Jul 8, 1894
Born in Manchester, England to
Sylvanus and Alice (nee Appleyard) Hibbert
Apr 5, 1906
Embarked the SS Victorian in Liverpool
as a British Home Child
Apr 13, 1906
Disembarked in Halifax, Nova
Scotia and proceeded to Belleville, Ontario
Nov 5, 1914
Attested into the 21st
Battalion CEF in Kingston, Ontario
Ø Number 304
Ø Next of kin given as Alice Campbell, sister,
Manchester, England
Ø Previous occupation given as Farmer
Ø No previous military experience given
Ø Religion given as Church of England
Ø Posted to “C” Company
This was later
reorganized into “B” Company
The battalion trained in the
Kingston area through the winter with headquarters in the Kingston Armouries
Apr 1, 1915
Struck Off Strength of the 21st
Battalion for misconduct
Nov 6, 1915
Married to Edna Matilda Cross
in Kingston, Ontario
Nov 20, 1915
Enlisted into the 14th
Regiment Princess of Wales Own Rifles
Ø Number 3341
Posted to the Fort Henry Guard
Oct 22, 1917
Medical exam at the
Barriefield Camp
Ø Suffers from
Pulmonary Fibrosis
Nov 2, 1917
Discharged from the PWOR on
the disbandment of the Fort Henry Guard
Mar 19, 1918
Attested into the Canadian
Army Service Corps in Kingston
Ø Number 2774072
Ø Next of kin given
as Mrs. Edna Hibbert, wife, 322 Division St., Kingston, Ontario
Sep 15, 1919
Discharged from the CEF in
Kingston, Ontario
Ø Rank on discharge
Ø Proposed residence
on discharge 412 Barrie St., Kingston, Ontario
Because he never left Canada,
there is no medal entitlement
He later volunteered for post
war service with the Royal Canadian Army Service Corps and served in
Aug 17, 1953
Awarded the CD (Canadian
Forces Decoration) for 12 years of service
Jan 8, 1958
Sylvanus Hibbert died while a
patient of the Kingston General Hospital in Kingston, Ontario
