Sep 25, 1892
Born to Patrick
J and Mary A (nee Dempsey) McManus at Toronto Ontario
Jan 28, 1916
Attested into
“C” Battery, RCHA (Royal Canadian Horse Artillery) at Kingston Ontario
Ø Number 348739
Ø Next of kin given as Patrick McManus, father, of 74 Niagara St,
Toronto Ontario
Ø Previous occupation given as Soda Dispenser
Ø No previous military experience given
Ø Religion given as Roman Catholic
Mar 1, 1916
Transferred to
the 59th Battalion at Kingston Ontario
Apr 1, 1916
Embarked the RMS
Olympic at Halifax Nova Scotia

Apr 11, 1916
Disembarked at
Liverpool England and proceeded to the Bordon Camp
Apr 13, 1916
Awarded 10 days
CB (Confined to Barracks) for being drunk
Apr 14, 1916
Sentenced to 10
days detention for being “Drunk in Barracks”
Apr 17, 1916
Admitted to the
Connaught Military Hospital at Aldershott diagnosed with VDG (Venereal Disease Gonorrhea)
May 1, 1916
Discharged to
duty from hospital
His pay was
deducted 50¢ per day plus forfeiture of Allowances from April 24 until his
discharge from hospital
May 20, 1916
Admitted to the
Military Hospital at Shorncliffe diagnosed with complications from VDG
Jun 7, 1916
Declared to be AWL
(Absent Without Leave) from the hospital
Jun 15, 1916
While he was
AWL, he was discharged from the hospital
His pay was
deducted 50¢ per day plus forfeiture of Allowances from May 20 until his discharge
from hospital
Jun 20, 1916
Reported for
duty from being AWL
Jun 21, 1916
Sentenced to 10
days Field Punishment #2 for being AWL and loss of 14 days pay
Jul 6, 1916
Transferred to
the 39th Reserve Battalion at West Sandling
Aug 17, 1916
Transferred to
the 21st Battalion
Aug 18, 1916
Arrived at the
CBD (Canadian Base Depot) at the Rouelles Camp, Havre France and TOS (Taken On Strength)
the 21st Battalion
Aug 22, 1916
Admitted to No
39 General Hospital at Havre diagnosed with VDG
Nov 4, 1916
Discharged to
duty from hospital
His pay was
deducted 50¢ per day plus forfeiture of Allowances from August 23, until his
discharge from hospital
Nov 5, 1916
Assigned to
“A” Company for those recovering from wounds and illness at the CBD
Nov 10, 1916
Left the CBD and
joined the 2nd Entrenching Battalion at Hersin
Dec 12, 1916
Joined the 21st
Battalion for the first time. The
Battalion was in the front line trenches near Bully Grenay
Apr 9, 1917
Pte McManus was
killed during the advance on Vimy Ridge. He
was buried in a mass grave in what was then called Crater CB 1. This was later renamed as the Zivy Crater
Cemetery. Because this is a mass grave and
exact location of his remains is not known, the names of those buried there are recorded
on panels around the cemetery.

Zivy Crater Cemetery
Thelus France
Following the war,
the British War Medal, Victory Medal and the Memorial Cross were sent to his mother, Mrs P
McManus, at 216 Palmerston Ave, Toronto Ontario
The Plaque (Dead Man’s Penny) and Scroll were sent to his father at the same address