Cyril Thornhill "Ham" Hamly

Aug 27, 1894

Born in Picton, Ontario to Joseph and Gertrude (nee Thornhill) Hamly


Aug 25, 1915

Granted a Commission with the rank of Lieutenant in the 16th Regiment, Canadian Militia


Jan 12, 1916

Officer’s Declaration on enlistment into the 155th Battalion in Belleville, Ontario


Ø  Rank Lieutenant

Ø  Next of kin given as Gertrude Hamly, mother, Picton, Ontario

Ø  Previous occupation given as Bank Clerk

Ø  Previous military experience given as 16th Regiment

Ø  Religion given as Church of England

The battalion trained in the Kingston, Ontario area


Oct 17, 1916

Embarked the SS Northland in Halifax, Nova Scotia



Oct 28, 1916

Disembarked in Liverpool, England and the battalion proceeded to Bramshott


Dec 8, 1916

Transferred to the 154th Battalion in West Sandling


Jan 31, 1917

Transferred to the newly formed 6th Reserve Battalion in East Sandling


Apr 2, 1917

Attended the 13th Headquarters Course in Shorncliffe and Qualified “Very Good” in PT and BF “Physical Training and Bayonet Fighting”


Apr 8, 1917

Attended the “A” Wing 6th Course at the Canadian Trench Warfare School and Qualified 1st Class


Aug 24, 1917

Transferred to the 21st Battalion


Aug 26, 1917

Arrived at the No. 2 CIBD (Canadian Infantry Base Depot) in Etaples, France and Taken On Strength of the 21st Battalion


Aug 30, 1917

After leaving the base depot, Lieutenant Hamly joined the 21st Battalion in Villers au Bois, France


Sep 30, 1917

Proceeded on course


Oct 18, 1917

Rejoined the battalion in billets in Ourton, France


Jan 12, 1918

Granted 14 days leave


Jan 27, 1918

Rejoined the battalion near Avion, France from leave


Mar 1, 1918

Proceeded on course


Mar 11, 1918

Rejoined the battalion in Gouy-Servins, France


Apr 4, 1918

Admitted to the No. 6 CFA (Canadian Field Ambulance) with a diagnosis that reads Scabies


Apr 5, 1918

Transferred to a casualty clearing station then the same day he was transferred to the No. 20 General Hospital in Camiers, France


Apr 9, 1918

Discharged from hospital and reported to the No. 2 Canadian Infantry Base Depot in Etaples, France


Apr 13, 1918

After leaving the base depot, he joined the CCRC (Canadian Corps Reinforcement Camp) in Aubin St. Vaast, France


Apr 21, 1918

After leaving the reinforcement camp, Lieutenant Hamly rejoined the 21st Battalion near Neuville Vitasse, France


Aug 8, 1918

During the liberation of the town of Marcelcave, France, Lieutenant Hamly was wounded in his right leg by the explosion of an enemy 5.9 inch shell and was evacuated to a field ambulance for first aid before being transported to a casualty clearing station


Aug 9, 1918

Transferred to the No. 8 General Hospital in Rouen, France


Aug 11, 1918

Invalided to England aboard the Hospital Ship Panama


On arrival in England, he was admitted to the 4th Southern General Hospital in Plymouth and placed in the Hyde Park Section

Transferred to the EORD (Eastern Ontario Regimental Depot) for pay purposes while in hospital


Sep 18, 1918

Transferred to the Officer’s Canadian Convalescent Hospital in Matlock, Bath


Sep 26, 1918

Discharged from hospital and transferred to the 6th Reserve Battalion in Seaford


Dec 3, 1918

Attached to Room 204, Argyll House in London for duty


Dec 12, 1918

Embarked the SS Regina in Liverpool



Dec 20, 1918

Disembarked in Halifax, Nova Scotia


Jan 7, 1919

Discharged from the CEF

Ø  Rank on discharge Lieutenant

Ø  Entitled to War Service Badge Class “A”

Ø  Proposed residence in discharge Picton, Ontario

Following his discharge, the British War Medal and Victory Medals were sent to him at 481 Bloor St. W., Toronto, Ontario



May 18, 1931

Married to Margaret May Fitzgibbon in Toronto, Ontario


Oct 27, 1976

Cyril Thornton Hamly died while a patient of the St. Machael’s Hospital in Toronto, Ontario and was buried in the Resthaven Memorial Gardens, Toronto



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