Dec 27, 1897
Born in Hereford England
Feb 19, 1916
into the 109th Battalion at Woodville Ontario
Ø Number 725616
Ø Next of kin given as Mrs Kate
King (mother) of 19 Cannon Moore St., Hereford England
o Later changed to Ernest King
(brother) of 57 Albert Rd, Leyton, Essex England
Ø Previous occupation given as
o Later stated to read Mail
Ø No previous military
experience given
Ø Religion given as Methodist
Ø Posted to “C” Company
Jul 24, 1916
the SS Olympic at Halifax Nova Scotia
Jul 31, 1916
in Liverpool England and the battalion proceeded to Bramshott
Aug 21, 1916
Sentenced to 5 days CB (Confined to Barracks) and
3 extra duties for disobeying an order and swearing at an NCO
Oct 5, 1916
to the 21st Battalion
Oct 6, 1916
at CBD (Canadian Base Depot) in the Rouelles Camp, Havre, France and TOS
(Taken On Strength) the 21st Battalion
Nov 5, 1916
leaving the base depot, Private King joined the 21st Battalion at
the front near Calonne, France
Dec 3, 1916
to No 5 CFA (Canadian Field Ambulance) with a sprained groin
Dec 4, 1916
to duty
Dec 8, 1916
Sentenced to an extra fatigue for having a dirty
rifle while on parade
Dec 23, 1916
in confinement and charged with negligently shooting a fellow soldier and
killing him. That soldier was Private
E. Stringer, 210890, of the 20th Battalion CEF. Private King had proceeded to the 20th
Battalion billets in Calonne, France looking for a friend. While stepping out of a billet with his
loaded rifle slung over his shoulder, he stumbled and the rifle discharged,
shooting Privat Stringer in the face, instantly killing him.
Jan 5, 1917
the Court Martial held in Bully Grenay, testimony was given that Private
Stringer was following Private King down the steps from the billet when the
incident happened. The testimony
indicated the steps were in poor repair and a board was missing. Additional testimony showed that Private
King had just returned from the front and had neglected to remove the live
round from the chamber. He pled Not
Guilty to the charge.
court record shows that his plea was entered as Guilty and proceedings were
conducted as such.
Guilty of Negligence by Court Martial and sentenced to 45 days FP (Field
Punishment) No. 1
Jan 16, 1917
was felt that an appeal would certainly overturn the guilty verdict and the
verdict and sentence were both quashed as a result of the error in the
proceedings regarding his plea.
to No. 5 Canadian Field Ambulance with a diagnosis that reads PUO (Pyrexia of
Unknown Origin), a fever without a known cause. This was sometimes referred to as Trench
Fever. He was transferred the same day
to the No. 3 Canadian Field Ambulance where the diagnosis was changed to read
Jan 26, 1917
A note in the file states that he had been
informed that his conviction and sentence had been quashed and that the
record of it had been expunged from his file.
However, in reviewing the service file, this is
not the case, and Library and Archives Canada still has a complete record of
the Court Martial proceedings on file and available to all.
Jan 27, 1917
to duty from the field ambulance
Mar 22, 1917
to No 22 CCS (Casualty Clearing Station) with a fever
Mar 25, 1917
via No 18 AT (Ambulance Transport) and admitted to St John’s Ambulance
Hospital in Etaples and the diagnosis was changed to read Bronchitis
Apr 6, 1917
to England aboard the Hospital Ship Stad Antwerpen

On arrival in England he was admitted to the Fort
Pitt Hospital in Chatham and the diagnosis was changed to read Asthma
Transferred to the EORD (Eastern Ontario
Regimental Depot) for pay purposes while in hospital
Apr 10, 1917
to the Chatham Military Hospital and the diagnosis was changed to read
May 10, 1917
to the Canadian Convalescent Hospital in Woodcote Park
Jun 8, 1917
from hospital and attached to the 3rd CCD (Canadian Command Depot)
for physical training
Aug 23, 1917
Discharged from hospital care and transferred to
the 6th Reserve Battalion in Seaford
Sep 22, 1917
to No. 14 Canadian Raven’s Croft Military Hospital in Eastbourne with
lacerated right wrist
Ø Claims to have fallen on
broken bottle 3 weeks earlier and cut his wrist
Ø Index and middle finger of
right hand have limited movement and little sensation of touch or pain
Ø Symptoms of Syphilis became
evident while in hospital
Feb 2, 1918
to the 2nd Eastern General Hospital in Brighton
Feb 22, 1918
to the Cherryhinton Military Hospital
Jun 17, 1918
to the 14th General Hospital in Eastbourne
Jul 23, 1918
performed to free nerves that had adhered to scar from old wrist laceration
Aug 16, 1918
to Canadian Military Convalescent Hospital, Woodcote Park, Epsom
Dec 13, 1918
from hospital
Dec 27, 1918
to MD (Military District) No. 3 at Kimmel Park, Rhyl, pending return to
Jan 18, 1919
the SS Aquitania in Liverpool
Jan 25, 1919
at Halifax Nova Scotia and proceeded to Kingston Ontario
Jan 27, 1919
On Strength Military District No. 3 and posted to the Casualty Company in
Jan 28, 1919
leave with subsistence until February 10, 1919
Feb 3, 1919
Board at Kingston Ontario
Ø Notes accidental wound to
right forearm
Ø Patient claims to have fallen
on broken bottle in Oct 1916 (first hospitalization for wound was Sep 1917)
Ø There is partial paralysis of
left hand
Ø Suffers from poor grip and
weakness in hand
Ø Board had no medical records
to review and had to rely on statements of patient
Ø Board recommends discharge as
Medically Unfit
Feb 13, 1919
form refusing dental treatment
Feb 18, 1919
from the CEF in Kingston Ontario
Ø Discharged as Medically Unfit
Ø War Service Badge Class “A”
issued No 90172
Ø War Service Badge Class “B”
issued No 55377
Ø Proposed residence on
discharge – Lorneville Junction, Eldon County, Ontario
Following his discharge, the British War Medal
and Victory Medals were sent to him at Lorneville Junction, Ontario
Oct 18, 1933
Married to Mary Elizabeth Hartnett (widow, nee
Rahm) in Whitby, Ontario
William King worked at the General Motors Plant
in Oshawa, Ontario as a Janitor and rose to position of General Foreman of
Maintenance before retiring in 1963
William Victor King died in Oshawa, Ontario in
May, 1969