Jul 22, 1884
Born in Ayrshire, Scotland to
Alexander and Mary (nee Bole) Gibson
Nov 5, 1914
Attested into the 21st
Battalion in Kingston, Ontario
Ø Number 59362 (temporary number 1055)
Ø Next of kin given as Mary Gibson, mother, Craig
Farm, Whiteham, Wigtownshire, Scotland
Ø Previous occupation given as Dairy Farmer
Ø No previous military experience given
Ø Religion given as Presbyterian
Ø Posted to the Depot Company
The 21st Battalion trained
in the Kingston, Ontario area through the winter of 1914-15.
Jan 4, 1915
Married to Annie Elizabeth
Watts in Cobourg, Ontario
May 6, 1915
Embarked the RMS Metagama in
Montreal, Quebec
May 15, 1915
Disembarked in Devonport,
England and the battalion proceeded to the West Sandling Camp, near Hythe,
Kent to continue training
Sep 2, 1915
Posted to “B” Company
Sep 14, 1915
Embarked the St. Seiriol in
Sep 15, 1915
Disembarked in Boulogne,
France and the battalion proceeded to St. Omer
Sep 20, 1915
Sentenced to 28 days Field
Punishment No. 1 for being drunk and damaging government property and
battalion records
Oct 14, 1916
Admitted to the No. 1 Canadian
General Hospital in Etaples, France with a diagnosis that reads Debility
Oct 18, 1916
Transferred to the No. 24
General Hospital in Etaples, and the diagnosis was changed to read Dysentery
Nov 1, 1916
Invalided to England aboard
the Hospital Ship Stad Antwerpen

On arrival in England he was
admitted to the 1st Eastern General Hospital in Cambridge and the
diagnosis was changed to read Gastro Enteritis
Transferred to the CCAC
(Canadian Casualty Assembly Centre) for pay purposes while in hospital
Dec 16, 1916
Transferred to the Canadian
Convalescent Hospital in Woodcote Park, Epsom
Jan 10, 1917
Reported to the Canadian
Casualty Assembly Centre in Hastings
Jan 11, 1917
Attached to the CCD (Canadian
Command Depot) for physical training at St. Leonard’s Hospital
Mar 8, 1917
Transferred to the 6th
Reserve Battalion in Seaford
May 17, 1917
Transferred to the 21st
May 18, 1917
Arrived at the CBD (Canadian
Base Depot) in the Rouelles Camp, Havre, France as part of a draft of 237
reinforcements from England and TOS (Taken On Strength) the 21st
Jun 4, 1917
After leaving the base depot
he joined the 2nd Canadian Entrenching Battalion in Hersin
Jun 12, 1917
After leaving the entrenching
battalion Private Gibson rejoined the 21st Battalion resting in
the town of Coupigny, France
Aug 17, 1917
During fierce fighting at Hill
70 near Lens, France, Private Gibson was buried by the explosion of a shell
and dug out by his comrades. He had
received a shrapnel wound to his right arm and was evacuated to a field
ambulance for first aid before being transported to the No. 23 CCS (Casualty
Clearing Station)
Aug 18, 1917
Transported via the No. 36 AT
(Ambulance Train) and admitted to the No. 56 General Hospital in Etaples
Aug 30, 1917
Invalided to England aboard
the Hospital Ship Stad Antwerpen
On arrival in England he was
admitted to the Kitchener Military Hospital in Brighton
Transferred to the EORD
(Eastern Ontario Regimental Depot) for pay purposes while in hospital
Oct 6, 1917
Transferred to the Canadian
Convalescent Hospital in Woodcote Park, Epsom
Oct 29, 1917
Discharged from hospital and
transferred to the 3rd Canadian Command Depot
Nov 18, 1917
Transferred to the 6th
Reserve Battalion in Seaford
Mar 18, 1918
Transferred to the Eastern
Ontario Regimental Depot and remained attached to the 6th Reserve
Battalion in Seaford
May 25, 1918
Sentenced to 28 days detention
and forfeited 28 days pay for being drunk
May 31, 1918
Proceeded to the Wandsworth
Prison as an inmate

Jun 17, 1918
Released from prison and
rejoined the Eastern Ontario Regimental Depot
Jul 10, 1918
Transferred to the CAMC
(Canadian Army Medical Corps) Reserve Depot in Shorncliffe
Jul 18, 1918
Transferred to the Granville
Canadian Special Hospital in Buxton for duty
Nov 16, 1918
Forfeited total of 10 days pay
for being absent for 2 days
Feb 1, 1919
Transferred to the Canadian
Army Medical Corps Casualty Company in Shorncliffe
Feb 14, 1919
Transferred to the Military
District No. 3 in Rhyl pending return to Canada
Feb 25, 1919
Embarked the SS Megantic in
Mar 5, 1919
Disembarked in Halifax, Nova
Scotia and proceeded to Kingston, Ontario
Mar 9, 1919
Granted leave until March 22,
Mar 28, 1919
Discharged from the CEF in
Kingston, Ontario
Ø Rank on discharge
Ø War Service Badge
Class “A” issued number 91212
Ø Proposed residence
on discharge 59 James St., Cobourg, Ontario
Following his discharge, the
1914-15 Star, British War Medal and Victory Medals were sent to him at Box
843, 26 John St., Cobourg, Ontario
Jan 25, 1954
Samuel Gibson died in Cobourg,
Ontario and was buried in the St. Peter’s Cemetery there