Dec 21, 1892
Born in Invergordon, Ross
Shire, Scotland to Alexander and Hellen Innes
Jan 17, 1918
Medical examination held under
the MSA (Military Service Act) of 1917 in Vancouver, British Columbia
Mar 18, 1918
Conscripted into the 1st
Depot Battalion, BCR (British Columbia Regiment) under the MSA
Ø Number 2022021
Ø Next of kin given
as Alexander Innes Sr., father, Delny Station, Ross Shire, Scotland
Ø Previous occupation
given as Logger
Ø No previous
military experience given
Ø Religion given as
Ø Assigned to the
depot battalion’s 11th Draft
May 16, 1918
The 1st Depot
Battalion, BCR, 11th Draft embarked the SS Ajana in Halifax, Nova

May 27, 1918
Disembarked in Liverpool,
England and proceeded to Seaford where the draft was placed in segregation to
prevent the spread of Influenza.
Jun 11, 1918
The draft was released from
segregation and absorbed into the 1st Reserve Battalion in Seaford
to continue training
Sep 13, 1918
Transferred to the 29th
Sep 14, 1918
Arrived at the CIBD (Canadian
Infantry Base Depot) in Etaples, France as part of a draft of 609
reinforcements from England and TOS (Taken On Strength) the 29th
Sep 16, 1918
After leaving the base depot
he joined the CCRC (Canadian Corps Reinforcement Camp) in Aubin St. Vaast
Sep 19, 1918
Transferred to the 21st
Battalion without ever having physically joined the 29th Battalion
Sep 20, 1918
After leaving the
reinforcement camp, Private Innes joined the 21st Battalion Rear
Details near the town of Drocourt, France as part of a draft of 80
reinforcements. The main part of the
battalion was deployed in front near the Canal du Nord. The Rear Party rejoined the battalion when
it came out of the line on September 25.
Dec 13, 1918
The 21st Battalion
led the 4th Brigade across the Bonn Bridge to enter Germany and
proceeded to Seigburg as part of the Allied occupying force
Apr 3, 1919
Embarked the SS Western
Australia in Havre, France
On arrival in England, Private
Innes was attached to the “P” Wing in Witley for processing pending his
return to Canada
May 14, 1919
Embarked the SS Caronia in Liverpool
May 22, 1919
Disembarked in Halifax, Nova
Scotia and proceeded to Kingston, Ontario by train
May 24, 1919
Discharged from the CEF in
Kingston, Ontario
Ø Rank on discharge
Ø War Service Badge
Class “A” issued number 279785
Ø Proposed residence
on discharge, Powell River, British Columbia
Following his discharge the British
War Medal and Victory Medals were sent to him c/o A.A. Plummer, Lund, British