George MacPherson



Jul 1887

Born at Winchester Ontario 

On Attestation in Nov 1914, his birth year is recorded as 1878, but his apparent age is stated to be 26 years 9 months.  Both the 1901 and 1911 Census record his birth year as 1887. 

Both of the Census records spell the name as McPherson.  His signature on Attestation is clearly spelled as MacPherson


Nov 4, 1914

Attested into the 21st Battalion at Kingston Ontario 

Ø      Number 955

o       The CWGC has his number listed as 995, as well as his grave marker below.  His file clearly shows his number as being 955.  I have contacted the CWGC to have this error corrected.

Ø      Next of kin given as Elizabeth MacPherson (mother) of Cornwall Ontario

o       His mother died December 21, 1914 and his next of kin was changed to read Barbara MacPherson (sister) of Cornwall Ontario

Ø      Previous occupation given as Grocery Clerk

Ø      Previous military experience given as 1 year in the 59th Regiment

Ø      Religion given as Presbyterian

Ø      Assigned to “E” Company, but later posted to the Transport Section


Feb 27, 1915

Deceased at the Military Hospital, Queen St, Kingston from Pneumonia 

The service file shows his date of death as being February 28, but a newspaper account of his death appeared on February 27, stating that he died at 2.30 am that date.


Woodlawn Cemetery
Cornwall Ontario

 (the number on this headstone is in error and application has been made to the Commonwealth War Graves Commission to have it changed to read 955)




For the 7 nights leading up to November 11, 2010, the names of all Canadian soldiers were projected onto the Belgian War Memorial in Ypres.  At the same time, the same names were being broadcast via the internet to schools across Belgium and Canada.  The image above shows the opening ceremonies at the Belgian War Memorial on November 4, 2010. 

Below on the left is the name of George MacPherson being projected on that wall.  Below right shows the name being broadcast to the schools.  Each name appeared for 25 seconds and each night 9,700 names were shown.

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