Jun 21, 1888
Born in Grand River, Quebec to
Albert and Elizabeth (nee Fortin) Levergneux
Nov 6, 1914
Attested into the 21st
Battalion in Kingston, Ontario
Ø Number 59259
Ø Next of kin given as Mrs. Victoria John, 94 Rand
St., Hull, Quebec
o There is a note to also notify Mrs. Seymour,
mother, 102 Garneau St., Hull, Quebec
Ø Previous occupation given as Labourer
o Later noted as Saw Mill Worker
Ø No previous military experience given
Ø Religion not stated
Ø Posted to “D” Company
o This was later reorganized into “B” Company
Note that he attested under the false
name of Jean Devarney
The 21st Battalion trained
in the Kingston, Ontario area through the winter of 1914-15.
May 6, 1915
Embarked the RMS Metagama in
Montreal, Quebec

May 15, 1915
Disembarked in Devonport,
England and the battalion proceeded to the West Sandling Camp, near Hythe,
Kent to continue training
Jul 14, 1915
He came forward and proclaimed
his true name to be Eugene Levergneux
Sep 14, 1915
Embarked the St. Seiriol in

Sep 15, 1915
Disembarked in Boulogne,
France and the battalion proceeded to St. Omer
Jan 7, 1916
Sentenced to 28 days Field Punishment
No. 1 for drunkenness and being in town without a pass
Jul 14, 1916
Attached to the 1st
Canadian Tunnelling Company for duty
Aug 17, 1916
Rejoined the battalion from
the tunnelling company
Sep 15, 1916
During the 21st
Battalion’s attack on the Sugar Factory south of Courcelette, France, Private
Levergneux received a shrapnel wound to his right leg that tore away a large
piece of muscle from his calf and fractured his Tibia. He was first evacuated to a nearby field
ambulance for first aid before being transported to a casualty clearing
station for further evaluation
Sep 18, 1916
Invalided to England aboard
the Hospital Ship Brighton

On arrival in England he was
admitted to the Bethnal Green Military Hospital, Cambridge Heath Road, London
where surgery was performed to remove shrapnel and repair muscle damage
Transferred to the CCAC
(Canadian Casualty Assembly Centre) for pay purposes while in hospital
Dec 29, 1916
Transferred to the Canadian
Convalescent Hospital in Bromley
Feb 6, 1917
Transferred to the Moore
Barracks Canadian Hospital in Shorncliffe
Mar 3, 1917
Transferred to the Manor House
Convalescent Hospital in Folkestone
Mar 10, 1917
Transferred to the EORD
(Eastern Ontario Regimental Depot) for pay purposes while in hospital
Mar 11, 1917
Transferred to the St.
Leonard’s Hospital in north London
Jun 11, 1917
Invalided to Canada aboard the
Hospital Ship Araguaya

Jun 22, 1917
Disembarked in Halifax, Nova
Scotia and proceeded to Quebec City, Quebec
Jul 6, 1917
Medical Board at Quebec City
Ø There is
considerable loss of muscle in right calf from shrapnel wound
Ø The fractured Tibia
is well healed but the muscle area is not completely healed
Ø There is limited
movement of right foot due to muscle loss
Ø His incapacity is
50%, but should decrease in 3 months, however there will be some permanent
Ø Treatment in a
convalescent home is recommended
Jul 10, 1917
Following his medical exam in
Quebec City, he proceeded to Kingston, Ontario where he was admitted to the
Queen’s Military Hospital
Jul 13, 1917
To be treated as an
Out-Patient of the Queen’s Military Hospital
Jul 30, 1917
Transferred to the Flemming
Convalescent Home in Ottawa, Ontario
Aug 4, 1917
To be treated as an
Out-Patient of the Flemming Convalescent Home in Ottawa
Oct 18, 1917
Medical Board in Ottawa notes
Ø Patient suffers
from weakness in right leg due to muscle loss from a shrapnel wound
Ø Pain extends to
right ankle and foot when walking
Ø Condition should
improve in 1 year
Ø Earning capacity is
reduced by one-fifth due to service
Ø Recommended for discharge
from military service
Dec 1, 1917
Discharged from hospital and
proceeded to Kingston, Ontario
Dec 3, 1917
Discharged from the CEF in
Kingston, Ontario
Ø Rank on discharge
Ø War Service Badge
Class “A” issued
Ø Proposed residence
on discharge given as 102 Garneau St., Hull, Quebec
Following the end of the war
the 1914-15 Star, British War Medal and Victory Medals were sent to him at
102 Garneau St., Hull, Quebec
In February of 1918 he married
Ernestine Robillard in Hull, Quebec
In November of 1977 Eugene
Levergneux died in Forestport, Oneida, New York, USA and was buried in the
Holy Name Cemetery, Tupper Lake, New York
