Feb 26, 1890
Born in Kingston,
Ontario to Walter an Catherine (nee Kent) Macnee
Jun 12, 1908
Shown on the
nominal roll of the 14th Regiment Princess of
Wales’ Own Rifles in Kingston with the rank of Provisional
Sep 9, 1908
Promoted to the
rank of Lieutenant
Apr 27, 1911
Transferred to the
9th Brigade, Canadian Field Artillery
Mar 14, 1914
Transferred to the
14th Regiment Princess of Wales’ Own
Rifles in Kingston
Nov 9, 1914
Attested into the
21st Battalion CEF in Kingston, Ontario
Rank Lieutenant
Next of kin given
as WH Macnee, father, 115 Union St., Kingston, Ontario
occupation given as Real Estate
Previous military
experience given as 14th Regiment Princess of
Wales’ Own Rifles and the 5th Battery
Canadian Field Artillery
Religion given as
Posted to
“A” Company
battalion trained in the Kingston area through the winter with
headquarters in the Kingston Armouries

Feb 3, 1915
Appointed to the
provisional rank of Captain
Mar 22, 1915
Captain’s Course followed by attending the Machine Gun Course
May 6, 1915
Embarked the RMS
Metagama in Montreal, Quebec
May 15, 1915
Disembarked in
Devonport, England and the battalion proceeded to the West Sandling
Camp, near Hythe, Kent to continue training
Aug 15, 1915
Attached to the 4th
Brigade Bombing Officer.
Sep 14, 1915
When the 21st
Battalion embarked for France, Lieutenant Macnee remained in England
and transferred to the 39th Reserve Battalion in
West Sandling before being transferred to the CTD (Canadian Training
Depot) in Shorncliffe and reverted to the rank of Lieutenant
Dec 12, 1915
Transferred to the
21st Battalion
Dec 15, 1915
Rejoined the 21st
Battalion resting in La Clytte, Belgium
Feb 28, 1916
Admitted to the
Officer’s Rest Station at Mount Noir, France with a diagnosis
that reads Influenza

Mar 12, 1916
Discharged to duty
and rejoined the 21st Battalion resting in La
Clytte, Belgium
May 13, 1916
Proceeded to
England and transferred to the Canadian Training Depot in Shorncliffe
Jun 3, 1916
Embarked the SS
Missanabie in Liverpool

Jun 11, 1916
Disembarked in
Montreal, Quebec and proceeded to Kingston, Ontario where he was Taken
On Strength Military District No. 3 Special Service Company to be
employed as a Bombing Instructor at the Barriefield Camp
Jun 30, 1917
Transferred to 3rd
Battalion, Canadian Garrison Regiment in Kingston
Jan 2, 1919
Married to Barbara
Gatehouse Quirk in Kingston, Ontario
Aug 16, 1919
Discharged from
the CEF in Kingston, Ontario
Rank on discharge
Entitled to War
Service Badge Class “A”
Proposed residence
on discharge OC Imperial Munitions Guard, Trenton, Ontario
his discharge, the 1914-15 Star, British War Medal and Victory Medals
were sent to him at the Board of Trade, King and Brock Streets,
Kingston, Ontario
Mar 20, 1920
To be Temporary
Captain with the Princess of Wales’ Own Regiment
Apr 1, 1921
Seconded to the 7th
Infantry Brigade as Orderly Officer
Mar 31, 1925
Returned to the 14th
Regiment for duty
Nov 1, 1925
Transferred to the
2nd Reserve Battalion
Jun 26, 1953
Walter Kent Macnee
died of heat prostration while visiting New York City, New York, USA
and was buried in the Cataraqui Cemetery, Kingston, Ontario
