Apr 1, 1889
Born at Kingston Ontario
Nov 17, 1914
Attested into the 21st Battalion at
Kingston Ontario
Ø Number 59449
Ø Next of Kin given as William Hazlett (father) of RMC Kingston
Ø Previous occupation given as Civil Servant
Ø No previous military experience given
Ø Given rank of Signal Sargeant
Ø Religion given as Presbyterian
May 6, 1915
Embarked the SS Metagama at Montreal for

May 15, 1915
Disembarked in England and proceeded to West
Sandling Camp, near Hythe
Jul 1, 1915
Rank of Signal Sargeant confirmed
Sep 14, 1915
Embarked at Folkestone for France
Sep 15, 1915
Disembarked at Boulogne France
Jan 18, 1916
Granted 9 days leave
Jun 12, 1916
Appointed to a Commission as Lieutenant
Jun 20, 1916
Posted to 21st Battalion as a
Jul 13, 1916
Granted 7 days leave
Aug 8, 1916
Sentenced by GCM (General Court Martial) at
Boulogne to a Severe Reprimand for the offence of Drunkeness
(See Court Martial
Summary below)
Sep 13, 1916
Admitted to No 7 General Hospital at Boulogne
with VDG (Venereal Disease, Gonorrhea)
Sep 15, 1916
Transferred to No 39 General Hospital, Havre
Dec 13, 1916
Discharged to Reinforcement Camp, Harfleur,
then proceeded to rejoin the 21st Battalion
Apr 9, 1917
Wounded at Battle of Vimy Ridge with a bullet
wounds to the head and arm
Apr 10, 1917
Admitted to No 7 Stationary Hospital at
Apr 11, 1917
Invalided to England and admitted to Reading
War Hospital, Reading, England
Posted to General List and detached to the
EORD (Eastern Ontario Regiment)
Apr 28, 1917
Transferred to Convalescent Hospital
May 21, 1917
TOS EORD while in hospital
Jun 9, 1917
SOS 21st Battalion on transfer to
CFC (Canadian Forestry Corps)
Jun 26, 1917
Transferred to Queen Alexandra Military
Hospital, Millbank, London, SW 1, with an undetermined illness
Jul 18, 1917
Awarded the Military Cross, London Gazette

Jul 19, 1917
Determined by Medical Board to be unfit for
any service for 2 months and granted leave until September 19, 1917
Given permission to proceed to Canada at
his own expense while on leave
Jul 20, 1917
Discharged from hospital
Sep 7, 1917
Granted leave extension in Canada until
November 13, 1917
Nov 13, 1917
SOS EORD on being retained in Canada
Apr 26, 1918
When sick leave expired was TOS Queen’s
Military Hospital as Quartermaster
Oct 24, 1918
Deceased at 8.00 am at Queen’s University
Hospital (now the Kingston General Hospital) in Kingston Ontario, from pneumonia following

Cemetery Kingston Ontario
May 26, 1920
British War Medal, Victory Medal, 1914-15
Star, Death Plaque and Scroll sent to father, Mr William Hazlett, at 83 Clergy St.,
Kingston Ontario.

Above is the Military Cross and 1914-15 Star held by the
Princess of Wales' Own Regimental Museum
Memorial Cross sent same date to Mother,
Mrs Olivia Hazlett of same address
Summary of Court
and Archives Canada Reference
Hazlett, W. G.
21st Bn
RG150 - Ministry of the
Overseas Military Forces of Canada, Series 8, File 602-8-645, Microfilm Reel Number
T-8694, file access code 90, Finding Aid Number 150-5
The Court Martial initially convened on August
8, 1916, at the Court Martial Room No 18, Rue de Sebastopol, Boulogne, France.
Brevet Colonel GE
Even, CB
Commanding 36th
(Labour) Battalion, Royal Fusiliers.
Lieut-Col CRF
Morgan Army
Service Corps
Major RO Alexander 24th Canadian Infantry Battalion
Capt GW Thompson 4th Battalion, East Surrey Regiment
Capt JAM Seaton
1st Battalion Loyal North Lancashire Regiment
Judge Advocate
Major GFT Leather
(R of O) Northumberland Fusiliers
Capt HAB Ternan (R
of O)
East Kent Regiment
Counsel for the Accused
Lieut HS Wilks
At the opening of the Court Martial,
Counsel for the accused filed an objection based on the fact that the prosecution had not
disclosed all pertinent documents to the defence 24 hours prior to opening of the
Under Court Martial rules, this must be
done so that a proper defence can be planned. On
consideration of the objection, the Court decided to adjourn so that this could be done.
The Court re-convened at the same location
on the 10th of August, 1916.
The prosecution introduced evidence and
witnesses that showed that when the accused was discovered onboard the boat that he
embarked in England to return to France from leave in, what appeared to be a state of
drunkenness. He was hiding on the bow of
the boat in a crouched position, vomiting, and when questioned, murmured and slurred his
The Provost Marshal was called and the
accused was placed under arrest. Several
witnesses testified to the same facts.
His defence contended that he was suffering
from a severe tooth-ache and had taken some pain medication prior to boarding the vessel. The combination of the pain and the medication
caused him to be sea-sick and resulted in his vomiting.
Medical evidence was introduced showing
that he had visited a Dental Corps Officer while on leave, and that Officer recommended
that he have the problem tended to when he returned to his unit.
Lieut Hazlett admitted to consuming some
alcohol after taking the pain medication but prior to boarding the boat.
After deliberating for a short time, the
members of the Court returned a verdict of Guilty.
The Prosecutor introduced no evidence of
prior bad conduct or prior alcohol abuse prior to sentencing.
The defence declined to introduce any
further character witnesses prior to sentencing.
The Court deliberated for a short time and
returned with a sentence of “A Severe Reprimand” to entered into the accused
man’s file.
During the Remembrance Day ceremonies in 2008,
Veteran's Affairs Canada conducted a vigil each night for the week leading up to November
11. This vigil consisted of projecting the names of every Canadian soldier who is
listed with the Commonwealth War Graves Commission on various buildings and monuments
across Canada, and in London England. The photo below shows William Hazlett's name
being projected on the outside wall of Canada House in London England.


For the 7
nights leading up to November 11, 2010, the names of all Canadian soldiers were projected
onto the Belgian War Memorial in Ypres. At
the same time, the same names were being broadcast via the internet to schools across
Belgium and Canada. The image above shows
the opening ceremonies at the Belgian War Memorial on November 4, 2010.
Below on the
left is the name of William Hazlett being projected on that wall. Below right shows the name being broadcast to the
schools. Each name appeared for 25 seconds
and each night 9,700 names were shown.

William Hazlett is also
commemorated on the Kingston, Ontario Memorial Wall

He is also honoured on a
plaque in his old school, Kingston Collegiate Institute
