Jun 10, 1896
Born to John and
Florence Grimsley at Oxfordshire England
Nov 7, 1914
Attested into
the 21st Battalion at Kingston Ontario
Ø Number 431
o Because he never proceeded to England, he did not receive a permanent
59000 series number
Ø Next of kin given as Mrs Florence Grimsley (mother) of Barriefield
(Kingston) Ontario
Ø Previous occupation given as Labourer
o Later shown as Farmer
Ø No previous military experience given
Ø Religion given as Church of England
Ø Assigned to the original “D” Company
o This was later reorganized into “C” Company
Dec 21, 1914
Admitted into
the Queen Street Military Hospital, Kingston, diagnosed with Rheumatism
Feb 6, 1915
Discharged to
light duty from hospital
Employed in the hospital Supply Depot
Apr 1, 1915
Transferred to
the PAMC (Permanent Army Medical Corps) and number changed to read 334
Oct 4, 1916
Married to Grace
Alexander at Kingston Ontario
Occupation shown as Militia
Apr 14, 1918
Admitted to the
Ongwanada Hospital at Kingston diagnosed with Rheumatism
There is no date in the file to show any promotion, but his rank is
shown as Corporal on admission to hospital
Apr 26, 1918
Discharged to
light duty from hospital
May 3, 1919
Medical Board at
Kingston notes
Ø Unit shown as PAMC
Ø Number 334
Ø Rank Corporal
Ø Has a distinct heart murmur
Ø On exertion has shortness of breath and pain near the heart
Ø Reports that he has had several mild heart attacks since being
released from hospital in February 1915
Ø He is declared to be Medically Unfit for any service and recommended
for discharge
May 5, 1919
TOS (Taken On
Strength) No 3 AMC (Army Medical Corps) Depot
Ø Number 334
o This was later changed to 2778652
May 10, 1919
Discharged from
No 3 CAMC Depot at Kingston Ontario
Ø Rank on discharge Corporal
Ø Number shown as 2778652
Ø Total service given as 4 years 222 days
Ø Intended residence on discharge Barriefield Ontario
Jun 6, 1940
Died at Kingston
Ontario of a Coronary Thrombosis which was declared to be as a result of his CEF service

Cataraqui Cemetery
Kingston Ontario
Aug 19, 1940
Because his
death was due to his service, a Memorial Cross was sent to his widow, Mrs Grace Grimsley
at 198 Victoria St, Kingston ON