Jun 5, 1884
Born at
Wimbledon, Surrey England
Aug 20, 1915
Attested into
the 35th Battalion at Toronto Ontario
Ø Number 405295
Ø Next of kin given as Florence Mary Higgins, wife, of Louisa St, Mimico
Ø Previous occupation given as Engineer
Ø No previous military experience given
Ø Religion given as Church of England
Ø Assigned to “C” Company
Oct 16, 1915
Embarked the RMS
Metagama at Montreal Quebec

Oct 25, 1915
Disembarked at
Plymouth England
While in
England the 35th Battalion was renamed the 35th Reserve Battalion
Apr 1, 1916
Posted to the 21st
Apr 2, 1916
Arrived at the
CBD (Canadian Base Depot) at the Rouelles Camp, Havre France
TOS (Taken On
Strength) the 21st Battalion
Apr 18, 1916
Left the CBD to
join the Battalion
Apr 20, 1916
Joined the 21st
Battalion in the front line trenches in the Voormezeele vicinity
Sep 24, 1916
Appointed to
rank of Lance Corporal to replace L/Cpl MacKenzie 405672 who had been invalided to England
Nov 5, 1916
Proceeded on the
Lewis Gun Course
Nov 26, 1916
Returned to duty
from the Machine Gun Course
Jan 12, 1917
Promoted to rank
of Corporal to replace Cpl Connelly 59193 who had been wounded
Jan 22, 1917
Attached to the
4th Canadian Draft Battalion (Composite Company) for duty
Feb 23, 1917
Rejoined the 21st
Battalion from temporary duty
Apr 9, 1917
During the
advance on Vimy Ridge, Cpl Higgins was killed in action.
He was initially buried near where he fell, but after the war had ended, his body
was exhumed and reburied in a permanent cemetery

Nine Elms Military Cemetery
Thelus France
war the following were sent to his widow, Florence M Higgins, at Box 218, Teeswater
British War
Victory Medal
Plaque (Dead Man’s Penny) and Scroll
Memorial Cross
There was
only 1 Memorial Cross issued as his mother had predeceased him.