Dec 13, 1876
Born in Madoc
Township, Ontario to Donald and Adeline (nee Conley) Lemmon
Dec 24, 1901
Married to Hannah
Charlotte Potter in Eldorado, Hastings County, Ontario
Feb 18, 1916
Attested into the
155th Battalion CEF in Madoc, Ontario
Number 636650
Next of kin given
as Hannah Lemmon, wife, Madoc, Ontario
occupation given as Blacksmith
No previous
military experience given
Religion given as
The battalion trained in the Kingston, Ontario area
Oct 17, 1916
Embarked the SS
Northland in Halifax, Nova Scotia

Oct 28, 1916
Disembarked in
Liverpool, England and the battalion proceeded to Bramshott
Dec 5, 1916
Transferred to the
21st Battalion
Dec 6, 1916
Arrived at the CBD
(Canadian Base Depot) in the Rouelles Camp, Havre, France as part of a
draft of 147 reinforcements from England and TOS (Taken On Strength)
the 21st Battalion
Dec 8, 1916
After leaving the
base depot Private Lemmon joined the 21st
Battalion in billets in Bully Grenay
May 10, 1917
Overnight May 9/10
an enemy barrage took place northwest of Fresnoy, France. The battalion suffered 50
Other Ranks killed or wounded. Private
Lemmon was reported missing in action as he could not be located
Jun 20, 1917
After being
previously reported missing in action, Private Lemmon was officially
recorded as killed in action May 10, 1917.
Because his body was never recovered from the
battlefield, his name is honoured on the Canadian National Vimy
Memorial, Vimy Ridge, France for those men killed during WW1 and have
no known grave

the war the British War Medal, Victory Medal, Plaque (Dead
Man’s Penny), Scroll and Memorial Cross were sent to his
widow, Mrs. Hannah Lemmon, Madoc, Ontario
Murney Lemmon
shown with his family before departing for England

Murney Lemmon is honoured on 3 Ontario War

Campbellford, Ontario

Madoc, Ontario
