Sep 9, 1890
Born in Plympton, Devon,
England to George Thomas and Mary Elizabeth (nee Burrows) Goad
Jul 31, 1914
Embarked the SS Calgarian in
Aug 7, 1914
Disembarked in Quebec City,
Quebec and proceeded to Sault St. Marie, Ontario
Nov 9, 1914
Attested into the 21st
Battalion in Kingston, Ontario
Ø Number 59373 (temporary number 4)
Ø Next of kin given as Mary EC Wills, mother, 1
Moorland View, Plympton, England
o His father died prior to his birth and him mother
Ø Previous occupation given as Accountant
Ø No previous military experience given
Ø Religion given as Wesleyan
Ø Posted to the Headquarters Company and employed
as Orderly Room Clerk
The 21st Battalion trained
in the Kingston, Ontario area through the winter of 1914-15.
Nov 16, 1914
Appointed to the provisional
rank of Sergeant and appointed as Orderly Room Sergeant
May 6, 1915
Embarked the RMS Metagama in
Montreal, Quebec

May 15, 1915
Disembarked in Devonport,
England and the battalion proceeded to the West Sandling Camp, near Hythe,
Kent to continue training
Jul 1, 1915
Confirmed in the rank of
Sergeant and position of Orderly Room Sergeant
Sep 14, 1915
Embarked the St. Seiriol in
Sep 15, 1915
Disembarked in Boulogne,
France and the battalion proceeded to St. Omer
Feb 21, 1916
Granted 9 days leave
Sep 2, 1916
Transferred to the CTD
(Canadian Training Division) to receive a commission and proceeded to England
Sep 3, 1916
Taken On Strength the 39th
Reserve Battalion in West Sandling, England
Nov 21, 1916
Commissioned with the rank of
Lieutenant and attached to the 108th Battalion (later renamed 14th
Reserve Battalion)
Jan 31, 1917
Transferred to the newly
formed 6th Reserve Battalion in West Sandling. Shortly after the formation of the
battalion, it was moved to Seaford to train reinforcements for the front
Feb 10, 1917
Attended the 32nd
Rifle Course at Hythe and qualified First Class Instructor in Musketry and
Lewis Gun
Mar 30, 1917
Admitted to the 2nd
Eastern General Hospital in Brighton with a diagnosis that reads Otitis
Media. He claimed to have been “blown
up” by a shell explosion in May, 1916 and suffered from a slight concussion
and hearing loss and ringing in his ears.
He was briefly treated and returned to duty. He was also suffering from pain in his
right knee that was a result of an old football injury.
Transferred to the CRO (Canadian
Records Office) for pay purposes while in hospital
May 21, 1917
Discharged to duty from
hospital and granted sick leave until June 21, 1917
Nov 16, 1917
Transferred to the Eastern
Ontario Regimental Depot and attached to the Headquarters in London pending
return to Canada
Dec 16, 1917
Invalided to Canada aboard the
Hospital Ship Braemar Castle, embarking in Liverpool
Dec 28, 1917
Disembarked in Saint John, New
Brunswick and proceeded to Ottawa, Ontario where he was admitted to the Sir
Sandford Fleming Convalescent Home
Mar 11, 1918
Medical Board in Ottawa notes
Ø Complains of
dizziness and pain in left ear
Ø Loss of hearing in
left ear
Ø Has trouble
Ø Problems are a
result of being blown up by a shell explosion in 1916
Ø Board recommends
absolute rest for 2 months
May 6, 1918
Medical Board in Ottawa
declares him fit for full duty
May 9, 1918
Attested into the 1st
Tank Battalion, Canadian Machine Gun Corps in Ottawa, Ontario
Ø Rank on attesting
Ø Next of kin given
as Mrs. M.E.C. Wills, mother, 1 Moorland View, Plympton, Devon, England
Ø Previous occupation
given as Accountant
Ø Previous military
experience given as 3 years in the CEF in England and France
Ø Religion given as
Jun 3, 1918
Embarked the SS Cassandra in
Montreal, Quebec
Jun 21, 1918
Disembarked in England and
proceeded to the Bramshott Camp
Feb 4, 1919
While training in a tank,
Lieutenant Goad bumped into the engine and sprained his left knee. He was admitted to the Wool Military
Hospital in the Bovington Camp
May 9, 1919
Discharged to duty from
May 23, 1919
Admitted to the Canadian Red
Cross Hospital in London
Transferred to the Canadian
Tank Depot for pay purposes while in hospital
Aug 8, 1919
Discharged from hospital and
invalided to Canada aboard the Hospital Ship Araguaya
Aug 17, 1919
Disembarked in Portland,
Maine, USA and proceeded to Kingston, Ontario and was admitted to the
Kingston General Hospital
Nov 5, 1919
Discharged from the CEF in
Kingston, Ontario
Ø Rank on discharge
Ø Entitled to War
Service Badge Class “A”
Ø To be discharged to
the care of the SCR (Soldier’s Civil Re-establishment) Department
Ø Proposed residence
on discharge 14 Markland Ave., Ottawa, Ontario
Following his discharge, the
1914-15 Star, British War Medal and Victory Medals were sent to him c/o R.
Sinclair, Dorchester, New Brunswick
Nov 6, 1919
Medical Board at Kingston
General Hospital notes
Ø Suffers from Acute
Synovitis of left knee as a result of striking his knee in a tank
Ø Limited movement of
knee with pain and swelling
Ø Uses a splint to
aid in walking
Ø Also suffers from
headaches and pain in his left ear from Tinnitus resulting from a shell
explosion in 1916
Jun 24, 1920
George Goad joined the Canada
Corrections Service as a guard in the Dorchester, New Brunswick prison as a
guard. He was later employed as the
Warden’s Clerk, Storekeeper, Acting Warden, then Warden.

Jun 10, 1921
Married to Jean Buchanan Percy
in Dorchester, New Brunswick
George Goad served during WWII
in the Canadian Provost Corps and rose to the rank of Colonel with the
position of Provost Marshal
Nov 16, 1964
George Thomas Goad died at
Moncton, New Brunswick and was buried in the Dorchester Rural Cemetery,
