Feb 21, 1893
Born in Ireland
Nov 14, 1914
Attested into the 21st Battalion in
Kingston, Ontario
Ø Number 59734 (temporary number 250)
Ø Next of kin given as John McMacken, Prescott, Ontario
o There is also a note in the file to notify his sister, Francis
McMacken, Rodney, Ontario as well as William Sloan, Iroquois, Ontario
Ø Previous occupation given as Farmer
Ø No previous military experience given
Ø Religion given as Presbyterian
Ø Assigned to “B” Company
o This was later reorganized into “A” Company
The battalion carried out training in Kingston
Feb 12, 1915
Admitted to the Kingston hospital diagnosed with
Feb 20, 1915
Discharged to duty from hospital
May 6, 1915
Embarked the RMS Metagama in Montreal, Quebec

May 15, 1915
Disembarked in Devonport, England and the
battalion proceeded to the West Sandling Camp near Hythe, Kent, to continue training
Sep 14, 1915
Embarked the St. Seiriol in Folkestone

Sep 15, 1915
Disembarked in Boulogne, France and the
battalion proceeded to St. Omer
Nov 7, 1915
Admitted to the No. 5 CFA (Canadian Field
Ambulance) with a diagnosis that reads Enteritis, an inflammation of the intestines
Nov 11, 1915
Discharged to duty from the field ambulance
Sep 1, 1916
Sentenced to 14 days Field Punishment #1 for
being drunk and absent from Inspection Parade.
Sep 15, 1916
During the battalion’s advance on a German
strong point in a sugar refinery at Courcelette, Private McMacken received a shrapnel
wound to his left arm and was removed to the field ambulance for first aid. From there he was transferred to a CCS
(Casualty Clearing Station) for further treatment.
Sep 16, 1916
Transferred to the No. 9 Canadian General
Hospital, Rouen
Sep 18, 1916
Invalided to England aboard the Hospital Ship

On arrival in England he was admitted to the No.
2 Southern General Hospital, Bristol
Posted to the CCAC (Canadian Casualty Assembly
Centre) while in hospital
Sep 29, 1916
Surgery was performed to remove the shrapnel
ball from his arm.
Oct 4, 1916
Transferred to the Canadian Convalescent
Hospital, Bearwood Park, Wokingham
Jan 26, 1917
Transferred to the Monks Horton Canadian
Convalescent Hospital
Feb 1, 1917
Transferred to the
Canadian Military Hospital, Etchinghill, Lyminge and the diagnosis is changed to read VDS
(Venereal Disease Syphilis)
Mar 10, 1917
Posted to the EORD (Eastern Ontario Regimental
Depot) for pay purposes while in hospital care
May 22, 1917
Discharged to duty from hospital. His pay was reduced by 60 cents per day for the
111 days he was in hospital being treated for contracting Syphilis.
May 27, 1917
Posted to the CAMC (Canadian Army Medical Corps)
and assigned to the Canadian Military Hospital in Etchinghill for duty
Jan 22, 1918
Reassigned to the CAMC Depot in Shorncliffe
Feb 28, 1918
Posted to the Monks Horton Canadian Convalescent
Hospital for duty
May 31, 1918
Reassigned to the CAMC Depot but remained
attached to the Monks Horton Hospital
Jun 25, 1918
Reported to be AWL (Absent Without Leave) at 10
Jun 26, 1918
Reported for duty from being AWL at 11.30 PM. As punishment he forfeited 8 days pay and his pay
was reduced by 50 cents per day for 2 months
Jul 10, 1918
Returned to the CAMC Depot in Shorncliffe for
Sep 6, 1918
Granted permission to marry. On October 24, 1918, he changed his will to in
order to leave his estate to his wife, Mildred.
Oct 29, 1918
Posted to the CAMC in France
Oct 30, 1918
Disembarked in Havre, France and proceeded to
the CGBD (Canadian Garrison Base Depot)
Nov 24, 1918
Admitted to the #7 Canadian General Hospital,
Etaples, with a diagnosis that reads PUO (Pyrexia of Unknown Origin) which is a fever
without a known cause
Dec 3, 1918
Private McMacken died of Broncho Pneumonia in
the #7 Canadian General Hospital, Etaples, and was buried in the Etaples Military Cemetery

Following the war the 1914-15 Star, British War
Medal, Plaque (Dead Man’s Penny), Scroll and Memorial Cross were sent to his widow,
Mrs. Mildred K. Harris (she had remarried), 69 Ashley Ave., Cheriton, England

The medals and plaque were returned and
reshipped on more than one occasion. It is
unclear if this was a result of his widow moving several times after the war ended, or if
there were mistakes in the naming of the medals.