Bramshott but remained attached to the CAPC
Jan 31, 1917
Transferred to the newly formed 6th
Reserve Battalion in East Sandling, but remained attached to the CAPC. Shortly after the formation of the battalion, it
was moved to Seaford
Apr 12, 1917
Ceased to be attached to the CAPC and joined the
6th Reserve Battalion in Seaford.
Jun 5, 1917
Posted to the 21st Battalion
Jun 6, 1917
Arrived at the CIBD (Canadian Infantry Base
Depot) in Etaples, France and was TOS (Taken On Strength) the 21st Battalion. He reverted to his permanent rank of Private on
joining the battalion
Jun 23, 1917
Left the CIBD and joined the 2nd
Entrenching Battalion in Hersin
Jul 21, 1917
A work party for the
entrenching battalion came under an artillery barrage and Private Charles Donaldson was
killed before having a chance to join the 21st Battalion at the front. He was buried in the Bully Grenay
Communal Cemetery, Bully les Mines, France

Following the war the
British War Medal and Victory Medals were sent to his sister, Miss Grace M. Donaldson,
Lake Geneva, Alberta
The Plaque (Dead Man’s
Penny), Scroll and Memorial Cross were sent to his mother, Mrs. James Donaldson, at the
same address
Although the CWGC shows
his death as being on July 20, 1917, the 2nd Entrenching Battalion War Diary
records his death as being July 21, 1917, while on a working party on the outskirts of
Lens along with Pte J Leach 59573, Pte J Krampe 412251, and Pte MW Lahey, 640004, all of
the 21st Battalion. According
to the Circumstances of Death file it would appear that the same shell explosion killed
them all.
Charles Donaldson
is honoured on the Bancroft, Ontario War Memorial
