May 8, 1889
Born in Palmerston, Ontario to
John Wilbor and Mary Jane (nee Donnelly) Hunt
Feb 21, 1915
Shown on the payroll of the 45th
Victoria Regiment in Lindsay, Ontario
Mar 5, 1915
Attested into the 21st Battalion in
Lindsay, Ontario
Ø Number 59488 (temporary number 1368)
Ø Next of kin given as Mary Jane Hunt, mother,
Palmerston, Ontario
Ø Previous occupation given as Electrician
Ø No previous military experience given
Ø Religion given as Church of England
Ø Posted to “A” Company
James Hunt lied about his age on attesting. He stated he was born May 8, 1887, not his
actual birth year of 1889.
The 21st Battalion trained in the
Kingston, Ontario area through the winter of 1914-15.
May 6, 1915
Posted to the Depot Company
Embarked the RMS Metagama in
Montreal, Quebec
May 15, 1915
Disembarked in Devonport,
England and the battalion proceeded to the West Sandling Camp, near Hythe,
Kent to continue training
Jun 10, 1915
Sentenced to 10 days detention
and forfeited 4 days pay for being AWL (Absent Without Leave)
Jun 12, 1915
Sentenced to 1 Month
Confinement with Hard Labour in Civil Court for Theft. Sentence to be served in civil jail

Courtesy of Marian Rashleigh
Jul 11, 1915
Released from civilian jail
Jul 19, 1915
Sentenced to 10 days Detention
for Misconduct
Aug 23, 1915
Declared to be absent
Aug 29, 1915
Returned to duty and sentenced
to 14 days Detention, forfeiture of 7 days pay and restricted to half pay for
3 months for being absent
Sep 9, 1915
Posted to “C” Company
Sep 12, 1915
Forfeited 1 day’s pay and
placed in detention until the battalion leaves for France
Sep 14, 1915
Embarked the St. Seiriol in
Sep 15, 1915
Disembarked in Boulogne,
France and the battalion proceeded to St. Omer
Oct 15, 1915
Sentenced to 7 days Field
Punishment No. 2 for being absent from both morning and afternoon parades in
La Clytte, Belgium. The afternoon
parade was forming up in order to proceed into the front line trench
Dec 28, 1915
Sentenced to 21 days Field
Punishment No. 1 for
Ø Being absent for 3
Ø Returning from
being absent without his kit
Ø Being in possession
of a Lee Enfield rifle
Dec 30, 1915
While serving his field
punishment, he was placed under close arrest to await Court Martial for
threatening a superior officer
Jan 1, 1916
Attached to the 250th
Tunnelling Company for duty
Jan 20, 1916
Ceased to be attached to the
tunnelling company
He never actually joined the
tunnelling company as he was in custody awaiting trial the entire time of the
Jan 29, 1916
Tried by Field General Court Martial
on the charge of threatening a superior officer. He was found Guilty and sentenced to 3
months in Detention with Hard Labour.
On review, this sentence was reduced to 3 months Field Punishment No.
Mar 3, 1916
While serving his sentence of field
punishment, Private Hunt was placed under close arrest again after causing a
Mar 20, 1916
Private Hunt was tried by
Field General Court Martial at La Clytte, Belgium charged with
Ø Stealing the rum
Ø Having the stolen
rum ration in his possession
Ø Being drunk
Ø Striking his
superior officer
Ø Threatening to kill
his superior officer
After testimony was given,
Private Hunt was sentenced to 2 years in confinement with Hard Labour.
On review, this sentence was
reduced to 1 year in confinement with Hard Labour
Apr 9, 1916
On further review, his
sentence of 1 year in confinement with hard labour was reduced to 3 months
Field Punishment No. 1
May 12, 1916
While out at night on a work
party laying barbed wire, the group was surprised by a German patrol and
Private Hunt scrambled back into his trench for safety but in his haste, he
landed on another man’s bayonet that penetrated his abdomen. During the confusion, the German artillery
opened up with a barrage, and Private Hunt was further wounded in his right
hand by shrapnel. He was evacuated to
an Australian field ambulance for first aid.
May 13, 1916
Transferred to the No. 3 CCS
(Casualty Clearing Station) before being transported via the No. AT (Ambulance Train) and admitted to the
St. John Ambulance Brigade Hospital in Etaples, France
May 20, 1916
Invalided to England aboard
the Hospital Ship Dieppe
On arrival in England he was
admitted to the City of London Military Hospital in Clapton
Transferred to the CCAC (Canadian
Casualty Assembly Centre) for pay purposes while in hospital
Jun 7, 1916
Transferred to the Hammersmith
Military Hospital in Shepherd’s Bush, London
Jun 23, 1916
Discharged from hospital
Jun 24, 1916
Medical Board in Folkestone recommends
8 weeks of Base Duty
Jun 26, 1916
Attached to the 34th
Battalion in West Sandling for light duties
Jul 1, 1916
Sentenced to 3 days Field
Punishment No. 2 for being absent for 3 days
Jul 6, 1916
Attached to the 36th
Battalion at West Sandling for light duties
Nov 10, 1916
Medical Board at West Sandling
recommends 4 weeks of Physical Training and light duties
Dec 9, 1916
Ceased to be attached and
reported to the Canadian Casualty Assembly Centre
Dec 17, 1916
Transferred to the 6th
Reserve Battalion in Seaford
Feb 6, 1917
Transferred to the Canadian
Casualty Assembly Centre
Feb 9, 1917
Attached to the CGDD (Canadian
Garrison Duty Depot)
Feb 17, 1917
Attached to the APM (Assistant
Provost Martial) for duty
Apr 6, 1917
Ceased to be attached to the
garrison duty depot and transferred to the Eastern Ontario Regimental Depot
in Seaford
May 2, 1917
Transferred to the CFC
(Canadian Forestry Corps) in Sunningdale
May 11, 1917
Attached to the CDD (Canadian
Discharge Depot) in Buxton pending return to Canada
May 12, 1917
Embarked the SS Olympic in
May 21, 1917
Disembarked in Halifax, Nova
Scotia and proceeded to Quebec City, Quebec
May 26, 1917
Medical Board in Quebec City,
Quebec makes note of his previous wounds but notes there is no disability
Transportation provided to
Toronto, Ontario
Aug 23, 1917
Medical Board at Camp Borden,
Ontario notes
Ø Patient complains
of abdominal pain and weakness
Ø Has involuntary
Ø If exposed to
sudden unexpected noise he loses control of anal sphincter and passes feces
Ø Abdominal pain is a
result of his bayonet wound and considered to be a permanent condition
Ø His nervousness is
considered to be temporary and should clear up within 1 year
Ø Board recommends
that he be discharged from military service as medically unfit
Sep 30, 1917
Forfeited 10 day’s pay for
being absent
Oct 31, 1917
Discharged from the CEF in
Toronto, Ontario
Ø Rank on discharge
Ø Entitled to War
Service Badge Class “A”
Ø Proposed residence
on discharge Palmerston, Ontario
Following the end of the war,
the 1914-15 Star, British War Medal and Victory Medals were sent to him at 26
Suffolk St., Toronto, Ontario
James Hunt was employed with
the Dominion Police service following his discharge. It is ironic that given his record of being
AWL many times while serving, he was given the task of searching for others
who were AWL or actual Deserters.

Mar 28, 1941
James Beech Hunt died of a
heart attack at his home, 456 Logan Ave., Toronto, Ontario and was buried in
the Prospect Cemetery, Toronto
