Nov 7, 1871
Born in Montreal, Quebec to Thomas and Ann (nee
Stormont) McKay
Sep 25, 1893
Married to Elizabeth Ann Brown in Ottawa, Ontario
William McKay served with the Ottawa, Ontario
Fire Department from 1896 to 1904. He
left the fire department after suffering a head injury in a fire when he
found employment with the EB Eddy Company in Hull, Quebec
Nov 6, 1914
Attested into the 21st Battalion in Kingston, Ontario
Ø Number 59727 (temporary number 791)
Ø Next of kin given as Mrs. W.M. McKay, wife, 55 Preston St.,
Ottawa, Ontario
Ø Previous occupation given as Plumber
o Later noted as Stationary Engineer also as Steam Fitter
Ø No previous military experience given
Ø Religion given as Presbyterian
Ø Posted to “G” Company
o This was later reorganized into “D” Company
The 21st Battalion trained in the Kingston, Ontario
area through the winter of 1914-15.
Mar 16, 1915
To receive extra duty pay as a Company Cook
May 6, 1915
Embarked the RMS Metagama in Montreal, Quebec

May 15, 1915
Disembarked in Devonport, England and the
battalion proceeded to the West Sandling Camp, near Hythe, Kent to continue
Sep 14, 1915
Embarked the St. Seiriol in Folkestone
Sep 15, 1915
Disembarked in Boulogne, France and the battalion
proceeded to St. Omer
May 22, 1916
Admitted to the 2nd Division Rest
Station with defective vision. He was
diagnosed with Presbyopia and prescribed glasses
May 26, 1916
Discharged to duty from the rest station
Dec 31, 1916
Granted 10 days leave
Jan 11, 1917
Rejoined the battalion from leave
Dec 8, 1917
Granted 14 days leave
Dec 25, 1917
Rejoined the battalion from leave
Feb 13, 1918
Medical classification changed to B3, meaning he
was only fit for non combat sedentary work as a clerk
William McKay had received a groin injury while
at the front that had been treated by the 21st Battalion’s Medical
Officer and had been doing light duty work with the battalion since. This issue became worse over time and it
was noted that he was advancing in age
Mar 17, 1918
Transferred to the Canadian Labour Pool
May 22, 1918
Attached to the No. 1 Canadian General Hospital
in Etaples, France for light duties
Jul 17, 1918
Transferred to the Canadian General Base Depot
from the No. 1 Canadian General Hospital as being unfit for hospital duty
Jul 29, 1918
Proceeded to England and transferred to the General Depot in
Sep 27, 1918
Attached to the CDD (Canadian Discharge Depot) in
Buxton pending return to Canada
Oct 21, 1918
Embarked the SS Aquitania in Southampton
Oct 28, 1918
Disembarked in Halifax, Nova Scotia and proceeded
to Kingston, Ontario where he was Taken On Strength Military District No. 3
Casualty Company
Oct 31, 1918
Granted leave until November 14, 1918
Nov 14, 1918
Medical report at Kingston notes
Ø Man suffers from an old groin
injury and advancing age
Ø Suffers groin pain on exertion
and it also causes disruption of his sleep
Ø Suffers from shortness of breath
when climbing stairs
Ø Sometimes feels weak for a day
or so at a time
Ø He states his eyesight is poor
but glasses help
Nov 25, 1918
Discharged from the CEF in Kingston, Ontario
Ø Rank on discharge Private
Ø Entitled to War Service Badge
Class “A”
Ø Proposed residence on
discharge 819 Somerset St., Ottawa, Ontario
Following the end of the war, the 1914-15 Star,
British War Medal and Victory Medals were sent to him at 819 Somerset St.,
Ottawa, Ontario
William McKay was employed as an engineer at the
Kingston, Ontario Penitentiary from 1919 until his retirement in 1936
Dec 22, 1948
William McKay died while a patient of the Ottawa
Civic Hospital Veterans Pavilion and was buried in the Beechwood Cemetery,
Ottawa, Ontario
