Diary for Pte Arthur Esdon 


21st Canadian Battalion 

March 1917


March 1, 1917

In the line.  4th Can Div made a Gas attack and raid on left this morning at daybreak.  A failure


March 2, 1917

In the line. 


March 3, 1917

In the line.  Relieved by 19th Can Bn and went in Div reserve.  In billets in huts


March 4, 1917

Moved into tents today


March 5, 1917

In billets in tents


March 6, 1917

Went to dentist today.  One tooth filled and one treated.  Moved into tents in woods.


March 7, 1917

Moved into billets in La Targette for fatigue work.  On fatigue carrying 60 pound trench mortars at night


March 8, 1917

On fatigue tonight as a carrying party, carrying screens for stokes gun emplacement.


March 9, 1917

Moved to Glascow dump and back again tonight


March 10, 1917

On fatigue tonight.  Supper never showed up


March 11, 1917

On fatigue, same as last night


March 12, 1917

On Ration fatigue tonight.  Tommie Foran wounded in foot today


March 13, 1917

On fatigue


March 14, 1917

On fatigue


March 15, 1917

Relieved by 20th Can Bn and marched to billets near St Eloy village


March 16, 1917

In billets.  Got a bath and got paid 30 Francs


March 17, 1917

Went to dentist to get teeth fixed


March 18, 1917

Church Parade in afternoon


March 19, 1917

At Dentist getting teeth fixed


March 20, 1917

In billets cleaning Gun and ammunition


March 21, 1917

Relieved the 20th Can Bn in Rhine shelters.  Shelled on way in.  One of our aeroplanes brought down near the cave.


March 22, 1917

In support on fatigues


March 23, 1917

In support on fatigues


March 24, 1917

Relieved by the 28th Can Bn and came out to billets near St Eloy village


March 25, 1917

Moved to billets near Chambre Le Abbe.  Rained some today


March 26, 1917

Rained all day so stayed in tents


March 27, 1917

Rested today and cleaned up


March 28, 1917

With Company in drill in am.  With Lewis Gun on drill in afternoon


March 29, 1917

Drilling on tapes for a charge.  Tapes mark lines of trenches


March 30, 1917

Route march in forenoon.  Parade to Cinema in afternoon.  Wet all day


March 31, 1917

Drilling with Company in forenoon.  On LGs (Lewis Guns) shooting in afternoon



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