Nov 5,1878
Born at Fredericksburg ON
Nov 9, 1914
Attested at Kingston ON and given rank of
Ø Next of kin given as S. Amanda Frink (wife) at 42 Raglan Rd, Kingston
ON (It
is noted at one point that she moved to 1 Kimberley Terrace, Lyminge, Kent, England. Date unknown, although the separation allowance
was transferred to the Bank of Montreal in London England beginning in Dec of 1914. It was common for wives of officers to move to
England to be near their husbands during the war. There is also a note that at one point
she moved to “Box 107 Yarker ON” and again there is no date for that )
Ø Occupation given as “Salesman”
Ø Previous service given as – 3 years with Royal Canadian Regiment,
2 years and 7 months with the SS Bn RCR Reserve.
Ø Religion given as “Presbyterian”
Ø Tattoo noted on left forearm, birthmark on left ankle, scars on chin
and back of neck
Ø Birth date given as Nov 5, 1887 There appears to be an
error on his attestation papers where this date is noted.
On the second page, his “apparent age” is given as 36 years, and that is
as of Nov 9, 1914. You will also see on a
later medical board entry, his birth date is given as Nov 5, 1878, which also coincides
with the age on his gravestone.
Feb 11, 1915
Promoted Field Officer – Captain
May 1, 1915
Pay assignment to wife, Mrs SA Frink, of $30
per month, to be deposited in the Bank of Montreal, Waterloo Place, London England. This went on until April 1917
Sep 25, 1915
Taken On Strength at West Sandling Camp
England from the 39th Battalion
Jan 10, 1916
Transferred to the 21st Battalion
Jan 14, 1916
Taken On Strength 21st Battalion
and joined unit in France
Apr 1, 1916
Pay assignment of $40 per month to his wife
was paid in England from April 1, 1916 to May 31, 1917
May 15, 1916
Granted 9 days leave
May 23, 1916
Leave extended to May 28, 1916
May 30, 1916
Leave extended to Jun 4, 1916
Jun 5, 1916
Returned to duty from leave
Jun 12, 1916
Granted leave from Jun 12 to Jun 20
Sep 16, 1916
To be acting Captain to replace Capt. Shepherd
Nov 24, 1916
Admitted to No. 6 Canadian Field Ambulance
with indigestion
Nov 29, 1916
Discharged to duty from No. 6 Canadian Field
Dec 15, 1916
Admitted to No 18 Casualty Clearing Station
with Nephritis
Dec 28, 1916
Admitted to No 20 General Hospital, Camiers
with Nephritis
Jan 1, 1917
Sent to England with Nephritis
Jan 2, 1917
Detached to General List for admittance to
Jan 3, 1917
Admitted to Royal Free Gray’s Inn Road
Hospital with Nephritis
Jan 31, 1917
Relinquishes Acting rank of Captain
Feb 1, 1917
Paid as a Captain from Feb 1, 1917 to Jan 31,
1918 (this
date may be in error and probably should read Jan 31, 1917) when he reverted
to rank of Lieutenant
Feb 3, 1917
Discharged from Royal Free Hospital and
admitted to Military Hospital at Shorncliffe.
Feb 19, 1917
Medical Board at Shorncliffe determined unfit
for any service for 2 months because of Rheumatism. (also noted as
“Nephritis” on another page)
Feb 19, 1917
Medical Board Report at Shorncliffe
Ø Noted as a member of the 21st Battalion
Ø Disability noted as Nephritis with current absence beginning this date
Ø Declared to be unfit for any service for 2 months
Ø Disability was determined to be caused by exposure while on active
Feb 23, 1917
Discharged from Military Hospital Shorncliffe.
Mar 21, 1917
Admitted to Helena Military Hospital at
Shorncliffe with Rheumatic Fever (Myalgia ?)
Apr 3, 1917
Discharged from Military Hospital Shorncliffe
Medical Board Report at Shorncliffe
Ø Noted as a member of the 6th Reserve Battalion
Ø Reason for disability given as “Rheumatism”
Ø Date for current disability leave Feb 19, 1917
Ø Disability reported on previous board was given as
Ø During current leave was hospitalized at Helena Hospital but is now
practically pain free
Ø Declared to be fit for home service with no route marches
Ø Determined that he contracted his Rheumatism while in the Royal Free
Hospital in London
Ø Determined to be unfit for 1 month
Ø His condition is determined to have been caused by his active service
Apr 4, 1917
Transferred from Casualty Clearing to Eastern
Ontario Regimental Depot and posted to 6th Reserve Battalion
May 1, 1917
Pay assignment to wife, Mrs SA Frink, of $30
per month, to be deposited in the Bank of Montreal, Napanee ON. This went on until July 1, 1917
May 2, 1917
Medical Board Report at Shorncliffe
Ø Noted as a member of 6th Reserve Battalion
Ø Disability reported as “Rheumatism”
Ø Disability was declared as contracted in France in Dec 1916 while on
duty and then evacuated to England
Ø He reports constant pain in back and swelling in both feet
Ø He is declared as not fit for General Service for 2 months
Ø Condition is declared to have been caused by exposure and general
service conditions
Granted sick leave to Canada without
expense to the public, May 2, 1917 to Jun 2, 1917
May 21, 1917
Disembarked SS Olympic in Canada on leave

Medical Board Report at Halifax NS
Ø Noted as a member of the 6th Reserve Battalion
Ø He is noted as suffering from both Nephritis and Rheumatism
Ø Both ankles are swollen and tender and he walks with a cane
Ø Urinary problems noted with pain and diminished flow and quantity with
no urinalysis available
Ø Declared not fit for service for 6 months
Jun 1, 1917
Struck Off Strength the 6th Reserve
Battalion on posting to Eastern Ontario Regimental Depot at Seaford
Jun 2, 1917
Taken on Strength of the Eastern Ontario
Regimental Depot at Seaford from the 6th Reserve Battalion
Jul 3, 1917
Struck Off Strength Eastern Ontario Regimental
Depot and retained in Canada for further medical treatment
Aug 1, 1917
Struck Off Strength the Eastern Ontario
Regimental Depot at Seaford on being returned to Canada
Jan 3-4, 1918
Medical Board Report at Kingston ON
Ø Height given as 5’ 5 ¾” – his attestation papers
noted his height as 5’ 5”
Ø Hair colour is noted as black – his attestation
papers noted his hair as brown
Ø A ½ anchor is noted as a tattoo on his right forearm while the attestation
papers noted the tattoo on his left forearm
Ø Address on discharge given as “Napanee ON”
Ø Former occupation given as “Machinery Salesman”
Ø Former service noted as RCR SS Bn 1899 to 1902 – 1st
Battalion RCR 1905 to 1908 – 21st Battalion Oct 1915 to present (Jan 3,
Ø Disability given as “Sub acute nephritis originating in France
between 1914 and 1916 from an unknown cause
Ø Puffiness beneath eyes, swelling of ankles, occasional back pain,
frequent night time urination as it is painful to hold it, sees specks before eyes
Ø Pus and blood found in urine, along with hyaline and granular costs.
Ø Disability is ruled to have arisen while “on duty”
Ø Eyesight checked at 20/20 plus 50D in both eyes.
Ø Incapacity expected to be 75% for next 6 months
Ø Board recommends him to be fit for light duty in Canada only, category
C3, and that he is not fit to resume his former occupation, but sedentary work only.
Sep 2, 1919
Certificate of Service Details
Ø Rank noted as Acting Captain
Ø Joined 21st Battalion Nov 9, 1914
Ø He served in Canada, England and France with the 21st
Battalion, the 39th Battalion and the 6th Reserve Battalion
Ø He was Struck Off Strength Jan 16, 1918 as “Medically Unfit”
Apr 9, 1966
Died at the Lennox and Addington County
General Hospital in Napanee
Buried in the Deseronto
Cemetery, Deseronto ON
Note: It would appear that there is at least one page
missing from this file, as there is a gap between Nov 9, 1914 when he was attested into
the 21st Battalion, and Sep 25, 1915 when he was Taken on Strength at West
Sandling in England from the 39th Battalion.
His name does not appear on the Embarkation Roll of the 21st Battalion
when they sailed aboard the SS Metagama on May 6, 1915.
There are newspaper reports of him
in England during that gap that mention him training with the battalion, including a photo
of officers of the battalion taken in England and published in July 1915.
With the data missing, it is
difficult to piece together exactly what he was doing during this period.