John Benjamin Gage

Above photo, taken while with the 35th Battalion, Pte Gage is 2nd from the
right in the second row from the top

The Marriage certificate is courtesy of Annette Fulford, with details
transcribed below
Name: |
John Benjamin Gage |
Age: |
19 |
Estimated Birth Year: |
abt 1893 |
Father Name: |
John Gage |
Mother Name: |
Agnes Noel |
Spouse Name: |
Jennie Dixon |
Spouse's Age: |
28 |
Spouse Estimated Birth Year: |
abt 1884 |
Spouse Father Name: |
Robert Kyle Dixon |
Spouse Mother Name: |
Mary Jane Dixon |
Marriage Date: |
3 Feb 1912 |
Marriage Place: |
York |
Marriage County: |
York |

Summary of Service Record
Mar 2, 1892
Born at London England
Note that his birth year is
recorded as 1891 on his Attestation Papers. The
1911 Census shows his birth year as 1892, as does family history.
Feb 3, 1912
Married to Jennie Dixon at Toronto Ontario
Apr 5, 1915
Attested into the 35th Battalion at
Toronto Ontario
Ø Number 404512 (initially was A04512)
Ø Next of kin given as Jennie Gage (wife) of 27 Montague St., Toronto
o This was later changed several times, with the last know address as
c/o Bank of Toronto, Yonge St. Branch, Toronto Ontario (Oct 27, 1922)
Ø Previous occupation given as shipper
Ø No previous military experience given
Ø Religion given as Congregationalist
Ø Assigned to 14 Platoon, “D”
Oct 16, 1915
Embarked the SS Metagama at Montreal Quebec
Oct 25, 1915
Disembarked at Plymouth England
Mar 29, 1916
Will made out leaving entire estate to his
wife of 3 Lennox Road, Hove, Sussex, England
Apr 1, 1916
Embarked for France as part of a draft for the
21st Battalion
Apr 2, 1916
Arrived at CIBD (Canadian Infantry Base Depot)
at Havre France and TOS (Taken On Strength) of the 21st Battalion
Apr 18, 1916
Left CIBD to join the 21st
Apr 20, 1916
Joined the 21st Battalion in the
The Battalion was in the front line
south of Ypres, in the Voormezeele Belgium area
May 15, 1916
Appointed to rank of Lance Corporal to replace
L/Cpl IR Metcalfe who had been promoted
Jul 3, 1916
Promoted to rank of Corporal to replace Cpl
Cocke who had been promoted
Sep 17, 1916
Promoted to rank of Sergeant
Jul 19, 1917
Killed in action by shell fire
Initially buried in the Lievin Military
Cemetery by Major WE Kidd (Battalion Padre), but later moved to the Loos British Cemetery,
Pas de Calais, France
Jun 24, 1920
Death Plaque and Scroll sent to his widow at
9714 Logan Ave Toronto Ontario (this address is wrong and should have been 971 Logan Ave.)
Memorial Cross sent to his mother, Mrs JB
Gage Sr., c/o The Commons Junior Masonic School, Baker St., Wey Bridge, Surrey England

The newspaper articles above are courtesy of
Marika Pirie
Oct 24, 1922
Death Scroll sent to wife c/o Bank of Toronto,
Yonge St Branch, Toronto Ontario.
Oct 25, 1922
Death Plaque sent to wife at address above
Oct 28, 1922
Death Scroll returned as unclaimed
Nov 2, 1922
Death Plaque returned as unclaimed
Feb 22, 1923
Death Plaque and Scroll sent again
With several different addresses
recorded and crossed off, it is difficult to determine which address these items were
finally sent to.