Jan 30, 1896
Born in Links
Mill, Ontario to John Henry and Mary Hester (nee Johnston) McCumber
Nov 6, 1917
examination performed under the MSA (Military Service Act) of 1917 at Napanee, Ontario. Classified as Category A2, meaning that he is fit
for duty after training and conditioning
Dec 3, 1917
Conscripted into
the 1st Depot Battalion, EOR (Eastern Ontario Regiment) at Kingston Ontario
under the MSA Act of 1917
Ø Number 4020063
Ø Next of kin given as John McCumber, father, Napanee, Ontario
Ø Previous occupation given as Blacksmith
Ø No previous military experience given
Ø Religion given as Methodist
Jan 22, 1918
Embarked the HMT
Scotian in St. John, New Brunswick as part of the EOR 2nd Draft

Even though
they embarked on the 22nd, the ship did not sail until January 27, 5 days
Feb 6, 1918
Disembarked in
Liverpool, England and the draft proceeded to Seaford.
On arrival in Seaford, the entire draft was absorbed into the 7th
Reserve Battalion for training
Feb 15, 1918
Transferred to
the 6th Reserve Battalion, Seaford
Aug 9, 1918
Transferred to
the 21st Battalion and arrived at the No. 2 CIBD (Canadian Infantry Base Depot)
in Etaples, France and TOS (Taken On Strength) the 21st Battalion
Aug 13, 1918
Left the CIBD to
join his battalion
Aug 15, 1918
Joined the rear
details of the 21st Battalion in Marcelcave, France as part of a draft of 48
reinforcements from England
Aug 27, 1918
Just 2 weeks
after joining the battalion, Private McCumber was killed in action when the battalion
advanced on the Sensee River, southeast of Vis-en-Artois.
He was buried in the Quebec British Cemetery in Cherisy, France

Following the
war the British War Medal, Victory Medal and Memorial Cross were sent to his mother, Mrs.
Mary McCumber, Napanee, Ontario
The Plaque
(Dead Man’s Penny) and Scroll were sent to his father, John McCumber, at the same