John Downey Jr

Mar 5, 1891

Born in Belleville, Ontario to John and Mary (nee Phelan) Downey


Apr 10, 1915

Attached to the 39th Battalion for duty from the 15th Regiment Argyle Light Infantry


Jun 17, 1915

Attached to the 59th Battalion in Kingston


Jul 29, 1915

Attended the School of Musketry in the Rockcliffe, Ontario Camp


Aug 17, 1915

Rejoined the 59th Battalion in Kingston


Sep 17, 1915

Attested into the 59th Battalion CEF in the Barriefield Camp, Kingston, Ontario

Ø  Rank Lieutenant

Ø  Next of kin given as John Downey, father, Belleville, Ontario

Ø  Previous occupation given as Merchant

o   Later noted as Coal Merchant

Ø  Previous military experience given as 15th Regiment, Argyle Light Infantry for 6 months and the 39th Battalion CEF for 3 months

Ø  Religion given as Roman Catholic

Ø  Posted to the 2nd Reinforcing Draft of the 59th Battalion


Nov 12, 1915

The 2nd Reinforcing Draft embarked the SS Missanabie in Montreal, Quebec



Nov 23, 1915

Disembarked in Plymouth, England and the draft proceeded to the West Sandling Camp where the men were absorbed into the 39th Reserve Battalion to continue training


Jul 1, 1916

Transferred to the 21st Battalion

Arrived at the CBD (Canadian Base Depot) in the Rouelles Camp, Havre, France and Taken On Strength of the 21st Battalion


Jul 2, 1916

After leaving the base depot, Lieutenant Downey joined the 21st Battalion resting in the Micmac Camp near Dikkebus, Belgium


Dec 16, 1916

Granted 10 days leave


Dec 26, 1916

Leave extended to January 15, 1917


Jan 20, 1917

Lieutenant Downey rejoined the battalion in Calonne, France from leave


Feb 21, 1917

Transferred to the Canadian Training Division in Shorncliffe, England pending return to Canada


Mar 5, 1917

Embarked the SS Metagama in Liverpool


Mar 16, 1917

Disembarked in Saint John, New Brunswick and proceeded to Belleville, Ontario where he was Taken On Strength of the 254th Battalion


May 17, 1917

Officer’s Declaration on enlistment in the 254th Battalion in Belleville, Ontario


Ø  Rank Lieutenant

Ø  Next of kin given as John Downey, father, Belleville, Ontario

Ø  Previous occupation given as Gentleman

Ø  Previous military experience given as 21st Battalion and 3 months in the Canadian Militia

Ø  Religion given as Roman Catholic


May 28, 1917

Taken On Strength of the 2nd Battalion Reinforcing Draft with the rank of Captain


Aug 16, 1917

Attached to the 1st Depot Battalion, EOR (Eastern Ontario Regiment)


Oct 30, 1917

Resigned his Commission


Jan 3, 1921

John Downey Jr. died while a patient of the Belleville Hospital of a bowel obstruction following surgery for Appendicitis.  He was buried in the Riverside Cemetery, Napanee, Ontario



The British War Medal, Victory Medal, Plaque (Dead Man’s Penny) and Scroll were sent to his father, John Downey, 158 Bridge St. E., Belleville, Ontario

The Memorial Cross was sent to his mother, Mrs. Mary Downey, at the same address


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