Leo Laurier Green

Thank you to Bruce Kettles for providing the service file


May 24, 1897

Born to James W and Minnie (nee McGowan) Green at St Stephen New Brunswick 

On his Baptism Certificate, the last name is spelled Greene


Jun 7, 1915

Attested into the 55th Battalion at Sussex New Brunswick 

Ø      Number 444831

Ø      Next of kin given as Minnie Green, mother, of St Stephen New Brunswick

Ø      Previous occupation given as Clerk

Ø      No previous military experience given

Ø      Religion given as Roman Catholic

Ø      Assigned to “B” Company


Jun 15, 1915

The 55th Battalion moved from Sussex to Valcartier Quebec


Oct 30, 1915

Embarked the RMS Corsican at Montreal Quebec


Nov 9, 1915

Disembarked at Devonport England and proceeded to the Bramshott Camp


Apr 7, 1916

Transferred to the 39th Reserve Battalion and attached to the Training Brigade Signals Base at West Sandling


Jun 26, 1916

While riding on a truck carrying coal, the truck was involved in an accident and he was thrown off, crushing the thumb on his left hand.  He was initially treated by the Battalion’ Medical Officer


Jul 3, 1916

Admitted to the Moore Barracks Hospital at Shorncliffe


Jul 18, 1916

Transferred to the Canadian Convalescent Hospital at Woodcote Park, Epsom


Aug 25, 1916

Discharged from hospital to duty


Oct 4, 1916

Posted to the 21st Battalion


Oct 5, 1916

Arrived at the CBD (Canadian Base Depot) at the Rouelles Camp, Havre France as part of a draft of 132 reinforcements 

TOS (Taken On Strength) the 21st Battalion


Oct 14, 1916

Left the CBD to join the Battalion


Oct 16, 1916

Joined the 21st Battalion recovering from the fighting on the Somme in billets at Divion


Nov 15, 1916

Sentenced to 14 days Field Punishment No 1 for being drunk and creating a disturbance, as well as striking an NCO


Mar 22, 1917

Attached to the 4th Canadian Machine Gun Company for duty


Apr 9, 1917

During the advance on Vimy Ridge with the 4th Machine Gun Company, he was killed by an enemy artillery shell

Bois Carre British Cemetery
Thelus France

Post war the following were sent to his mother, Mrs Minnie Green, at St Stephen New Brunswick

British War Medal
Victory Medal
Plaque (Dead Man’s Penny) and Scroll
Memorial Cross

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