Mar 17, 1897
Born in Montreal, Quebec to
John Baptiste and Evangeline Lavigne
Mar 28, 1917
Attested into the 254th
Battalion CEF in Trenton, Ontario
Ø Number 1093377
Ø Next of kin given
as John Baptiste Lavigne, father, 23 Boyer St., Montreal, Quebec
Ø Previous occupation
given as Steam Fitter
Ø No previous
military experience given
Ø Religion given as
Roman Catholic
The battalion trained in the
Belleville area
Apr 10, 1917
Sentenced to 5 days detention
for an offence that was not recorded in the file
Jun 2, 1917
Embarked the SS Olympic in
Halifax, Nova Scotia

Jun 8, 1917
Sentenced to 1 day detention
for being absent from parade while onboard ship
Jun 9, 1917
Disembarked in Liverpool,
England and the battalion proceeded to Seaford where it was absorbed into the
6th Reserve Battalion to continue training. Private Lavigne was posted to “G” Company
of the 6th Reserve Battalion
Jun 12, 1917
Admitted to the Raven’s Croft
Military Hospital in Seaford with suspected Mumps. This diagnosis was later changed to read
Jun 14, 1917
Discharged to duty from
Jul 16, 1917
Awarded 14 days Field
Punishment #2 and forfeited 2 days pay for being absent
Aug 9, 1917
Sentenced to 10 days Field
Punishment #2 for being absent
Aug 22, 1917
Sentenced to 28 days detention
for being absent while serving his field punishment
Aug 25, 1917
Admitted to the Parkhurst
Detention Barracks, Isle of Wight, to serve his 28 day sentence

Sep 13, 1917
Released from detention 4 days
early and rejoined the 6th Reserve Battalion in Seaford
Nov 14, 1917
Transferred to the 21st
Battalion and arrived at the No. 2 CIBD (Canadian Infantry Base Depot) in
Etaples, France as part of a draft of 12 reinforcements from England and TOS
(Taken On Strength) the 21st Battalion
Nov 17, 1917
After leaving the base depot
Private Lavigne arrived at the CC Rein C (Canadian Corps Reinforcement Camp)
in Calonne Ricouart
Nov 24, 1917
After leaving the
reinforcement camp he joined the 21st Battalion in the front line
trenches east of Vimy Ridge and was assigned to “B” Company
Dec 1, 1917
Attached to the 182nd
Company, Royal Engineers for duty
Dec 21, 1917
Rejoined the 21st
Battalion from the engineers
Apr 29, 1918
During a trench raid by 19th
and 21st Battalions on the enemy lines at Neuville Vitasse,
Private Lavigne was wounded in his left leg and evacuated to the British 2/1
London Field Ambulance for first aid
Apr 30, 1918
Transferred to the No. 57 CCS
(Casualty Clearing Station) for treatment
May 7, 1918
After recovering from his leg
wound, Private Lavigne rejoined the 21st Battalion near Mercatel,
Aug 8, 1918
During the 21st
Battalion’s capture of the town of Marcelcave, France, Private Lavigne was
killed in action and buried in the Midway British Cemetery, south of Corbie,
France. In the spring of 1920, his
body was exhumed and reburied in the Villers Bretonneau Military Cemetery,
also near Corbie, France

Following the war the British
War Medal, Victory Medal and Memorial Cross were sent to his mother, Mrs.
Evangeline Lavigne, 508 Duluth St. E., Montreal, Quebec
The Plaque (Dead Man’s Penny)
and Scroll were sent to his father, J.B. Lavigne, at the same address