May 20, 1896
Born in Mader’s Cove, Lunenburg County,
Nova Scotia
Apr 8, 1915
Shown on the payroll of the Composite Artillery,
No. 1 Siege Company, with the rank of Gunner, and assigned to the Wireless Station Guard
Sep 8, 1915
Shown as being transferred to the 64th
Sep 27, 1915
Attested into the 64th Battalion in
Sussex, New Brunswick
Ø Number 470609
Ø Next of kin given as Jonathan Eisnor, father, Mader’s, Cove, Nova
Ø Previous occupation given as Farmer
o Noted in the file as a qualified Carpenter
Ø Previous military experience given as No. 1 Siege Battery, Canadian
Garrison Artillery for 5 months
Ø Religion given as Presbyterian
Ø Assigned to “A” Company
Mar 31, 1916
Embarked the SS Adriatic in Halifax, Nova Scotia

Apr 9, 1916
Disembarked in Liverpool, England
Jul 6, 1916
Transferred to the 40th Battalion in
the Caesar Camp to continue training
Jul 12, 1916
Transferred to the 21st Battalion
Jul 14, 1916
Arrived at the CBD (Canadian Base Depot) in the
Rouelles Camp, Havre, France as part of a draft of 78 reinforcements from England and TOS
(Taken On Strength) the 21st Battalion
Jul 30, 1916
Left the CBD to join the battalion
Aug 2, 1916
Joined the 21st Battalion in the
Chippawa Camp, near La Clytte, Belgium
Oct 13, 1916
Admitted to the No. 4 CFA (Canadian Field
Ambulance) with a diagnosis that reads Dysentery. He
was transferred the same day to the No. 12 Stationary Hospital in Rouen
Oct 14, 1916
Transferred to the No. 14 Stationary Hospital in
Oct 23, 1916
Invalided to England aboard the Hospital Ship St

On arrival in England he was transported to the
Edinburgh War Hospital in Bangour, Scotland where the diagnosis is changed to read
Posted to the CCAC (Canadian Casualty Assembly
Centre) for pay purposes while in hospital
Dec 20, 1916
Transferred to the Canadian Convalescent
Hospital in Woodcote Park
Feb 14, 1917
Discharged from the convalescent hospital and
attached to the CGDD (Canadian Garrison Duty Depot) for light duty
Mar 10, 1917
TOS the EORD (Eastern
Ontario Regimental Depot) and placed On Command to the Garrison Duty Battalion in Seaford
Apr 14, 1917
Ceased to be attached to the CGDD
Jun 24, 1917
On Command to the No. 10 Canadian Stationary
Hospital in Eastbourne for duty
Sep 26, 1917
Posted to the CAMCRD (Canadian Army Medical
Corps Regimental Depot) in Westenhanger
Assigned to the No. 14 Canadian General Hospital
in Eastbourne for duty
Oct 17, 1917
Posted to the No. 14 Canadian General Hospital
in Eastbourne
Dec 26, 1917
Admitted to the No. 14 General Hospital in
Eastbourne as a patient with a diagnosis that reads Appendicitis and Influenza
Jan 1, 1918
Discharged to duty from hospital
Jul 11, 1918
Posted to the CAMCRD in Shorncliffe
Jul 13, 1918
Posted to the Canadian General Depot in
Aug 3, 1918
Posted to the 6th Reserve Battalion
in Seaford
Sep 4, 1918
Posted to the 21st Battalion
Sep 5, 1918
Arrived at the No. 2 CIBD (Canadian Infantry
Base Depot) in Etaples, France and TOS the 21st Battalion
Sep 9, 1918
Left the CIBD and joined the CC Rein C (Canadian
Corps Reinforcement Camp) in Aubin St. Vaast
Sep 11, 1918
Left the reinforcement camp and joined the 21st
Battalion in Division Reserve on the Droucourt Queant Line as part of a draft of 50
Oct 13, 1918
Admitted to the No. 10 CFA (Canadian Field
Ambulance) with a diagnosis that reads ICT (Inter Connective Tissue) infection in his
feet. It is also recorded that he was
suffering from exposure to artillery shell gas poisoning
Oct 14, 1918
Transferred to the No. 1 CCS (Casualty Clearing
Station) for treatment and transferred the same day via the No. 16 AT (Ambulance Train)
Oct 15, 1918
Admitted to the No. 18 General Hospital in
Oct 22, 1918
Transferred to the No. 6 Convalescent Depot in
Etaples to recuperate
Oct 24, 1918
Transferred to the No. 12 Convalescent Depot to
continue his recuperation
Nov 9, 1918
Fined 3 days pay for being found in town without
a pass
Nov 12, 1918
Discharged from hospital and reported to the
CIBD in Etaples and posted to “A” Company for those recovering from wounds and
Nov 20, 1918
Left the base depot and joined the CC Rein C in
Aubin St. Vaast
Jan 11, 1919
Transferred to the EORD (Eastern Ontario
Regimental Depot) on proceeding to England and detailed to the Depot Company in Seaford
Mar 8, 1919
Admitted to the No. 16 Canadian General
Hospital, Orpington, Kent, with a diagnosis that reads VDH (Valvular Disease of the Heart)
and is noted as having an enlarged heart, most likely present prior to enlistment
Ceased to be detailed to the Depot Company on
being admitted to hospital
Jun 6, 1919
Discharged from hospital with a recommendation
that he be returned to Canada and discharged as medically unfit
Jun 15, 1919
Posted to “J” Wing at Witley pending
return to Canada for discharge
Jul 2, 1919
Embarked the SS Olympic

Jul 8, 1919
Disembarked in Halifax, Nova Scotia
Jul 17, 1919
Discharged from the CEF in Halifax, Nova
Ø Rank on discharge Private
Ø War Service Badge Class “A” issued, number 129620
Ø Proposed residence on discharge Mader’s Cove, Lunenburg County,
Nova Scotia
Dec 30, 1919
Murray Eisnor died in Mader’s Cove, Nova
Scotia of Pneumonia. It was determined his
death was caused by him being gassed in France. He
was buried in the Bayview
Cemetery Mahone Bay Nova Scotia

Following the war the British War Medal, Victory
Medal, Plaque (Dead Man’s Penny) and Scroll were sent to his father, Mr. Johathan
Eisnor, Mahone Bay, Lunenburg County, Nova Scotia
There was no Memorial Cross issued