Ernest John Glasgow

Mar 16, 1880
Born in Finch Township, Stormont County,
Jan 2, 1916
Sworn into the 154th Battalion at
Morrisburg Ontario
Ø Given rank of Captain
Ø Next of kin given as John A Glasgow (father) of Cannamore Ontario
Ø Previous occupation given as Farmer
Ø Previous military experience given as Capt of “H” Coy, 59th
Regiment since Nov 22, 1910
Ø Religion given as Methodist
Oct 18, 1916
Will made out leaving his entire estate to his
brother, William Charles Glasgow of Cannamore Ontario
Oct 25, 1916
Embarked the RMS Mauretania at Halifax for

Oct 31, 1916
Disembarked at Liverpool England
Jan 31, 1917
Transferred to the 6th Reserve
Battalion at East Sandling Camp
Feb 19, 1917
Attended 52nd class at Canadian
School of Musketry, Shorncliffe and Qualified “2nd Class” on March 9,
Jul 11, 1917
On Command “Overseas” to France on
“Conducting Duty”
Jul 21, 1917
Returned to 6th Reserve Battalion
at Seaford from France
Aug 11, 1917
Reverts to rank of Lieut in order to proceed
to France and is transferred to the 21st Battalion
Aug 13, 1917
Arrived at No 2 CIBD (Canadian Infantry Base
Depot) in France and is TOS (Taken On Strength) the 21st Battalion
Aug 15, 1917
Left No 2 CIBD to join unit
Aug 17, 1917
Joined the 21st Battalion in the
Aug 28, 1917
Proceeded on Course
Sep 14, 1917
Rejoined 21st Battalion from course
Nov 25, 1917
Proceeded on course
Dec 1, 1917
Rejoined 21st Battalion from course
Jan 6, 1918
Granted 14 days leave
Jan 21, 1918
Rejoined from leave
May 8, 1918
Wounded in a trench mortar attack. It should be noted that the war diary account
indicates that it was a shrapnel wound that fell him, but the “Circumstances of
Death” report below records it as a bullet wound.
May 9, 1918
Admitted to No 3 Canadian Stationary Hospital
at Doullens with a gunshot wound to abdomen, and died of those wounds

at Doullens Communal Cemetery, Extension #2,France

DOW May 9, 1918
This is a monument in Morewood Ontario built in his likeness, by his parents and the
village of Morewood in 1920
Reproduced with permission
medals were sent to William Charles Glasgow (brother) at Morewood Ontario
Sep 22, 1922
Plaque and Scroll sent to Albert E Glasgow
(elder brother) at Cannamore Ontario

For the 7
nights leading up to November 11, 2010, the names of all Canadian soldiers were projected
onto the Belgian War Memorial in Ypres. At
the same time, the same names were being broadcast via the internet to schools across
Belgium and Canada. The image above shows
the opening ceremonies at the Belgian War Memorial on November 4, 2010.
Below on the
left is the name of Ernest Glasgow being projected on that wall. Below right shows the name being broadcast to the
schools. Each name appeared for 25 seconds
and each night 9,700 names were shown.
