Feb 14, 1889
Born at
Cambridge Vermont, USA
Apr 7, 1912
Married to Anna
May Margaret Pohl at Toronto Ontario
He gave his religion
at that time as being Methodist and his new wife’s religion was given as Roman
Mar 25, 1916
Attested into
the 156th Battalion at Ottawa Ontario
Ø Number 640011
Ø Next of kin given as Anna May Holbrook (wife) of the Cecil Hotel,
Ottawa Ontario
o After his enlistment, his wife moved to Dorchester Massachusetts USA
Ø Previous occupation given as Restaurant Manager
Ø No previous military experience given
Ø Religion given as Roman Catholic
On enlistment
he stated he had a 2 year old daughter named Anna Marie Holbrook
Oct 18, 1916
Embarked the SS
Northland at Halifax Nova Scotia
Oct 28, 1916
Disembarked at
Liverpool England and proceeded to the Witley Camp
Nov 1, 1916
Transferred to
the 120th Battalion at Bramshott
Dec 28, 1916
Admitted to the
Military Isolation Hospital at Aldershot diagnosed with Parotiditis and placed in
isolation. The diagnosis was later changed to
read Mumps
Jan 9, 1917
Transferred to
the 156th Battalion while still in hospital
Jan 16, 1917
Discharged from
May 2, 1917
Appointed to
rank of Acting Corporal with pay and the same day is appointed to rank of Acting Sergeant
without pay
May 20, 1917
Reverts to rank
of Pte in order to proceed to France
May 23, 1917
Transferred to
the 21st Battalion
May 24, 1917
Arrived at No 2
CIBD (Canadian Infantry Base Depot) at Etaples France and TOS (Taken On Strength) the 21st
Jun 10, 1917
Left 2 CIBD for
Jun 11, 1917
Joined the 21st
Battalion in the field
The Battalion was in billets at the
Coupigny Huts carrying out training exercises and participating in sporting activities
Aug 25, 1917
Proceeded on
course. The type and purpose was not recorded
Sep 1, 1917
Rejoined the
Battalion from course
Oct 28, 1917
Promoted to rank
of Corporal
This promotion was announced in the Battalion’s Part II Orders on
October 31, 1917, but the date for the promotion is shown as October 28, 1916. He is recorded as replacing Cpl AJ Hoddinott, 59470 who had been promoted on that date. However, it is clear from the file that Cpl
Holbrook was not TOS the 21st Battalion until May of 1917
Nov 2, 1917
Awarded the
Military Medal per London Gazette #30364

conspicuous bravery and determination. While acting as a stretcher bearer, the line
as vigorously attacked by the enemy, and with a captured gun he mounted guard over a
dug-out in which was seven stretcher cases, including an Officer. He was enabled to
keep the enemy off until a party of twenty came to his relief and evacuated the
casualties, after which the party were forced to withdraw. This stretcher bearer
during the four days tour worked most assiduously under continuous shell and rifle fire.
AFW 3121
Nov 3, 1917
Admitted to No 6
CFA (Canadian Field Ambulance) and then transferred to No 3 Australian CCS (Casualty
Clearing Station) with a shrapnel wound to his right arm
Nov 5, 1917
Transferred to
No 8 Stationary Hospital at Wimereux
Nov 9, 1917
Invalided to
England aboard the Hospital Ship Jan Breydel

Posted to
EORD (Eastern Ontario Regimental Depot) while in hospital
Admitted to 1st
London General Hospital at Camberwell
Dec 12, 1917
Transferred to
the Canadian Convalescent Hospital at Bromley
Mar 8, 1918
Discharged from
hospital and placed On Command to the 3rd CCD (Canadian Convalescent Depot) at
Apr 18, 1918
Posted to the 6th
Reserve Battalion at Seaford
Jul 24, 1918
Appointed to
Acting Lance Sgt with pay
May 18, 1919
Embarked the SS
Aquitania at Southampton
TOS District
Depot No 4 at Montreal Quebec
May 25, 1919
Disembarked at
Halifax Nova Scotia and proceeded to Montreal Quebec
May 27, 1919
Discharged from
the CEF at Montreal Quebec
Ø War Service Badge Class “A” issued number 299380
Ø Rank on discharge Lance Sergeant
Ø Proposed residence on discharge 396 West 4th Street, South
Boston Massachusetts USA
Dec 23, 1928
The British War
Medal and Victory Medals were sent to him at 538 East 4th Street, South Boston
Massachusetts USA. He was reported to still
be living at that address in January 1934